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An unwanted scrollbar appear for regex aliases with only one result. The scrollbar shows only for the first matching character and disappears after the next character.


Reproduce the issue with this alias (temporary disable any other alias with the same regex pattern)

alias:      bar
regex:    ^(ba|bar)$
results:   test | C:\

The issue only occurs for single result aliases. If we update the alias with a second result line then the scrollbar never shows

Tested in FARR v2.233.01 and v2.229.01 in Windows 10. I tested changing some visual settings (disable skin, resize fonts, ...) but the issue persists. I might have missed something though.

Request 1: add a method to silently reload all aliases from .alias files

Request 2: add a FARR alias reload method that also updates the disabled/enabled status for each alias based on if it has the Disabled element in the .alias file.

These changes would enable users to script changes directly to .alias files and then quickly and silently apply them.

The FARR special search string "goareload" reloads/updates aliases from .alias files. But not silently since after the reload it forces the "agroups" command that show all aliases as a list in FARR results. For request 1 make a new special search string "goareload_silent" that differ only in that it does not force "agroups".

The least visible workaround I've found to reload aliases from file:
1. FindAndRunRobot.exe -search goareload
2. FindAndRunRobot.exe -hide
But the FARR window still flickers briefly and sometimes the -hide command fail when scripting these steps (timing issues)

We can also reload aliases from file with the exit and restart method:
1. FindAndRunRobot.exe -exit
2. script changes to .alias file
3. FindAndRunRobot.exe -hide
Advantage over "goareload": No results window flickering. Drawback: FARR restart can make this method slower.
Edit end

Request 2 is because FARR's "goareload" command ignores "<Disabled>" elements in the .alias files. Disabled/enabled status is instead ruled by the FindAndRunRobot.ini line DisabledAliasStrings . In other words having a script add the line "<Disabled>true</Disabled>" to an .alias file AliasEntry section has no effect even though all other changes to .alias file elements are applied by "goareload".

The least visible workaround I've found to modify Disabled/Enabled status of aliases:
1. FindAndRunRobot.exe -exit
2. have a script read, modify and overwrite the string for DisabledAliasStrings in FindAndRunRobot.ini
3. FindAndRunRobot.exe -hide

But that can take several seconds and is sensitive to timing issues.

Request 2 could be done as a separate special search string. Or a FARR setting to toggle authority over disabled/enabled status between .ini and .alias files. Or a combo special search string that for both request 1 and 2, e.g. "goareload_silent_alsodisabledstatus".

Request: add a keyboard shortcut to run the context menu "Explore here" command that opens the selected file's folder in Explorer. I suggest ctrl+o as in Open. The context menu's "Explore here" works on all files including local .url files.

With AutoHotkey we can achieve this for most files by using FARR's control+C shortcut to copy a file's full path.
But that does not work on local .url files since for them FARR's ctrl+C copies the URL rather than the full path to the local file.
A non perfect workaround sends keys to open the context menu.

Code: Autohotkey [Select]
  1. ;control+o to open folder for selected file in FARR
  2. #IfWinActive, ahk_exe FindAndRunRobot.exe
  3. ^o::
  4. ControlGetFocus, cFocus, A
  5. if (cFocus == "TNextGrid1")
  6. {
  7.   send ^c
  8.   SplitPath, clipboard, , dir
  9.   If InStr( FileExist(dir) , "D")
  10.     Run % dir
  11.   ;workaround for .url files where FARR's ctrl+C return the URL
  12.   ;limitation: the context menu briefly flashes and send keys may fail
  13.   Else If InStr(clipboard, "://")
  14.   {
  15.     send +{AppsKey}
  16.     send e
  17.   }
  18. }
  19. return

edit: clarified and added workaround in the AutoHotkey script

Imagine a user has these two aliases and one search directory item in FARR.

Alias1 (example of regex to get a single static result)
text: a
regex: ^a$
result: C:\folder\app.exe

Alias2 (example of regular expression aliases as search templates)
text: cdir
regex: ^(?:c|cd|cdi|cdir) (.+)$
result: dosearch +cdir $$1

Search Directory item
directory path: C:\cdir
optional modifier keywords: cdir

Problem case
The user types "c a" and want as result the list of files/folder in C:\cdir that contain "a".
But instead the result is "C:\folder\app.exe" . Because Alias1 is triggered by the new "a" search and since it is a regex alias it gets priority.

Collisions like that increase the more aliases of these two sorts one has. A pity since both sorts of aliases are useful.

Request for solution
Add a new virtual launch string named dosearch_noregex to FARR.
dosearch_noregex would start a new search but ignore all alias regex matches.

filter_alias - the FARR alias filter autohotkey helper script

Useful especially if you are a FARR power user (which you should be!  ;D ) with a lot of custom aliases.

Code: Autohotkey [Select]
  1. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
  3. ;filter_alias - FARR alias filter helper script
  5. ;WHY?
  6. ;When a user has many aliases it can be a hassle to find and edit one of them
  7. ;because the FARR options list isn't autosorted and has no filter/searchbox.
  9. ;SETUP
  10. ;run the script (tip: make it autostart it on boot)
  12. ;USAGE
  13. ;- open FARR options > aliases and press Ctrl+Space to show a filter box
  14. ;- Type in box to filter alias name/regex rows
  15. ;- Select a row and press Enter to jump to that row in FARR options
  16. ;- Press Esc pr Ctrl+Space again to close filter_alias
  18. ;by Nod5 - version 161122
  19. ;Listview filter code adapted from
  20. ;
  22. #IfWinActive, ahk_class TOptionsForm
  23. ^Space::
  24. if !winexist("filter_alias ahk_class AutoHotkeyGUI")
  25.  goto showgui
  26. return
  28. #IfWinActive, filter_alias ahk_class AutoHotkeyGUI
  29. Esc:: gui, destroy
  30. ^Space:: gui, destroy
  32. showgui:
  33. name = filter_alias
  34. FileRead, f, %A_MyDocuments%\DonationCoder\FindAndRunRobot\AliasGroups\MyCustom\myaliases.alias
  35. f := StrReplace(f, "</AliasText>", "")
  36. f := StrReplace(f, "</Regex>", "")
  37. xarr := []
  38. xarr2 := []
  40. ControlGetPos, cx, cy,,, TListView1, ahk_class TOptionsForm
  41. WinGetPos, wx, wy,,, ahk_class TOptionsForm
  42. gx := cx+wx, gy := cy+wy
  44. Gui, Add, Edit, r1 vsearch gsearch,
  45. Gui, Add, ListView, r20 w400 h200 grid, Alias|Regex
  47. Loop, Parse, f, `n, `r
  48. {
  49. If InStr(A_LoopField, "<AliasText>")
  50.  xali := SubStr(A_LoopField, InStr(A_LoopField, "<AliasText>") + 11)
  51. If InStr(A_LoopField, "<Regex>")
  52.   xreg := SubStr(A_LoopField, InStr(A_LoopField, "<Regex>") + 7)
  53. If InStr(A_LoopField, "<AliasEntry>")
  54.  xali := xreg := ""  ;clear vars for new alias
  55. if xali and (xreg or InStr(A_LoopField, "<Results>") ) ;stop at Result if no Regex
  56.   {
  57.   xreg := xreg ? xreg : a_space
  58.   LV_Add("", xali, xreg), xarr.push(xali) , xarr2.push(xreg)
  59.   xali := xreg := ""  ;clear vars for new alias
  60.   }
  61. }
  62. LV_ModifyCol(1, 120)
  63. LV_ModifyCol(2, 250)
  64. Gui, Show, x%gx% y%gy%, %name%
  65. return
  67. search:
  68. Gui, Submit, NoHide
  69. For key, val In xarr
  70. {
  71.    If (search == "")
  72.     LV_Add("", val, xarr2[key])
  73.    Else
  74.     If InStr(val, search) or InStr(xarr2[key], search) ;match
  75.      LV_Add("", val, xarr2[key])
  76. }
  77. GuiControl, +Redraw, LV
  78. Return
  80. #IfWinActive, filter_alias ahk_class AutoHotkeyGUI
  81. PgDn::
  82. Down::
  83. ControlGetFocus, contr, A
  84. if !(contr == "Edit1")
  85.  send {%a_thishotkey%}
  86. else if (LV_GetNext() == 0)
  87.  send {Tab}{Down}
  88. else
  89.  send {Tab}
  90. return
  92. Enter::
  93. selrow := !LV_GetNext() ? 1 : LV_GetNext()
  94. LV_GetText(seltext, selrow, 1)
  95. winactivate, ahk_class TOptionsForm
  96. controlfocus, TListView1, ahk_class TOptionsForm
  97. RegExMatch(seltext, "^[^ ]+",seldo)
  98. send % seldo ? seldo : seltext
  99. return

Everything Efu Explorer
A helper tool to explore/browse folders in .efu files in Everything.
Similar to folder navigation in Windows Explorer.
Useful for browsing indexes of offline drives.

Download page and up to date instructions for setup and use: https://www.dcmember...ything-efu-explorer/

feature request ware
everything_efu_explorer is "feature request ware". I hope the Everything developer likes it and makes these features native.

I wish Everything had a hotkey to change the window background color, to signal that efu browse mode is started. The Everything.ini file has a normal_background_color variable but edits to the ini only have effect when Everything is closed, so that can't be used to quickly toggle a background color on/off.

Everything is a very fast file and folder search engine - a great program! It can save search results to .efu file lists for later use.

When a .efu file is loaded Everything lists all files/folders in the index matching the search string. But it can be useful to browse a drive index folder by folder, like when navigating through folders in Explorer. That is what Everything Efu Explorer enables. This makes it more convenient to use Everything as a cataloger for offline drives or discs.

efu_make - a companion script to automatically save drive indexes to .efu file list files.

180223 new version of efu_make works with changed command line syntax in never versions of ES.exe

Code: Autohotkey [Select]
  1. ;efu_make   by Nod5
  2. ;a helper tool to index drives to Everything .efu files
  4. ;SETUP
  5. ;- install Autohotkey,
  6. ;- install Everything ,
  7. ;- download es.exe ,
  8. ;- save script as efu_make.ahk , compile to efu_make.exe
  9. ;- place es.exe in the same folder as efu_make.exe
  11. ;USAGE
  12. ;run efu_make from the command line with a string of drive letters as parameter
  13. ;example: C:\folder\efu_make.exe CFG
  14. ;example output: C:\folder\YYMMDD_C.efu , ... _F.efu , ... _G.efu
  16. drives = %1%
  17. if !FileExist(A_Scriptdir "\es.exe")
  18. stamp := SubStr(A_now,3,6)  ;YYMMDD
  19. Loop,Parse,drives
  20. {
  21. Tooltip, make new .efu ... %A_LoopField%  , 400, 200
  22. ;old ES efu export syntax
  23. ;RunWait, "%A_Scriptdir%\es.exe" "%A_LoopField%:\" -efu "%A_ScriptDir%\%stamp%_%A_LoopField%.efu" -p -s ,, Min
  24. ;new ES efu export syntax
  25. RunWait, "%A_Scriptdir%\es.exe" -export-efu "%A_ScriptDir%\%stamp%_%A_LoopField%.efu" "%A_LoopField%:\",, Min
  26. }
  27. Tooltip, make new .efu ... done!  , 400, 200
  28. sleep 2000

Last request for now mouser, promise!  :)

Enable filedropping and filepasting onto folders in the FARR results. The idea is to mimic dropping and pasting behaviour from Explorer. Control+dragdrop would copy the file and regular dragdrop would move the file. As for paste if the clipboard file was ctrl+x'ed then move it, if ctrl+c'ed then copy it (note: I have no idea how feasible that is to detect though). Multiple files could be handled like in Explorer too.

Related, but in reverse, let shift and control be used to multiselect files in FARR results (again like Explorer) and dragdrop of multiselect would copy all selected files to the dropped on folder. Let ctrl+C on multiselected files in FARR put them all on the clipboard.

Find And Run Robot / FARR alias options windows - some requests
« on: March 30, 2016, 09:12 AM »
Aliases is a very powerful feature in FARR.
Here are some small enhancement ideas (some mentioned before, but it could be useful to put them in a single thread here).

1 add a special search string to jump straight from the FARR inputbox to the myalias.aliases list in aliases/keywords/groups section of FARR options

2 add option to allow FARR searches even when options window is open (I describe a kind of workaround in an old thread). Because configuring alias IME often involve getting paths to folders/files etc and... that is of course quickly done through a FARR search!  :)

3 myalias.aliases list right click menu import/export commands: these show a box with each alias as a one line string. Make it so we can select all in that box with ctrl+A (standard windows behaviour). Let Esc close that window.

4 myalias.aliases list right click menu import/export commands: if the alias text is long copying it from export and pasting to import will cut it off without warning.  For example try to import this
1000>>>test1>->test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt
These 1580 characters are on import cut off to 1024 characters. I ran into this error when exporting an alias that showed a list of long urls.

Here is an ahk workaround that gives us 3
#IfWinActive ahk_class TTextPasteForm ahk_exe FindAndRunRobot.exe ;import/export
ControlClick, TMemo1, A
send ^{Home}
send +^{End}  ;select all
Esc:: WinClose, A

edit: partial workaround for 1
create this alias
name: alias
regex: ^alias$
results: dolaunch C:\folder\farr_alias_options.ahk ;;; dosearch gooptions
and save this ahk code to C:\folder\farr_alias_options.ahk  (uncomment sleep lines if it runs too fast)
WinWait, ahk_class TOptionsForm
WinActivate, ahk_class TOptionsForm
;sleep 50  ;go slower
ControlFocus, TTreeView1, ahk_class TOptionsForm
send AL    ;selects aliases in left pane
;sleep 50
ControlFocus, TListView1, ahk_class TOptionsForm
send {down}  ;focus alias list

Let us say we have an alias with regex pattern
^x (|.+)$
and result filter for regex
and three alias results

Type "x " and the three alias results are shown.
Type "x m" and only the swimming result is shown
Type "x ma" and nothing is shown, since no result name (the part before | ) contains "ma".

Mouser how about an option to when a result filter matches nothing revert to a regular FARR search? With that FARR would in my example above revert to a search for "x ma" everywhere and match e.g. C:\another folder\mad max.url

30SecondSilencer is a windows tool to add 30 seconds of silence every 30 seconds to an mp3 file.


But the duration of the silence and music segments can be customized. For example you can add 10s silence every 55s in the mp3 file. Optional fade in/out.

Download binary and source here

ffmpeg.exe and ffprobe.exe from latest version of at

If you want to compile from source: Autohotkey

changed ffmpeg concatenate code to avoid file errors
updated helpfile
code cleanup

first version with GUI
now uses windows temp folder as workdir (can be changed in source)
now outputs C:\<inputfolder>\<inputfilename>_30ss.mp3

first version, no GUI (pm if you want the old source)

Thanks to Attronarch (and mom!) for test driving the script, and for coming up with the use case.  :)

post edit 2022-01-09: new URL to ffmpeg dependency

This alias lets you enter
in FARR to download that youtube content to an mp3 audio file.

This requires the tools youtube-dl (to download the youtube content) and ffmpeg (to convert to mp3).
youtube-dl ,
ffmpeg , (get the Static build)

alias name
youtube-dl to mp3
regular expression pattern
^(?:y|yt|you) (.*(?|*)$
youtube-dl mp3 $$1 | C:\folder\youtube-dl.exe --restrict-filenames -o "C:\output\`%(title)s.`%(ext)s" --write-thumbnail --ffmpeg-location "C:\folder\ffmpeg.exe" -f "bestaudio[ext=m4a]" -x --audio-format mp3 --audio-quality 0 --embed-thumbnail $$1

Note: change the two instances of "C:\folder\" to where you have put youtube-dl.exe and ffmpeg.exe (and ffprobe.exe and ffplay.exe from the same package) and change "C:\output\" to what folder you want the mp3 file to end up in.

I also made a short video tutorial on how to do these setup steps, view it here

FARRCloseSelProc is a FARR helper tool that closes a process that matches the filename of the file that is selected in Explorer.

This is useful if you work on some code that you need to repeatedly compile, run and later close the process of before the next test run. But it can also be used to quickly close a process that you know the name of.

1 paste the code into a text editor and save as FARRCloseSelProc.ahk and then compile it (you need for that).
2 store the compiled FARRCloseSelProc.exe in some folder
3 create a FARR alias like this

alias name:
proc close
regex pattern:
^proc(?: |)(.*|)$
result box:
CloseSelProc $$1| C:\some\folder\FARRCloseSelProc.exe $$1 %LASTHWND%

To use it open Explorer and select a file you want to close a matching process for. For example select the file program.exe if you want to close the process program.exe . Press your FARR hotkey, type "proc" and when the alias shows press enter.
To use it by typing a process name press your FARR hotkey, type "proc program.exe" and press enter.

- The typed process name must match exactly. It must not have any spaces in the name.
- If there are multiple processes with that name only the first one detected by autohotkey will be closed.

SendMode Input
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
#SingleInstance force

x = %1%  ;hwnd parameter from FARR or exact name of a process from FARR
y = %2%  ;hwnd (if first param is exact name)

;FARRCloseSelProc -- a helper tool for FARR
;This tool is made to be run from a FARR alias.

if x =
if y ;filename mode
 splitpath, x, pname,,pext
else ;HWND mode
WinGetClass, xclass, ahk_id %x%
if xclass != CabinetWClass  ;exit if not Explorer win
WinActivate, ahk_id %x%,
ifwinNotactive, ahk_id %x%
clip := ClipBoardAll 
clipboard =
send ^c   ;copy
clipwait, 2
if errorlevel != 0
Loop, Parse, clipboard, `n, `r
p := a_loopfield
clipboard := clip ;restore
if InStr( FileExist(p), "D")
splitpath, p, pname,,pext

if (pext != "exe")

Process, close, %pname%
Loop, 10
Process, Exist, %pname%
if errorlevel = 0
sleep 100
Process, Exist, %pname%
if errorlevel = 0
 tooltip, Closed process %pname%
 tooltip, ERROR. Process %pname% still running.
sleep 2000

FARRCloneWithDatestamp is a FARR helper tool to make a datestamped copy of a currently selected file in Explorer. The copy is placed in the same folder.

Have you ever done ctrl+C ctrl+V on a file and then edited its name, perhaps added a datestamp in order to keep track of which copy is more recent than the others? Then this might just be a tool for you.  :)

1 paste the code into a text editor and save as FARRCloneWithDatestamp.ahk and then compile it (you need for that).
2 store the compiled FARRCloneWithDatestamp.exe in some folder
3 create a FARR alias like this

alias name:
regex pattern:
result box:
Clone selected with datestamp | C:\some\folder\FARRCloneWithDatestamp.exe %LASTHWND%

To use it open Explorer and select a file you want to create a clone of. Press your FARR hotkey, type "clo" and when the alias shows press enter.
Next to your "file.txt" you should now see "file -- 20151213092801.txt" .

SendMode Input
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
#SingleInstance force

x = %1%  ;hwnd parameter from FARR 

;FARRCloneWithDatestamp -- a helper tool for FARR
;what it does:
;focus the window that matches input parameter hwnd
;if explorer window: get selected files, parse first file
;make a copy of "file.ext" as
;"file -- [datestamp yyyymmddhhmmss].ext" in the same folder
;report status, exit

if x =
WinGetClass, xclass, ahk_id %x%
if xclass != CabinetWClass  ;exit if not Explorer win
WinActivate, ahk_id %x%,
ifwinNotactive, ahk_id %x%

clip := ClipBoardAll
clipboard =
send ^c   ;copy
clipwait, 2
if errorlevel != 0

Loop, Parse, clipboard, `n, `r
p := a_loopfield ;first file in selection
clipboard := clip ;restore

if InStr( FileExist(p), "D")
splitpath, p, pname,pdir,pext,pnoext
FileCopy, %p%, %pdir%\%pnoext% -- %A_now%.%pext%
if !Errorlevel
 tooltip, Clone %pdir%\%pnoext% -- %A_now%.%pext% created
 tooltip, ERROR. Failed to clone %pname%
sleep 2000

aria2 is "a lightweight multi-protocol & multi-source command-line download utility". It can speed up download of large .iso files by using multiple threads.

Get and unzip aria2 and make a new alias in FARR with these settings


regular expression pattern:
^dl (.*)$

dl aria2 $$1 | C:\folder\aria2c.exe -x 15 -s 15 -k 3M -d C:\downloads "$$1"

Note: change C:\folder\ and C:\downloads\ to match the folders on your computer. You can tweak the number of threads to use (-x -s values) and split file size (-k value) to max out your internet speed. Details on aria2 man page.

To use it put a file URI on the clipboard, open FARR and type "dl " and paste the url. A command line window pops up and shows the download progress.

Find And Run Robot / request: allow FARR searches with options open
« on: January 21, 2015, 07:24 AM »
While the FARR options window is open FARR search is disabled. Is that necessary? Could it be worked around? When creating more advanced aliases it is handy to search for files with FARR. But to do so one has to exit/reopen the options inbetween.

Find And Run Robot / Custom alias icon and file properties conflict
« on: January 21, 2015, 07:21 AM »
Setting a custom icon in an alias breaks the right click file proporties action for me.

Create an alias under myaliases with this as result
test | C:\test.txt /icon=test.ico
Copy test.ico to same folder as myaliases.alias

Next search FARR to display that result > right click > properties.
I get this error message:
Windows cannot find 'C:\test.txt /icon=test.ico'. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again.
Happens in both Windows 7 and Windows 8.

Find And Run Robot / Custom alias icon issue Win7
« on: January 21, 2015, 07:19 AM »
Hi, Custom alias icons doesn't show on my Win7 computer. They do work on another Win 8 machine.

I can reproduce the problem by creating an alias under myaliases with this in the result box
Code: Text [Select]
  1. test | C:\test.txt /icon=test.ico
and copy test.ico to same folder as myaliases.alias (under C:\users\[current user]\ ...).
The icon isn't shown in FARR on my Win7 computer.

I have tried: FARR restart, reboot, FARR reinstall, refresh icon cache in Windows, change default application for .ico files, different files, different icon files.

Maybe related threads

DC Member Programs and Projects / Sumatra Highlight Helper
« on: October 25, 2014, 11:23 AM »
Add, remove and jump between highlights in Sumatra PDF Prerelease version (needed for the highlight command)

H = Highlight selected text + autosaves it into pdfname.pdf.smx
Ctrl+H = Remove all highlighting on this pdf page
Hold CapsLock + move mouse = Remove all highlighting mouse moves over
Win+H = Toggle highlighting visible/hidden
Ctrl+Win+PgUp/PgDn = Jump to next/prev highlight page

Sumatra Highlight Helper is really "feature request ware".
I hope the Sumatra PDF devs try and like the features and make them native.

Download and details:

Find And Run Robot / alias syntax: any way to pad with blank lines?
« on: August 23, 2014, 03:42 AM »
A very minor question/request: I have set FARR to display large icons and paths in the result list. Is there some alias syntax to, with the mentioned settings intact, pad the results list with blank lines? I've tried
| /all_white.ico
but that displays "/all_white.ico" as path. Putting only
on a line makes an icon appear.

The Everything Search Engine updated to version, after a steady stream of updates this summer.

As many here already know Everything very quickly searches through lots of file and folder names on NTFS hard drive. Great to instantly find that particular file you're looking for but forgot where you put. Together FARR and Everything make up a devastatingly dynamic file detection duo.  ;D

Let this be an open thread for tips, tricks, ideas and code for poweruse of Everything. I'll start.

1. In this post I showed how to quickly pass searches from FARR to Everything

2. I made an autohotkey script to quickly display and browse through all and only the images selected in Everything results, even when those images are from different folders.
Code: Autohotkey [Select]
  2. GroupAdd,xwin,ahk_exe MaxView.exe
  3. GroupAdd,xwin,ahk_exe i_view32.exe
  4. GroupAdd,xwin,ahk_exe JPEGView.exe
  6. #IfWinActive, ahk_class EVERYTHING
  7. F4::
  8. clipsaved := ClipboardAll  
  9. send ^c
  10. clipboard := clipsaved
  11. clipsaved =
  13. arr := {}
  14. Loop, Parse, x, `n, `r
  15. {
  16. if xext in jpg,jpeg,tif,png,gif
  17.  arr.Insert(A_LoopField)
  18. }
  19. x = 0
  20. gosub showfirst
  21. return
  23. #IfWinActive ahk_group xwin
  24. #Right::
  25. #Left::
  26. showfirst:
  27. if (arr.MaxIndex()<1)or(x==arr.MaxIndex() and A_ThisHotkey=="#Right")or(x==1 and A_ThisHotkey=="#Left")
  28.  return
  29. x += A_ThisHotkey == "#Left" ? -1 : 1
  30. do := arr[x]
  31. Run %do%
  32. return
If you have autohotkey installed you can run the attached .ahk file. Else run Everything_view_images.exe in the attached zip file (md5 hash c9bde6b19168c7c0593035b435b5c862 ). Next search with Everything and select some image files. Press F4. The first image will open in your default viewer. Next press win+right and win+left to display the next/previous of the selected images. The code should work if your default image viewer is MaxView or JPEGView or IrfanView and the viewer is set to "single instance" mode.
Want to change the hotkey? Edit line 10.
Want to try it with some other default viewer? Edit the filename on line 5 to that of your viewer's exe file.
Want to display the images in a non default viewer? Then also edit line 39 to something like
Run "C:\Program Files\IrFanView\i_view32.exe" "%do%"
but with the application path for the preferred viewer.

3. The same approach as above could be used to do other quick operations on Everything results. For example a script that does GREP searches on the content of all selected files using a tool like Silver Searcher and list all detected content snippets.

I made a small, specialized tool that speeds up some manual steps when using the book scanning postprocessing software Scan Tailor Enhanced. I don't expect a boatload of users but here is a discussion/questions thread for those who find use for it or find bugs.

QuickPicZone is a helper tool for Scan Tailor Enhanced to make picture zones quickly.


How to use
1. Drag and drop a Scan Tailor black and white mode output file.tif
QPZ displays the matching file.jpg
2. Click and draw a rectangle to set a mixed mode picture zone
3. QPZ saves picture zone data to project file.jpg.scantailor
4. QPZ processes saved project file to output new .tif

Download and unzip QuickPicZone.
Requires Scan Tailor Enhanced
On first run QPZ ask you to set the path to scantailor-cli.exe

More details on the help page within the program.

Made in Autohotkey by nod5 as Free Software GPL3
Tested in Win7 x64. The zip contains binary and source.

v140624: first version
v141114: Drop multiple .tif to do them in order; Preprocessing mode: Drop .jpg folder to process all to .tif and .scantailor; Preprocessing mode: Drop single .jpg to calculate DPI

A few years back I used a small GUI pdf tool for Windows to search and remove batches of elements in pdf, for example recurring headers with a specific text string. But I don't have it anymore! What is worse, I don't remember the name of the tool. IIRC it let you load a pdf and visualised the pages with only the element boxes (it didn't render the pages like a regular pdf viewer). There was a search feature for types of elements including search for text strings. It also had a sort of tree structure to browse through.

Help me find it! Any suggestions welcome. It is not Acrobat, Briss, PDFCrop, PDFMasher  (I will keep this "rule these out" list updated)
edit: And not PDFedit, A-pdf tools, pdfmagus tools, Govert's tools, pdfscissors, PDF Mod, PoDoFo-Tools, Pdfvole.
edit2: And not pdftk server, pdffill tools or PDFCosEdit.

N.A.N.Y. 2014 / N.A.N.Y. 2014 Submission: sumatra_earmarks
« on: October 26, 2013, 04:11 PM »
Use sumatra_earmarks to earmark any pdf page in SumatraPDF

sumatra_earmark lets you earmark any pdf page in SumatraPDF
Each earmarked pdf page displays a blue square in the top right corner
Quickly toggle earmarks on/off with mouse or keyboard
Quicky jump to next/prev earmark page
Earmarks are autosaved to a textfile
Any pdf with at least one earmark shows a grey square in top right corner
Handy popup grid for quick jump to a specific earmark
Unique earmarks for different pdf files (based on file name)
The pdf files are not edited

Win+CapsLock = toggle earmark on/off for open pdf page
Win+PgUp/PgDn = jump to prev/next earmarked page in open pdf
Rightclick on blue/grey earmark square = toggle earmark on/off for open pdf page
Ctrl+Rightclick on blue/grey earmark square = popup grid for quick earmark jump
To customize hotkeys see tray icon menu

Download and details

v131120 new db format; works with pdf files with complex pagelabels (1,2,i,ii,iii,1.1,1.2,3,4,5...)
v131108 handles roman numeral pagenumbers; clarified help window
v131101 fixed mouse click bug (thanks you ewemoa!)
v131029b easier hotkey customization
v131029 reworked grid code; show current page below grid
v131028: earmark positioned next to scrollbar; trayicon menu; customize hotkeys (see tray menu)
v131026: first version

Please try it and report any bugs or issues.

Things to fix, features to maybe add:
- to fix: resize grid so all digits fit on different screen resolutions and scroll bar widths

N.A.N.Y. 2014 / N.A.N.Y. 2014 Submission: SoloCrop
« on: October 26, 2013, 03:26 PM »
Use SoloCrop to quickly manually crop many jpeg images one by one.

1. Drag and drop a jpeg image
2. Click and draw a rectangle
3. SoloCrop crops when you release the mouse button
4. SoloCrop then autoloads the next jpeg in the same folder
The cropped image is saved with the prefix "solocrop_"

Download and details here
Made in Autohotkey by nod5 as Free Software GPL3
Tested in Win7 x64. The zip contains binary and source.

v131026b: preview in color (was: grayscale)
v131026: first version

Features to maybe add:
- a "skip" button to skip some autoloaded images (thanks mouser)
- if multiple files are dropped, cycle through only them (and only them) one by one (thanks mouser)

I want to use the notepad2-mod code folding feature for note outlining. I would write notes using tabbed indentation to mark each sub level. Then use the code folding action to hide/show sub level text.

notepad2-mod presently does folding in tab indented python (.py) files. But I want it for .txt files and I want it without any text highlighting/coloring effects. Does any notepad2 user here think that is doable? Do you even have some idea on how to do it?

(Note: I searched but found no talk of this for notepad2. However, someone back in 2007 had the same idea for UltraEdit. )

Edit: view > Customize schemes... lists types of code files that notepad2 supports highlighting/folding for. I can simply remove .txt from "Default text" and add it under "Python". But then I also get all the other python highlighting for all txt files. I tried to export the schemes settings, copied and renamed the python section to a new name in the settings file and there removed all color highlighting. But that new section does not appear if I import the edited exported settings. I don't want to disable highlighting for all python files either because I have use for it there. Maybe there is some other code language that can be folded at tab or space indentations? Can anyone see one in this list:


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