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Developer's Corner / Re: Set a VBS file encoding
« on: July 15, 2017, 03:11 PM »
I've changed .Charset = "utf-8" to .Charset = "_autodetect"
and then .Charset = "_autodetect" to .Charset = "Windows-1255".

Thanks again.

Developer's Corner / Re: Set a VBS file encoding
« on: July 15, 2017, 02:48 PM »
Hello wraith808,

Thanks for replying. I appreciate it.

I've managed to convert from ANSI to UTF-8. Trying to convert from ANSI to Windows-1255 (Hebrew) does not work.
Any idea?

Best regards.

Developer's Corner / Set a VBS file encoding
« on: July 15, 2017, 11:32 AM »

I use the following code in a BAT file to open a folder and select a file in an existing Windows Explorer window (QTTabBar installed).

start "" %1

SET TempVBSFile=%temp%\~tmpSendKeysTemp.vbs

ECHO Set tSK = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") >> "%TempVBSFile%"
ECHO WScript.Sleep 200 >> "%TempVBSFile%"
ECHO tSK.SendKeys "^q%~2" >> "%TempVBSFile%"

CSCRIPT //NoLogo "%TempVBSFile%"

DEL /F /Q "%TempVBSFile%"

How can I change the temp VBS file encoding from the BAT file?

I'd appreciate your help.

Developer's Corner / Re: Apply changes in Registry immediately
« on: July 05, 2015, 06:04 PM »
Hi MilesAhead,

You should try. Best of luck.
The singed extensions policy is supposed to start in v40 (in about 6 weeks). I hope it won't be difficult to modify the relevant code.


Developer's Corner / Re: Apply changes in Registry immediately
« on: July 04, 2015, 06:21 PM »
Hi MilesAhead,

Thank you.

I have very little experience in development; - I wouldn't know where to start creating a nice app like "MoveIt".
With your talent, I'm sure you could contribute a lot to Firefox and Firefox add-ons. I think you would enjoy it as well.

I wish you the very best.

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