Coding Snack Guidelines / Re: IDEA: slim folder menus on taskbar (not in system tray)
« on: January 09, 2007, 11:56 AM »
Thanks for the feedback!
I wasn't aware of Free Launch Bar or True Launch Bar.
From the comparison table on http://www.freelaunchbar.com/ it seems that only True Launch Bar supports the feature I want: "Virtual Folders (This is menus that show the content of any folder from My Computer (Control Panel, Printers any file system folder etc.)".
I'll test True Launch Bar later this week. However, my first impression from browsing the site is that it's very complex compared to what I need. (It's smallest installation pack is 1.86 MB)
I did some more searching and found what looks like a more minimal app ShortPopUp, http://www.digitallis.co.uk/pc/ShortPopUp/ . I'll test that too and report back here afterwards.
I also found this resource on creating "Desk Bands", http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/shellcc/platform/shell/programmersguide/shell_adv/bands.asp . However, that guide is way over my head so I can't implement it myself.
I wasn't aware of Free Launch Bar or True Launch Bar.
From the comparison table on http://www.freelaunchbar.com/ it seems that only True Launch Bar supports the feature I want: "Virtual Folders (This is menus that show the content of any folder from My Computer (Control Panel, Printers any file system folder etc.)".
I'll test True Launch Bar later this week. However, my first impression from browsing the site is that it's very complex compared to what I need. (It's smallest installation pack is 1.86 MB)
I did some more searching and found what looks like a more minimal app ShortPopUp, http://www.digitallis.co.uk/pc/ShortPopUp/ . I'll test that too and report back here afterwards.
I also found this resource on creating "Desk Bands", http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/shellcc/platform/shell/programmersguide/shell_adv/bands.asp . However, that guide is way over my head so I can't implement it myself.