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Living Room / Re: Windows 7 always slow after idle
« on: June 11, 2019, 01:16 PM »
What AV are you using?
Are all drivers up to date (preferrably WHQL revisions)?

Have you tried the Region Capture feature (Grab selected Region, <Shft-PrtScr> hotkey by default) ?, that magnifies a region around the cursor for exact capturing.

OT: It is so darn useful I often use it to measure (pixel) misalignment between controls in applications I work on :-[

Screenshot Captor / Re: Capture moves window to other monitor
« on: May 27, 2019, 01:27 AM »
I push printscreen and when I go to select the area, the crosshairs and the full-size image moves to the next monitor.
Is it possible that you have another program grabbing the PrtScr hotkey, pulling the focus to another monitor and thus messing up the SSC workflow?

Are you actually asking about a phone-screen, pc-screen or screens in general?

It would be a standalone app -- I wonder if someone would consider making such a coding snack..
Well, AFAICS that's already done quite alright in the fine SysInternals utility ZoomIt

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