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Messages - hugosanchez [ switch to compact view ]

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Having suffering a serious cardiovascular surgery 2 years ago, health is my top priority. Mark idea of "do it first thing of the day" has been a lifesaver for me, because al least I found a method to overcome procastination to do exercises and to eat properly.

Each morning I walk 30-45 minutes as a "must", and doing that I gain 1 point. Prepare and eat a fruit based breakfast is the thing to do to deserve another point.  So, each day I fight for 2 points. Sometimes I can not make it, but on average, I did.

Counting the accumulated points of the week is a real trigger to continue in this effor (not easy at all!).

Thanks all you. The Great Experiment is a very nice idea.

Mi productivity set is console-linux based:
mails -mutt
blog - once a week (in Spanish), as a Sunday relax
"todo" files - always .txt in vim.
calendar- wyrd (with remind)
web- Scrapbook the site to see it in a proper time (in that case I use firefox or konqueror)
rss- once a week with akregator.
notetaking- always in .txt in vim.

With that, 80% of my activities are console controlled very quickly using commands. A real time-saver for me, indeed!

My self-explanation to not spend time reading news is: If it is a really important news you will notice it anyway. If it is not, it doesn't matters.


Thanks, Mark.
I will do a real inmersion in your website!

Mark, it is great have you here almost "on line" and with a good will to answer questions.
In my case I would like to know if you use paper, computer or a combination of these methods to do your plan.
Some advice?


The Forster 5 min "rule" is similar to the Allen's 2 min rule: the numbers are relative.
The first says: "Start your day doing something with the main project in hands". The second: "Deliver stuff quickly and come back to work".

If you feel in the right mood to go beyond the first 5 minutes in your main project, you must go on. Do not lost momentum. If fact, as David Allen said, once you start something (may be a little reluctant at the beginning), it is quite possible that you get engaged with the task.

In any case, if your plan of the day is broken, at least was because you were working in something that really matters. I feel that this is the trick behind the 5 minutes rule in the Forster theory.

By the way, I did it today and it works very fine!


The Getting Organized Experiment of 2006 / What about the new task?
« on: September 24, 2006, 12:37 PM »
well, friends...
I have done my homework and want to know when we will receive our new task.

(My plan was to work on it today)


Lilly, I am glad you like it and find it useful.

If you have any suggestions on how I can make it even more useful, I'd be glad to hear them.  :)

Hi, April
I just look your site and I have a question for you:
The tools there seems very practical and useful. Are you thinking in expanding it to linux platforms?


In my case, I use GTD on a todo.text file.A full text approach is quite useful.
Working in a bash console in linux it is pretty easy to insert tasks  to the file todo.txt, and retrieve information from it (projects, next actions, contexts, dates, etc).
I insert a task into todo.txt file with:
$: echo "project context task description due date">> todo.txt
When I need an information, for example, related to the issue x, I can get it using
$: less todo.txt |grep x
In this way, all GTD method can be managed in a very simple and effective way.

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