Find And Run Robot / Re: appcap and appcapresults not working for .ahk files
« on: September 28, 2022, 03:50 PM »
BTW @mouser it seems chaining setfocus after the appcapresults or fileresults commands doesn't work. For example neither of these
It would be useful to have focus at the first results list item in this case.
appcapresults "C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\AutoHotkey.exe" C:\folder\a.ahk ;;; setfocus mainpanel
fileresults C:\folder\a.txt ;;; sleep 1000 ;;; setfocus mainpanel
gets focus to the imported results list.fileresults C:\folder\a.txt ;;; sleep 1000 ;;; setfocus mainpanel
It would be useful to have focus at the first results list item in this case.