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And what is stopping you from using Direct Access DOS? It can be found here

You'll need 7-zip to extract the floppy images inside the 7z files. I didn't try to install though, too far past it's sell-by date for me (it was re-packaged in 2010, but the installer files are dated 1993 :o)

It would help if you could describe what specific features of Direct Access appeal the most to you, and what other alternatives you have tried.

As you say, there are many programs that try to solve the display of a menu of applications, so there are probably some features that you dislike, or you would have picked one of the existing offerings already.
F.e., have you tried LaunchBar Commander, as provided in the Software section of this site?

General Software Discussion / Re: Custom Screenshot/OCR software
« on: June 20, 2020, 08:56 AM »
That kind of software already exists, as is to be expected:

And there is of course Screenshot Captor that allows you to automate the process, but you'll need to add some OCR software (free or paid, it should support command-line conversion, but most do) to your system, and configure it in SC to run after taking a screenshot.

Output format(s) is heavily dependent on what the OCR software supports.

That first regex that I put in works on that phrase just fine.
I fully agree, but as the OP has trouble reading (or understanding?) replies to his questions, I sort of tried to blow him off his socks, as all previous replies probably were too 'easy' :huh:

I didn't include the space in the regex
Well, there has to be some separator between any content and the e-mail address, and that's most likely a space.

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