Yes, in the big Results editbox. One path per line. Check the FARR helpfile for details on the syntax for alias lines. You can customize the visible text and add custom icons for example.
regex alias: when your typed search string matches the regex FARR shows *only* the results determined by that alias.
regular string alias: when your typed search matches the regular string FARR *includes* the results from that alias in the results but also includes any other files and folders that matches the typed string.
edit: sorry, that difference is dependent on the checkboxes under "what to do on exact alias match" in the "search behaviour" section of the options. I've had "stop search on regex alias match" there checked for so long that I had forgotten it was an option that could be changed :D
Both are useful, depends on what you want to do. If you want to memorize a short phrase like "cc" to open Chrome then a regex alias is best because it will instantly show that single result, or in my example with the command
dolaunch above, not even show it but directly open Chrome. Instead of showing Chrome.exe but also other files or folders that contains "cc", for example "abcc.txt".
Using RegEx alias with short phrases like that is a bit similar to setting up hotkeys in Windows itself or other tools to launch programs, for example creating a hotkey Alt+Windows+5 to launch Chrome. But an advantage with FARR short regex aliases is that they can be mnemonic, like "cc" where c is the first letter in Chrome. I at least find it harder to remember complex hotkeys than such short alias strings.
Btw, do you know how FARR is able to match reverse typed search term 'Apps Listed' to folder "Listed Good Apps"?
I don't know how mouser implemented it in the code under the hood, but if you type
apps listed FARR searches for files/folders that contain both
apps and
listed anywhere in the filename. The name for that is non-contiguous word search.
apologies for the many edits here, FARR has a lot of options to explore, as you see ;D