Messages - Nod5 [ switch to compact view ]

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Good request, would be neat to have. Thinking out loud, without yet knowing the answer: I wonder if these could be used to toggle auto-hide on/off per monitor. Will investigate that further when I have more time.

I tried this AHK script but edited to specify the APPBARDATA structure's second member hWnd to target the taskbar on one of my two monitors (class: Shell_TrayWnd , Shell_SecondaryTrayWnd). But the change still applied to both taskbars. So no success thus far.

Perhaps Display Fusion creates its own individual taskbars that minimic the look and functionality of the native Windows 10 taskbar?

Is there some way to view a folders contents the same way, but with an alias to a path.
Here are three slightly different ways. In each start with
alias name: my_docs
alias regex: ^(my_docs|my_doc|my_do|my_d)$         (Not required, but faster. Modify as you want it.)

and then choose one of these
alias result: dosearch C:\users\someone\
alias result: restartsearch C:\users\someone\
alias result: dolaunch restartsearch C:\users\someone\

How they differ:
dosearch: Immediately list folder contents in FARR results.
restartsearch: Show result "restartsearch C:\users\someone" and wait for (Enter) to list folder contents.
dolaunch restartsearch: Immediately list folder contents in FARR results and show folder path in FARR search box.


I should also mention that if you're looking to paste a lot of different multiline strings then Lintalist is a good standalone tool. The landing page is a bit daunting but it is easy to use once you get going. There's a DC post for it here.

Is there an alias that works just like paste %WHATEVER% ... except it takes the contents of %WHATEVER% from a filepath on your local machine?
Not currently I think. FARR does have the built in alias command fileresults which reads the contents of a text file. But I don't recall any FARR method to use what it reads as a variable for a subsequent paste command.

We could ask mouser to add such a variable to FARR though. (It could then be named %lastfileresults%, similar to how the alias command appcap stores its return value in %lastappcap%)

In the meantime you can use an external helper script for this. Here is a simple AutoHotkey example
Code: Autohotkey [Select]
  1. ; read string from textfile and paste in active window
  2. FileRead, String, C:\file.txt
  3. Clipboard := String
  4. Send ^v

Save the script as ReadPaste.ahk and use an alias result line like this
read string from .txt and paste in active window | C:\folder\ReadPaste.ahk

A more advanced version could pass a regex pattern from the FARR alias as parameter to the script, for example to select another text file to read and paste from.

Also briefly tested the txt-as-md plugin on a test vault.
That's interesting. I see in that there is discussion about two possible features.
1. Have Obsidian read .txt (and other plaintext) files as if markdown (apply markdown styling, and so on)
2. Have Obsidian read .txt as plain plaintext (no markdown styling)

The plugin does 1 AFAICT. But if this gets wings perhaps both 1 and 2 will get implemented, and maybe also a further feature
3. Have Obsidian read files with extension .NNN as some other, perhaps user customized plaintext format that differs from markdown. For example, AsciiDoc.
That is, users would in a config file tell Obsidian to treat filetypes {.md, .txt} as MarkDown, {.asciidoc, .adoc, .asc} as AsciiDoc, and so on.

Obsidian would expand to be a more general system-of-plaintext-notes editor/viewer. Compare to how VS Code is an editor/viewer for code in different programming languages. That ties in with our previous discussions here for/against the markdown format(s) and alternatives to it.

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