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Living Room / Re: Email etiquette How to Decline Fowards/Junk?
« on: December 10, 2008, 02:58 PM »
Just wondering a bit about how you use your  "forwards address"...

Do you make it similar to your "real address" : [email protected]?
Do you check the mail in it?
If so, do you use an email client to get both accounts?


Living Room / Re: Email etiquette How to Decline Fowards/Junk?
« on: December 10, 2008, 10:01 AM »
 :Thmbsup: Thanks for the advice, here is what I said:

Dear "So and so",

Since this email address is my "main" address that I like to keep tidy would you please not send "FWDs" or "pass along stories"?



We'll see if I offend them!  Hopefully not.

Living Room / Email etiquette How to Decline Fowards/Junk?
« on: December 09, 2008, 10:31 PM »
I need some Email etiquette advice, perhaps with a technical solution!  :P

I don't know about anyone else but sometimes the people on my "Safe" email list (Safe as in not Junk mail senders) send me junk mail.  I would like an email feature that would allow me to send an official reply when people do this to me that looks like:

The email message "FWD:  Slow Dance, Please read this, don't delete!" could not be delivered to the following recipients:

[email protected]

Reason:  SPAM Email Rejection

Would it be rude for me to reply like this from my real email address?
Does anyone know of a program that could do this, or perhaps an online email service that I could send this from?  I think it would be cool if an email client had a "Polite Decline" feature that could send a response like this.

I don't want to block this sender, but I also don't want the occasional junk mail either!

Maybe I should suck it up and just ask them to not send it like a real person?  :-[

Help!, Thanks!


FYI, "asx" files let you specify sequences of media files to play.

A friend and I had a idea and I wanted to see how feasible it sounds to you folks, and also which DVD Player software (VLC, xine, WMP?) might be a good fit:

A plug in that lets users load/save small "play sequence" files (XML) that is simply a list of start and stop play times for a specific movie?  Play "00:01:00 to 00:23:33", "00:25:55 to 2:02:55", etc.  The plug in would simply play the ranges described in the play sequence file one after another.

I imagine the plug in would have to activate after decoding an decompressing.  It should be fairly high level, I hope.

Sound easy? Sound hard?  Which DVD Player software would be the best to handle this type of plug in?


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