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Find And Run Robot / Re: Exclude all files
« on: September 30, 2023, 01:15 PM »
Glad you found the solution!

Find And Run Robot / Re: Exclude all files
« on: September 30, 2023, 04:25 AM »
In regular search you can add +\ to the search string to only show results that are folders.

But maybe you asked about options inside the "search directory" window? I don't think there's an option to show only folders there.

But you can create a search alias that both uses +\ to only show results that are folders and uses a modifier keyword (created in a "search directory") to narrow the results further, for example only show results under the parent folder C:\abc

Find And Run Robot / Re: Add alias to the context menu
« on: August 14, 2023, 04:41 AM »
Yes FindAndRunRobot is still a great piece of software - thank you mouser!  :)

Not a built in solution but this AutoHotkey script lets you set a hotkey and should work at least when the result is just a filepath. To also handle results with more complex syntax more code steps would be needed.

#Requires AutoHotkey v2
;press ctrl+q to QuickLook on first or selected FARR result
#HotIf WinActive("ahk_exe FindAndRunRobot.exe")
    ;if searchbox is active navigate to first result
    if "TNextGrid1" != ControlGetClassNN(ControlGetFocus("A"))
    if "TNextGrid1" != ControlGetClassNN(ControlGetFocus("A"))
    ;ctrl+C puts focused FARR result's path on clipboard
    A_Clipboard := ""
    if A_Clipboard && FileExist(A_Clipboard)
        Run('"C:\Users\ertwr\AppData\Local\Programs\QuickLook\QuickLook.exe" "' A_Clipboard '"')

Find And Run Robot / Re: Error after closing and when opening
« on: February 05, 2023, 10:01 AM »
For some reason, it was trying to create paths through OneDrive, which I don't use, but I have it completely uninstalled from the PC. It is strange.
Not sure what the cause of that is, but sounds similar to this 2019 issue where FARR gave similar error message due to a network path,

Find And Run Robot / Re: Error after closing and when opening
« on: February 03, 2023, 02:34 AM »
Did you upgrade to Windows 11 through windows update in Windows 10 or did you install Windows 11 fresh from an ISO image?
I'm just asking so there's more information when mouser looks into this issue. I myself am on Windows 10 so can't reproduce it.

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