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N.A.N.Y. 2021 / Re: Welcome to NANY 2021
« on: August 29, 2020, 03:29 AM »
I dunno if it even counts as software - it's just javascript/NODE.JS lol
Well, independent of what anyone's opinion is of js code, it's still code, so it should be counted in.

The quality also isn't a measure of qualification ;D, it's about the effort and willingness to participate in NANY 8)

Screenshot Captor / Re: [SUGGESTION] Bendy Arrows
« on: August 28, 2020, 01:43 AM »
Great suggestion, I'd really like to have that in SC too  :Thmbsup:

N.A.N.Y. 2021 / Re: Welcome to NANY 2021
« on: August 27, 2020, 11:39 AM »
* Stephen66515 wonders if his CodyBot (Discord Bot for the DC sevrer) counts as a NANY  :huh: :huh:
If it's software that, in majority, you made, then I'd say yes :Thmbsup:

It is possible that the OP checked the option 'Hide tray icon completely', but as the rest of the caption says, that's not recommended, so this option should better be unchecked.

Screenshot - 26-08-2020 , 12_48_56.png

This option is on the 'Miscellaneous Tweaks' preferences page.

Screenshot Captor / Re: Folder name ss2020.08_Aug in Template?
« on: August 17, 2020, 04:47 AM »
The base folder for file saving can be set at the 'Saving and Loading files' page.
I think you can set the 'Auto Move Older Screenshots' option ('Saving and Loading files' page) in a pattern like yours, but the files would only be moved there after (at least) 1 day. The pattern would be something like:
I'm not sure if the \ could be part of that directory name, didn't try that, as I don't want to mess up my own archive.

On the 'File Naming' page you'd change the 'Default New File Name' to:
and the 'Custom Date Format' to:

And you really should change the 'Default Image File Format' to PNG (on the 'Image File Format' page), as that's way better suited for screenshots than JPG, as .png file compression is lossless while .jpg looses quality during the save. While that usually doesn't really matter for photos, it does matter for, relatively low-resolution, screenshots.

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