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If a static page is enough then perhaps

If you work plainly with text, which is fine for capturing your thoughts- this looks pretty amazing.  However I find myself thinking how do I get other things in it?
Underlying question: what different ways can something be "in" the system? What way is most useful for what content?

Most of what you listed can already be "in" a plaintext note in the minimal sense of adding a reference/link to it.

But I assume you want more than that. For example, the full plaintext content of a PDF file added as a note on par with the other markdown notes? So that that content becomes searchable and linkable at some more fine grained resolution (chapters/paragraphs/sentences/words). Or a way to embed an audio file, shown as a playback control with pause play and a slider at a specific position in the notes? Or some other way?

We can think of internal and external links. Internal links are resolved inside the software. For example a link in a MD file that links to a section in another MD file. External links point to everything else, items in the local filesystem, or LAN or Internet.

brainstorm: plaintext note content hierarchy via indentation

I more and more like the idea of hierarchical notes via pythonic indentation
  with 2 spaces instead of 4, for compactness
  minimal yet very readable in code editor set to show whitespace and fixed width font
  problem: markdown and asciidoc use space/tab indentation for other things
    markdown treats 4 indentation spaces as a code block
    markdown collapses e.g. 3 or 14 spaces to no indentation

Any ideas/workarounds on using such compact pythonic indentation effectively in markdown based notes apps/systems?

Comparison examples

1. pythonic indentation (2 spaces)
Note: markdown collapses these indents and shows all on one line if not two suffix spaces.


2. Markdown nested list

- Sun
    - big
    - hot
    - bright

3. Markdown nested list alternating bullet characters (more compact, but still extra characters)

- Sun
  + big
  + hot
  + bright

Examples screenshot from VS Code with raw and preview tabs
vscode markdown example.png

Wishes unlikely to come true
I wish markdown by default rendered indentation as indentation! For code blocks there is already the three fence ``` prefix/suffix.

I even wish that minus - and plus + at line start (with/without indentation) defaulted to not be interpreted as bullet point list formatting. They should function as list formatting characters only when preceded by a line prefixed with some other character that would start a list. For example a dot . character.

This new email service Hey overview got me thinking about workflows.

Hey's new features include a reply later stack, paper trail filter, editable email subjects, custom threading, custom notifications, attachments browsing/filtering, clips views, annotation/sticky notes on emails, anti spy pixel and more. I want much of that. My overall reaction: Traditional (gmail ...) email workflows sure are restricted and there is lots to improve!

Now, good workflows are crucial also for single person note taking systems (Obsidian, Roam, ...). So we should really compare them in three ways:

1. single note editing/viewing (markdown features, linking syntax, highlighting, autosuggest, shortcuts, plaintext/preview ... )

2. notes as interacting set (auto backlinking, global search/replace, transclusion, "whole book view", code project style side panes, ...)

3. workflows for daily use (timestamps, global history, global todo, work planning, todos, calendar, kanban style planning, github style issues, separate changelog/history files, spaced repetition helpers, quickly picking up work from the day before, scheduled cleanup sessions, ...)

One big question: what workflow tools and structures do we want inside the note system app and what do we want in separate apps or merely in the user's head?

[re: zettelkasten data structure graphic]
Step 1 is going to the inbox
Step 2 is thinking about where it should be once it's in the inbox
I can't get from step 1 to step 2 in most cases.  If I just do it without thinking about it, I get little idiosyncracies in how they're categorized.  So my notes never get from the inbox to the archive referenced.  It's a failing on my part, but I haven't found anything that really helps with that without it seeming like 'too much'.

A workflow issue! Inbox overflow is a super big risk here, just like with email. What note system features do we need to best handle that?

Both these command line tools can do it I think but require some work figuring out the syntax and preparing file lists and search replace lists
- The GNU tool SED has a windows version with binaries on chocolatey.
- the command replace in Swiss File Knife

Having a GUI tool for this would be very useful though. With some easy way to manage (1) lists of search/replace string pairs, (2) file lists, (3) jobs that apply some 1 on some 2.

Best to go easy and test run some first before doing real batch edits to files. Or as Spiderman might say "with grep power comes great regexponsibility".  :P

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