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Any alias shown in the FARR results list has a right click context menu action called "visit the source alias" which opens the options window with the right alias group file selected in the tree view. Is there a special search phrase for the same action i.e. opening help with myaliases.alias focused? The special search phrases in the help file doesn't list such a command. But I was thinking there was one anyway given that the context menu actionb can make that jump.

Find And Run Robot / possible regex search alias bug
« on: May 09, 2013, 09:05 AM »
Hi, I have a conflict with two aliases. To reproduce, make these two regex aliases:

^aa((?: .*|))$
If I type "aa[space]" in FARR the first alias is mistakenly triggered. Is that a bug?

I'm trying to make an alias that continuously pipes the FARR alias regex match text to an autohotkey script, the script processes that input and outputs a html file that in turn is after save refreshed in FARR. But I've run into a freeze problem.

Here is an easy way to reproduce it:
1. make this alias:
1000>>>x>->dolaunch appcap C:\test.exe>+>^x(\d*)
2. compile this autohotkey code into C:\test.exe
test = 1
3. open FARR and type x and then quickly type a string of numbers (with multiple keypresses).
FARR will now maximize its CPU (for one core) and no new commands are possible. To break the freeze a shutdown from the task manager is needed.

I've tried a few other alias designs using alternative commands but didn't find one that did all the things in the first sentence above.

I tried the below alias command chain together with an autohotkey line that saves the command line input to C:\test.html but the html doesn't reliably refresh after each run. I want to avoid adding delay/sleep times if possible.
dolaunch showhtml . ;;; C:\test.exe "$$1" ;;; showfilehtml C:\test.html

Edit: Mouser has fixed it in Version 2.206.01  :Thmbsup:
[BugFix] AppCap function could hang FARR if it was repeatedly invoked many times per second.

General Software Discussion / Everything is back -- with 1.3 beta
« on: January 05, 2013, 09:06 AM »
The free and amazingly quick search tool Everything has a new beta out - the first new release in around 4 years I think.  :Thmbsup:

N.A.N.Y. 2013 / N.A.N.Y 2013 Submission - BookCrop
« on: December 08, 2012, 12:51 PM »
NANY 2013 Entry Information

Application Name BookCrop
Short Description BookCrop quickly batch crops many jpeg photos of book pages
Supported OSes tested in Win7
Web Page
Download Link
Author nod5
Description1. Drag and drop a folder of jpeg or tif images.
2. BookCrop overlays them all into one preview.
3. Draw a rectangle and click "crop" to lossless crop all images.
(4. or Ctrl+draw another rectangle to the right of the first to crop split each image to two files)
Use BookCrop on folders with right and left pages before ScanTailor when book scanning.
BookCrop is like Briss but for jpeg files.
See the application web page for more details and usage tips.
InstallationUnzip BookCrop.
Download and install the latest GraphicsMagick (Q8 version is faster) to any folder, BookCrop automatically finds it.
Download libjpeg-turbo-1.3.0-gcc.exe (for 64bit get gcc64.exe) or newer and unzip the exe (with 7-zip) and browse to the \bin subfolder and copy jpegtran.exe and libjpeg-62.dll and place next to BookCrop.exe
Run BookCrop.exe
UninstallationDelete the BookCrop application folder.
Help me out with this:
- test it in Win xp, Vista and Win7 32bit
- let me know if you find any bugs

added updates:
- preview height now adapts to screen height.
- new option: crop to subfolder (keep originals).

edit 2013-06-22: updated the instruction above to fit new files and features
edit 2014-11-14: updated version with split batch job (left right) and rotation

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