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Messages - Ath [ switch to compact view ]

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Win+P is a Windows predefined hotkey, at least from Windows 8 and later (you seem to be on Windows 7 though), you might want to avoid confusion or try another hotkey to see if that might work better

N.A.N.Y. 2018 / Re: NANY 2018 Release: BedPlanner
« on: January 09, 2018, 01:25 PM »
We have 9 altars here at our house, and I have to schedule any random number of priests to say Mass at them every day.  Sometimes we have only a few priests, sometimes we have 20 (at certain times of the year).
I'd like to think this over a bit, but I'm not very familiar with these type of planning/scheduling challenges, so I have a couple of questions about that:
  • At what times are these Masses planned?
  • All at the same time?
  • overlapping?
  • sequential?
  • Are the priests to say (max) 1 Mass per day?
  • or more when not enough priests are available?

BedPlanner takes into account some special attributes of people and beds/rooms, are there any special attributes available/needed in this context?

N.A.N.Y. 2018 / Re: NANY 2018 Release: BedPlanner
« on: January 09, 2018, 01:10 PM »
Well, if you where to plan a group of visitors into a chapel, to get the most efficient use of the seats, then, maybe, BedPlanner would be sort of usable for that. But planning priests to say Mass at any of available altars seems more appropriately planned by another type of scheduler/planner.
Searching for such type of planner/scheduler will most likely get you result, as this sounds like a rather common type of resource-distribution problem, like schools need for planning teachers in classes.

N.A.N.Y. 2018 / Re: NANY 2018 Release: BedPlanner
« on: January 09, 2018, 01:39 AM »
Why did you write this?
Well, several reasons (not limited to this list):
  • Requested by a colleague (see my description above)
  • The challenge to get the idea off the ground
  • Replace a quite laborious manual process
  • I like programming/problem solving :)

Living Room / Re: Whatsapp Desktop: can it do videocalls?
« on: January 07, 2018, 05:01 AM »
there currently is no video/calling capability in the Whatsapp desktop client.
And ditto for the web client.

Best alternative: Install Android in an emulator and run WhatsApp from there, as suggested in this 'Quora' post

As an alternative to WA, you could try Signal, it too has a web client, but I'm not sure if it supports their Video calls yet.

N.A.N.Y. 2018 / Re: NANY 2018 Release: Constant Info
« on: January 07, 2018, 04:38 AM »

DC Website Help and Extras / Re: Official New DC Members Pages Thread
« on: January 07, 2018, 04:37 AM »
It seems the best choice as it's the most popular/used. Adding another if this one doesn't suffice shouldn't be that much of an issue? As they aren't backward compatible in any way, why worry?

DC Website Help and Extras / Re: Official New DC Members Pages Thread
« on: January 06, 2018, 02:17 PM »
Ah, pfew, thanks. It was off-line since yesterday, and I expected you to be 'moving house' on the server, so I just kept quiet.
I'll move my pages over asap.

ps: did you install that table-plugin as discussed earlier?

DC Website Help and Extras / Re: Official New DC Members Pages Thread
« on: January 06, 2018, 10:10 AM »
And the old pages are gone where? (I never keep stuff in a cms locally backed up as I have no other location to restore it anyway :-[) Will/can they be temporarily made available on the domain?

N.A.N.Y. 2018 / Re: NANY 2018 Release: Constant Info
« on: January 05, 2018, 06:25 AM »
... I made bold just to be more in your face, especially ...
That will bring the 'attention value' in the same league as double confirmations (1st: 'do you want to delete this?' 2nd: 'are you really sure?'): they won't be noticed anymore, and only dismissed asap without reading/comprehending the message.

A useful feature would be a list of previous notifications (timestamped), easily accessible from the UI

N.A.N.Y. 2018 / Re: NANY 2018 Mug/T-Shirt Design Competition
« on: January 04, 2018, 01:28 PM »
My 2ct: I prefer the design with the all lowercase name, and the dash-shaped bullets, like tomos showed above in reply #39 (On a round mug the round bullets I'd expect to look weird) If they have to be round, then the smaller size bullets seems the best alternative to me.

Living Room / Re: Why doesn't DC make its own browser?
« on: January 03, 2018, 04:42 AM »
And there are how many of these type of distro's already? 100+? Just pick the one you like most ;D

N.A.N.Y. 2018 / Re: NANY 2018 Release: Proofy
« on: January 03, 2018, 04:37 AM »
Seems like Proofy needs a little "proo(f)reading" itself :-[

How comes the 'ranging in time...' counts until 12/26/2017, where you've already proofed 112,000+ words in 2018?, completed projects only? That's not what the total number of words suggests...

N.A.N.Y. 2018 / Re: NANY 2018 Release: Constant Info
« on: January 01, 2018, 04:19 AM »
The use of ALL CAPS titles and bold in message-boxes is somewhat disturbing/non-standard behavior, but it does have good potential.

DC Website Help and Extras / Re: Official New DC Members Pages Thread
« on: December 29, 2017, 06:58 AM »
It's not -- it looks like none of the table plugins are.
Aha, ok, we'll see how that goes.

DC Website Help and Extras / Re: Official New DC Members Pages Thread
« on: December 29, 2017, 06:08 AM »
I appreciate your willingness to slog through something new.  Change is always painful.
YW, when time permits, it's fun to try something new ;D

this is going to be a much better and long-term maintainable, and secure, solution for all dc member pages.
I fully support the decision to switch to something better, for all the reasons mentioned :Thmbsup: It is indeed the transmigration process that can be tough, especially if no mechanical conversion is available/possible.

I'll think about that private domain, I already have a domain, but it's not related to software development, and I'm not sure I need another one. :-[

Free table plugin that is highly regarded:

Does that look like it might suit your needs?
I saw that too when searching how to create a table in WP (wp is new to me...), and it looks very usable. Assuming it is 'backward compatible' with current tables on pages, it should be easy to adopt this ;)

DC Website Help and Extras / Re: Official New DC Members Pages Thread
« on: December 29, 2017, 05:18 AM »
Well, I've been playing with the new WP (WordPress) site for a couple of hours now (been too busy the past weeks...), and one thing that jumps out is that creating a Page in WP is a bit tedious when using tables. The table plugin ('snippet inserter' ? ) used is quite simple, creating larger tables means you're still handcrafting a lot of html. Most likely a better plugin will be available?

An additional note: Dc member sites can be set up to have their own custom domain names.
Current DCMembers server provides the subdomain url [userhandle], but the current setup (only) has[userhandle] Can that be configured in some way? Or will it 'cost' an extra domain name? I don't mind both, but having the subdomain configuration would be nice, keeping url's (and typing-memory) the same :-[

For the rest of it, well, it's 'different' from what I'm used to (Confluence, WebsiteBaker, Mediawiki, Sharepoint), but as said before, I'll get used to it.

Living Room / Re: mozilla asking for donation in new tab page
« on: December 29, 2017, 02:38 AM »
On that New Tab page is a cogwheel in the upper-right corner, and clicking that reveals the option to disable 'Snippets'. That should 'fix' it. Or at least not show those messages anymore.

Will any alternative designs be available this edition? The other thread wasn't conclusive, IMHO :-[

N.A.N.Y. 2018 / NANY 2018 Release: BedPlanner
« on: December 26, 2017, 08:48 AM »
NANY 2018 Entry Information

Application Name BedPlanner
Short Description Plan teams of people onto bunk-beds in several locations/rooms
Supported OSes Windows & Linux, running Oracle Java 8 or newer runtime
Web Page BedPlanner on Ath's DCMembers site
Download Link BedPlanner on Ath's DCMembers site
System Requirements
  • Java 8 or newer runtime
  • Windows & Linux, MacOS (untested)
Version History
  • 2017-12-26 Released for NANY 2018
Author Ath

Requested by a colleague, who is also a Red Cross volunteer and team-lead, to write an application for planning the ca. 700 Red Cross volunteers onto bunk-beds during the Four Days Marches yearly held in Nijmegen, NL, this year (2017) for the 101st time.

BedPlanner combines a list of people, some with specific requests, and a list of locations/rooms/beds so the people can get a good night sleep after a hard days work, medically supporting the walkers (blisters, muscle cramps, fatigue, etc.). This used to be done manually by one person, but it takes days to get everybody happy about their bed. This year it is all done 'mechanically' by BedPlanner, so only a computer to blame ;D
More elaborate description on the Web Page.

Planned Features
Depends on the Red Cross team, organizing the Four Days Marches.

No screenshots, as it is a command-line operated application.

Unzip the downloaded file into a subdirectory of its own, on upgrade: overwrite any previous files EXCEPT
Optionally unzip the downloaded test-data.
Ensure an installed Oracle Java 8 or newer runtime.

Using the Application
Read the included file (best use a MarkDown viewer)
Modify the configuration file as needed, setting the columns for input, etc.
Set up input files
Run the application, using the .cmd or .sh script (assuming Windows or a Linux shell), providing parameters as documented in the

Remove all files and directories.

Known Issues
It requires some time to grasp the input (and output) file formats, not for the faint of heart :o.

Living Room / Re: Why doesn't DC make its own browser?
« on: December 26, 2017, 06:18 AM »
could we not come up with a viable alternative to present browsers?
Please explain what would be a viable use-case for anyone to switch to that browser?
What unique features should it have to make it stand out from the crowd?
What's not good enough in the current browsers to even consider starting to develop a new branch?
How do you want to motivate and organize the devs here? (I won't be joining, as I and most other coders here have payed daytime jobs and a life)
And what should it be based on? even that will cause serious discussions, and all questions I've put here will start similar quests.

My vote: minus 100, plus all negative reasons posted above. (resulting in a minus 150 on my scoreboard so far)

Some advise: If you want to have a browser with your wishlist of features, find the closest and support its development the best way you can, submitting your time and feature-&change requests as you go.

Living Room / Re: Who uses a 3d printer?
« on: December 17, 2017, 04:24 AM »
Most of the fun in 3d is in designing objects, IMHO, not waiting for the printer to churn out the object.
I'd either use the 3d printer of a local hackerspace or computer group, or order online with one of the many 3d printing services. The last category will have several quality-levels in printing available, for very reasonable prices, and they will have to replace/repair the printer when it is worn out or broken... So basically just a simple cost-benefit strategy for me.
Only if you need the object 'right now' and/or prototype a lot, a self-owned 3d printer would make sense, but for those users the low-end of the price range wouldn't be sufficient, and you'll end up in the $1500+ range.

Well, that's just my 2 ct.

(Next up: back to brushing up my 3d design skills :tellme:)

I'm with mouser; a 27" monitor on 2560*1440 resolution is really close to perfect :up:
4k (3840*2160) should best be scaled to 200% on a 27" screen, but effectivly is equal to 1920*1080... Better would be a 30" 4k monitor @ 150%, but that's a different price-range

Living Room / Re: How can I blank out my laptop camera?
« on: December 10, 2017, 10:11 AM »
Then do as many women do: clean up your face and put on (some) make-up 8)

You might want to put up the same warning you have on the DCISV forum about it being the beta testing site... not that I'm about to write my life's story there (yet) ;D

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