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Find And Run Robot / Re: slenderFARR - a new skin for FARR
« on: January 12, 2008, 10:07 AM »
Robert, great!  :Thmbsup: I guess the other obstacles on the "road to minimality" are things only mouser can do something about.

Find And Run Robot / Re: slenderFARR - a new skin for FARR
« on: January 11, 2008, 03:19 PM »
This skin is really slick.

One idea to make it even more minimal: add an option to make the "help" and "options" icons normally invisible but visible when the mouse pointer is held over them.

It could be even more minimal if there is some way to make the horizontal dividing lines between the input box and the match list and between the match list and status bar invisible. And remove the black border for the FARR window.

It would be really cool if it was possible to through the above and through transparency minimize the GUI so that it on launch only displays a blinking caret somewhere on the screen, waiting for input!  8) BTW, is there some way to make the caret itself more bold? I have set "Arial bold 14" for the input box and the caret looks a bit to thin in comparison to the typed characters.

I have set "settings > interface > extra results hotkey" for CTRL + # (where # is a digit) to "launch and stay open". Likewise CTRL + left click launches a the clicked match and keeps FARR open. I want the same functionality for CTRL + enter/return. I use enter/return all the time to launch the first match. Every now and then I want to launch that first match, or use the navkeys to move down the list of matches, and keep FARR open without using the digit keys. I prefer CTRL + enter since my hands always find those keys without looking. Not so for the digit keys. Maybe others with similarly wired hands will appreciate this feature too. ;D

If this is already possible please help he set that up. :tellme: Otherwise, consider this a feature request.

Coding Snacks / Re: Play wave file through secondary sound card?
« on: January 08, 2008, 04:15 PM »
Hi trw,
I don't have time to write it myself right now but here's a sketch for what I think would accomplish what you're after:
An autohotkey script that (1) changes the external USB device to default, (2) runs your qwave command, (3) changes the default device back to whatever it was. Autohotkey scripts for changing default device are available in this thread "Audio output device manager" https://www.donation...dex.php?topic=8218.0 . Maybe you see how to put steps (1)-(3) together based on that info?

Nice find indeed!

Since the Sysinternals apps are covered by I've so far just clicked the download link for any Sysinternal update, then select "open" (not save), wait for winrar, 7-zip etc to open and then extract all files to the relevant program folder. It all takes less than 20 seconds. But I'll give this auto-updater a go.

Hey I just got a related idea: maybe someone should make a "helper script" for the filehippo update checker. The script would monitor a specific folder (c:\uc for example) for updates and silently installs them when found. So users just save all updates (.exe, .zip ...) through update checker to that folder and the script does the rest. The script would need some (regularly updated) list of command line switches for the installer files.

re: CD-r destruction. The microwave solution sounds risky to say the least. Which non-micro mode of CD destruction do you think is best? I wrap the disc in a newspaper, hold it inside a plastic bag and then bend the wrapped disc until it breaks twice. The bag prevents small shards of the disc from falling on the floor. This works but would be tiresome if I needed to destroy many discs since some are tough to break. I wonder if there is some handy tool (some wrench perhaps) that does a better job at CD destruction (with less strain and more rapidly). Any ideas?

General Software Discussion / Re: How many of you use encryption?
« on: December 27, 2007, 06:15 AM »
If you do full-disk encryption on linux, make sure to use encrypted swap too... having /boot unencrypted (as it needs to) isn't a security issue. I've used root-encrypted linux with slackware and loop-AES for several years, works like a charm.
Very late reply: I had to re-checked the step by step guide and it seems that only the 100MB boot partition is unencrypted. Everything else, including swap, is encrypted.
Armando #24: great if they add support for keyfiles. Most practical would be if you could have two ways to unlock the encrypted installation once you have created it: either through a keyfile (for everyday use) or through a strong password (in case the flash drive with the keyfile is lost).

edit: when I now read the links Armando supplied I saw that my wish above already is on the todo list since this is listed under use cases: "Pitti normally uses a keyfile on an USB stick for booting his laptop and only uses the very long and complicated passphrase as a fallback. When booting, he is asked to insert the USB key or enter the passphrase."

General Software Discussion / Re: How many of you use encryption?
« on: December 24, 2007, 03:28 AM »
I have also tested Truecrypt for some time. Great application!

During the last couple of weeks I have tried whole disk encryption (WDE) on my Ubuntu laptop. I carry it around all the time and have work related documents on it so WDE  seemed like the best thing to aim for. On the truecrypt forum (temporarily down at the moment it seems) there was a thread on a built in WDE option in Ubuntu (on the alternative install CD). Or almost WDE since there is a small unencrypted boot-partition. From reading that truecrypt thread I got the impression that it is still very secure given a proper password. So far my testinstallation has worked flawlessly. I enter the password at startup - that's all. Here is a step by step guide that was linked to from that truecrypt forum thread: http://users.piuha.n...tu/en/cryptolvm.html

General Software Discussion / Re: Idea: File note
« on: December 11, 2007, 03:26 PM »
the system with .notes and .txt files for different purposes is a smart idea! When I have more time I'll try to mimic something like that in filenoter, by optionally letting it have a couple of different tags (and a couple of different corresponding context menu entries, again completely optional).

Post New Requests Here / Re: IDEA: URL extractor
« on: December 10, 2007, 07:04 PM »
I use the save command in for that. Enter save _____ where ____ is your URL and yubnub returns a link that your can right click, choose save as and download the file. It's quick and you need not install any application. (edit: the last part of the previous sentence was missing in the original post)

If you use FARR, you can do it through "yn save _____"

General Software Discussion / Re: Idea: File note
« on: December 10, 2007, 11:44 AM »
Tested per your request and everything works as planned.


Thanks for the links. I already use FoxitReader and completely agree with you on the bloatedness of Adobe Reader. I will check out the defrag app.

Glad to be of help. All is well in Sweden too, though we haven't had any snow yet around here which is disappointing. Hopefully that will change soon. See you around in the donationcoder forum!

General Software Discussion / Re: Idea: File note
« on: December 09, 2007, 05:47 AM »
Great that it's working.  :)
As you can see there are entries for both 32 bit and 64 bit systems.

Ok, when I google that I see that that is probably how Win XP 64bit always deals with compatible 32bit applications and the registry. So no problem I hope.

Yes, running filenoter.exe directly toggles the registry entries on/off and thus toggles the context menu entry. Just to be sure that things are working as they should, can you test it and say if all of the registry entries you listed are toggled on/off (created/removed) as they should, even the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Wow6432Node\... ones?
The append feature appends the txt extension each time it's applied so if I use filenoter on myphoto.jpg.txt it adds another txt extension to make it myphoto.jpg.txt.txt, which might just be handy as a clue that some sort of action was applied to that file more than once.
Well it rather creates a new file "myphoto.jpg.txt.txt", right? The original "myphoto.jpg.txt" is still there. And I'm afraid that any notes you entered in "myphoto.jpg.txt" aren't carried over to ""myphoto.jpg.txt.txt" and so on. So it would often be more practical to create "myphoto.jpg.txt" and then later just double click that to open and edit it. I can see the use of creating a track record by adding new files each time so to say, though I must humbly admit that I didn't make that possibility intentionally.

It's interesting that you use textfiles in this way because I've myself done the same thing for some time, specifically by keeping reading notes related to .pdf files in .txt files with similar names. I've never used a script for it exactly like this before though. For my notes, I've so far used a special ending tag. So for example "aaa.pdf" could have notes in "aaa.pdf--NOTE.txt". Using a special tag makes it easy to later do searches on all and only the note files by including the tag in the search phrase. I've now added that as an optional feature for filenoter.exe . The latest version (attached in, MD5 72926293ddeb8a350f59423ee6ddf0d8) creates a .ini file the first time it is run through the context menu entry. Open that .ini and add a tag value if you want filenoter.exe to use such a tag. Though keep in mind that filenoter.exe won't recognize the old note files (without tags) after that. If you don't want it, use the old version (or use the new and ignore the .ini file since there's no other difference between the versions).

Yeah, I intend to test Win XP 64bit some day, I just haven't had time to yet. But some day...

General Software Discussion / Re: Idea: File note
« on: December 08, 2007, 04:05 PM »
Hi again Cuffy,
Yes, I was too quick putting in the "C:\program" path, which is the standard path here in Sweden. "C:\program files" is standard in english versions of Windows. But "C:\program" sounds so international, that's why I keep forgetting that it is not. Sorry about that. Run filenote_remove.reg to remove the registry entry with the "C:\program" path.

Let me know if filenoter.exe works as it should for you.

On appending the extension: Yes, for "aaa.doc" FileNoter creates "aaa.doc.txt", not "aaa.txt". Two reasons for that: it was simpler to code and it avoids problems when several files have the same name but different extensions. Example: If I have "aaa.doc" & "aaa.pdf", which one would "aaa.txt" be a filenote for?

That said, I can change filenoter to make "aaa.txt" instead of "aaa.doc.txt" if you prefer that - just say so. But then the .doc and .pdf in the example will have to share one .txt filenote.

Finally, I really hope that I will also be busy installing operating systems (or whatever we use in the future) when I'm 74 years old. :Thmbsup:

General Software Discussion / Re: Idea: File note
« on: December 07, 2007, 06:56 PM »
Hi Cuffy,
I agree with AndyM. What you request (if I understand it correctly that is) can be done through a script plus a .reg file.

The solution below is tested and working for me. You can make it yourself in these steps:

1. create the folder C:\program\FileNote (some other folder name/path is ok if and only if you change the path in the .reg and .ahk files below accordingly)
2. open notepad, copy and paste the code below into it, save as filenote.ahk
#SingleInstance ignore
IfNotExist, %1%
IfExist, %1%.txt
 run, notepad "%1%.txt"
 FileAppend,, %1%.txt
 run, notepad "%1%.txt"
sleep 3000
3. install autohotkey (, run Ahk2Exe.exe in the folder C:\Program\AutoHotkey\Compiler. In it, navigate to filenote.ahk and compile it into filenote.exe.
4. put filenote.exe in folder C:\program\FileNote
5. open notepad, copy and paste the code below into it, save as filenote.reg
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


@="C:\\Program\\FileNote\\FileNote.exe \"%L\""

6. doubleclick filenote.reg to import it to the registry, creating the context menu FileNote entry

to later remove it, do these steps:
R1. delete folder C:\program\FileNote and its files
R2. open notepad, copy and paste the code below into it, save as filenote_remove.reg
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


@="C:\\Program\\FileNote\\FileNote.exe \"%L\""
R3. doubleclick filenote_remove.reg to remove the FileNote context menu entry from the registry

For convenience, I have attached filenote.reg , filenote_remove.reg , filenote.ahk and a compiled filenote.exe (MD5 7e0a8ca8bb7519a00f5596630969f1fd ) in .

If you use filenote.exe and filenote.reg from the .zip, you only need to do steps 1,4 & 6.

note: if you select multiple files and then trigger the FileNote context menu entry, FileNote.exe still only opens a .txt file for the specific file you right clicked. However, if you select very many files (perhaps accidentally select all files in a folder) and then choose FileNote in the context menu, then the FileNote.exe program might freeze and .txt files might be created and opened for more than one file. I don't know how to solve that problem completely without having FileNote.exe running permanently.

edit: I should also add that I only use Win XP 32bit myself and so can't testdrive it in a 64bit OS. So tell me if it works as it should.

edit2: on second thought it's simpler to do all of this in autohotkey. Also on second thought, since MoonSoft and the original freeware program still exists ( ) it is more sensible to name this script something slightly different. So here's "FileNoter". Again, only tested in Win XP 32bit.

Create it yourself:
B1. open notepad, copy and paste the code below into it, save as filenoter.ahk
;-- filenoter by Nod5
;-- search forum for more info
#SingleInstance ignore
if 1 != context_initiated_filenoter
 goto do_reg

IfNotExist, %2%
IfExist, %2%.txt
 run, notepad "%2%.txt"
 FileAppend,, %2%.txt
 run, notepad "%2%.txt"
sleep 3000

RegRead, xreg, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE\Classes\*\shell\FileNoter
if ErrorLevel = 1 ;-- no such registry entry found, so create it
RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE\Classes\*\shell\FileNoter,,FileNoter
RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE\Classes\*\shell\FileNoter\command,,%A_ScriptFullPath% "context_initiated_filenoter" "`%L"
msgbox, FileNoter context menu entry created`nusing path %A_ScriptFullPath%
else if xreg = FileNoter
RegDelete, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE\Classes\*\shell\FileNoter
msgbox, FileNoter context menu entry removed
B2. install autohotkey (, run Ahk2Exe.exe in the folder C:\Program\AutoHotkey\Compiler. In Ahk2Exe, navigate to filenoter.ahk and compile it into filenoter.exe .
B3. doubleclick filenoter.exe to automatically add/remove the context menu entry. (This puts the current path to filenoter.exe in the registry so repeat B3 if you move filenoter.exe ).

Alternatively, use filenoter.exe (MD5 be2f73f8c60237c6bbe72ae3b1e78216 ) in the attached and only do step B3.

General Software Discussion / Re: I found a jewel of a program: XMplay
« on: December 01, 2007, 03:25 PM »
I have posted two autohotkey scripts that lets xmplay display images related to the playing track that someone reading this thread might be interested in.

xmplay cover image script - http://www.un4seen.c...21.msg53421#msg53421
screencast: http://img146.images...e=xmplaycovernn3.swf
script that automatically checks if the folder for the current track has changed and if so, looks for a "folder.jpg" image file and if found, then displays it.
- the cover shows for two seconds on top of the XMPLAY-INFO window (same size, same position), if that window exists.
- clicking middle mouse button on the XMPLAY-MAIN when the XMPLAY-INFO window exists shows the cover longer than 2 seconds. A second middle mouse click hides the cover again.

xmplay_gimage - http://www.un4seen.c...21.msg53566#msg53566
screencast: http://img142.images...aygimageddemldt4.swf
xmplay_gimage uses the current track's metadata (track title, artist, album title) to do a google image search via the google image ripper ( ) and then displays the matching images in a slideshow on top of the INFO window. Clicking middle mouse button on the XMPLAY-MAIN turns the slideshow on/off.

Ok Justice, now I read your text more closely and this time actually understood how this works (I hope)... I was fooled by the phrase "using text files to expose information to FARR ". The fact that they're textfiles isn't really important here, right? The important thing is rather that they're files. With names that FARR finds the regular way. :) So the technique wouldn't work for the scenario I sketched then, with thousands of files. But it is cool anyway. I'd like to test making a todo list handler with this when I have time (I'll put it on my todo list ;D).

The find command prompt command would work. And I could create an autohotkey frontend for that or maybe trigger it through FARR somehow. But I'd still really love to find a way to search both regular files and these file lists at the same time. So I'm hoping for the type of plugin mouser hints at here.

This looks very interesting Justice.  :Thmbsup: I wonder if it can solve a challenge I've been thinking on how to deal with for some time. Can I somehow use your technique to let FARR at the same time do both its regular searches over file names AND search in some text files that contain lists of file and directory names?

Specifically, I have started to archive some documents related to finished projects in one large zip archive per project. It is several thousands files, most pretty small, some themselves compressed archives. Putting all such files in one big archive speeds up system wide anti-virus scans a lot. I scan the files once and then calculate a MD5 hash for the compressed archive. As long as the hash is identical I thereafter have no need for scanning it again. Now, Kaspersky anti-virus (and many other anti-virus application I suspect) spiders through regular zip archives, so to avoid that I do a password restricted archive and then place that in an extra archive. (I use no compression on the archives so unpacking twice doesn't take much time and I don't need to access the archived files very often.) Now to the problem: the downside to this archiving solution is that the files become harder to search. So far, I've tried to solve that through a disc cataloging software. But ideally I'd like to be able to use FARR or some similar tool for these searches. If I for each such archive generate a .txt that lists all its directories and files, could your technique be used to include the contents from such .txt files in general FARR searches? I could easily make a script that generates such archive file lists in some format and then copy all such file list files into a specific directory if that makes the next step easier to implement in FARR.

Tourl version 071129     edit: latest version is 080217, see Reply #8 below
Tourl is a small tool that let's you quickly save URLs to individual .url files with tagging and file name customizing easily done through intuitive hotkeys or mouseclicks.
Tourl is free for non-commercial use (but donations are welcome). For commercial use please contact me, Nod5.
Tourl is the first "real" program I have made. All feedback will be greatly appreciated. :-*
How to download:
The .zip file attached to this post contains the compiled tourl.exe (md5 = 952a3502c62e41c9075c59d2b69a25c6) and the source code tourl.ahk (md5 =  475d760aeffa524859e6d32bd855fd8b)

How Tourl works:
- Call tourl through a hotkey (CTRL+SHIFT+A) and a small GUI pops up if a browser is active (supports Firefox, Maxthon1/2, iexplorer6/7 so far)
- Tourl grabs the window title and URL from the active browser window
- Tourls puts "windowtitle YYMMDD" as default in its editbox
- Tourl lists various tags (as text buttons) in the GUI:
 - date/time (YYMMDD, YYMMDD-HHMMSS)
 - url-derivates (site,, site.com_blog_post1_comment1)
 - page title
 - up to 9 special user specified tags (3 to 4 letters long, tags in CAPS are changed to lowercase in the filename, except for tag number 9)
- 3 user specified text buttons at the bottom right for saving a .url (named after the string in the editbox) to different user specified directories
- a screencast showing Tourl in use is available here:

Mouse control:
- Right/left clicking on a tag adds it as suffix/prefix to the text in the editbox
- Right/left clicking on an empty area clears the entire suffix/prefix
- Middle clicking anywhere toggles the editbox contents between "windowtitle YYMMDD", "windowtitle", "" (empty)

Hotkey control:
 Tourl has hotkeys on the left part of the keyboard that the hand will find without looking and by moving only fingers, not hand position.
- CTRL+SHIFT+A: open/close tourl  (The rest of the hotkeys only work when tourl is active)
- CTRL+A S D F: add tag1 2 3 4 as prefix
- CTRL+A has special features: when tapped multiple times rapidly (<500ms) it toggles over tag1 - 9
- CTRL+CAPSLOCK: add YYMMDD as prefix
- CTRL+Z or <: add tag9 as suffix
- CTRL+Q: toggles the editbox contents between "windowtitle YYMMDD", "windowtitle", (empty)
- ENTER: saves the URL with the current editbox string as .url file name in the default target directory (target3, underlined in the GUI)

Additional features:
- avoids duplicate tags. An already added tag is removed/moved on second attempt to add it
 example1: adding prefix "tag1" to the current "tag1 _________" results in "_________" (= tag1 is removed)
 example2: adding suffix "tag1" to the current "tag1 _________" results in "_________ tag1" (= tag1 is moved to the suffix)
- automatically creates tourl.ini file. Edit its 9 tags and 3 directory names/paths to fit your needs.
- lists the number of characters in the editbox string in gray text below the editbox
- before saving the .url file, tourl checks if the full filename path is too long (over 256 characters). If it is, tourl flashes the total path lenght in red, stays open and does not attempt to save the file
- asks before overwriting a .url file

Possible future features:
- site specific conversions through regexp, configurable in the .ini file
example: the site use this page title format "__sometitle___ - Boing Boing". In my personal version of this app I use regexp to automatically change that to "boingboing __sometitle___" directly when tourl is called. The same can be done for other sites. For example a "DC" prefix could be added to the title when calling tourl for a page. At the moment, I don't know how to easily implement customization of this through the .ini file.
- call tourl when Windows Explorer is active to list the first selected file's name which can then be renamed or copied through basically the same GUI interface.
- link tourl to some screengrabbing tool so that after constructing the filename and saving the .url, tourl can optionally (if CTRL+ENTER was pressed for example) send command line arguments to save a screencap of the page using the filename tourl has constructed for the screencap image file.

edit 080331: removed attachment, get latest tourl at

Living Room / Re: Help! Any NetGear experts out there?
« on: November 24, 2007, 11:56 AM »
Hi lanux, I have had similar problems with the previous version, RP614v3. A firmware upgrade solved it back then then, though the router now is giving me problems again. Have you checked if there's some updated firmware available that works with your version of the router?

Living Room / Re: Amazon's Kindle eBook Reader
« on: November 24, 2007, 04:06 AM »
I can also see many advantages with this. First, given some thin, additional protective housing (think camera housing for underwater usage) it might even work in water! What a dream - being able to freely combine two of the most worthwile human activities: reading and bathing! ;D

I general, I think the greatest market for this at the moment would be for academics and others to replace their reading of PDF journal articles on their regular computer screen or printing PDF articles on paper to read. For that, there's no need for DRM handling, an ebookstore or wireless connection. It just needs to display PDF files as good, easily and cheaply as possible.

I'm glad that there was some interest in this! :) Then I'll clean it and put it up . This weekend some time.

nite_monkey, yes mouser is describing things correctly. The tags I regularly use are in swedish so I thought an international nonsense language (AA, BB...) would be less confusing. The .ini file at the end of the animation shows what tags/parameters in the GUI the user can change.

I'm currently rewriting my own small app for saving web page URLs, titles and some tags to separate .url files. I use it to replace the internal favorite/bookmark handling in Maxthon and Firefox. The app speeds up my bookmarking a lot. It's designed for use with a small number of tags (up to nine plus date, domain name etcetera) and has some intuitive hotkeys. Today I wanted to practice on making a screencast in Wink so I made a small animation of how the bookmarking app looks and operates, hopefully pretty selfexplanatory:
Would anyone else here have use for this? The code is currently very messy and specific to my system but if others are interested in it then I'll try to clean it up and release it in some way, when I have time.

edit: See reply #7 for a download link and more information on the finished program, https://www.donation...57.msg88324#msg88324

edit: changed thread title from "my app to quickly save page URL, title and tags to .url -- anyone interested?"
edit2: changed screencast link

Hi, I can't get Insert Flash to work  :(
I have attached a .swf flash animation, inserted the flash tags: [ flash=607,431][ /flash], then tried in various ways to insert a link to the attached file but it doesn't work. Any suggestions on how to do this? Or is the flash option only meant for externally hosted flash animations?

Living Room / Re: How do you tag (or even organize) your files?
« on: November 06, 2007, 04:55 PM »
Armando, thanks for sharing your system.

My file name tagging differs a bit from yours:
- I use around 20 intuitive (self-constructed) subject matter abbreviations like "tv", "todo", "note", but mostly for different academic subjects.
- I use no tag indicator string apart from a "-". Instead I tend to put all tagged content in a few basic folders and then do searches on those folders. I have no problem finding things without such indicators.

Living Room / Re: To wide-screen or not to wide-screen
« on: November 06, 2007, 04:35 PM »
A somewhat related questions: does anyone of you with LCD monitors use some suspension or wall fitting or "skycrane-like" arm to hold it or do you use the reglar plastic base that it came with? Whas it expensive? Any drawbacks? I'm planning to get some such alternative to the plastic base for my computer monitor at home. I want to use the entire table area, slide slide papers in under the (suspended) monitor and so on.

BTW I also prefer the 4:3 format. Though if I were to buy a new LCD screen today I might get one that can be (physically) rotated 90 degrees. Very useful for those of us that read a lot of pdf files on the screen.

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