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Living Room / Re: 32bit vs 64bit Vista performance comparison?
« on: December 08, 2007, 10:09 AM »
If this can be any useful, here's a post by Aaron Giles with some benchmarks for MAME compilation on his new system with Vista 64-bit... but the comparison is with a different machine, so probably it's not so interesting here.

Living Room / Re: Any old Amiga users among us?
« on: December 08, 2007, 09:45 AM »
My Amiga 500 is still in front on me, while I use my PC. I hardly will put it away.
What about the way the creators named the main chips inside? Weren't they among the most creative tech minds in the world at that time? :)
I remember there was a legend about a "hello mom" message by one of the engeeners in some unused blocks of the ROM, do you know if it was true and details?

The only bad thing in Amiga imho was the fact that a lot of time was needed to retrieve the disk directory when it was full of little files.
Every other memory about that little cheap computer is something like... "SO GOOD!"
Besides, when I bought it all my nice C64 joysticks where compatible, nice save...
And, that was my first approach with that useful thing called mouse bundled in the box, and with an OS that had a built in voice synthesis software, and a very well written and fun cmyk user manual, and... ok ok, back to work, sigh.

Anyone have any requests for how we can make the newsletter better or more interesting?

Don't know if this makes sense, judge yourself or correct as necessary:

A section where are summarized (if any) projects (software/services/etc.), commercial or not, which seem to take inspiration from projects or forum posts proposed on donationcoder. Of course, the projects must have a birth date successive to the corresponding entries on donationcoder, and the "inspiration" has not necessary to be declared from the official project owners in order to include it in the summary. The so-called "inspiration" can also be just random, let's say "in the air", so that we can see an idea for some nice project was already there, written in gold characters deep into the donationcoder forums, posted by some user here long before.
Users of donationcoder shall notify these (maybe rare?) events when they occur so that they can be included in the newsletter.
Obviously, every entry in the summary will provide at least two links: one for the "official" project, and one for the corresponding "far-sighted" forum post on donationcoder...

General Software Discussion / maemo mapper
« on: April 22, 2007, 10:18 AM »
I know it's not for laptop, btw I can say maemo mapper is a simple but nice free gps software for Nokia 770 and Nokia N800.

General Software Discussion / Re: TextPad updated to 5.0
« on: March 10, 2007, 12:35 PM »
Go TextPad go! Yes this is the best text editor ever, I feel poor and less powerful without it, even if I can use other editors with no problem.

Let me use this post for a little suggestion I'd love in future versions of this editor, who knows the author could been reading this thread :)
(maybe this should go in the coding snacks section...)

Modern editors have code-folding; but TextPad should introduce... the text-folding(TM)!
Here it is:

First, "folding comments" must be defined: e.g. using "@@@" as the first chars of a comment line (after the comment chars for code, see example below), makes the line the "fold begin" command for TextPad, with the following text being the "label" for the folded section; the "fold end" can be the subsequent comment line starting with "@@@". TextPad automatically makes the plus and minus signs to open/close sections, and adds a control char (e.g. "c") after the end section comment to save the information of section fold open/closed. The control char can also be added manually. Ok, that's twisted, let's see an example: let's say we're writing a PHP script, so the comments are "#" or "//". If we write:

1. echo "text-folding";
 3. # @@@ Three echoes of the same string here
 4. echo "text-folding";
 5. echo "text-folding";
 6. echo "text-folding";
 7. # @@@
 9. # Two echoes of the same string
10. echo "text-folding";
11. echo "text-folding";

TextPad will automatically add a little "-" sign on the left of line 3, and if we click on it then lines 4, 5, 6, 7 "collapse" in line 3, which is rendered in some different way and says Three echoes of the same string here. When the section is collapsed, TextPad automatically adds the "c" character after the "@@@" in line 7, which by the way will never be visible: so, when saving the file, closing TextPad and reopening it, the section will be rendered as collapsed (because TextPad finds "@@@c" instead of "@@@").

Of course, manually writing "@@@c" as section folding end marker, will tell TextPad to collapse it (without having to come back on the section folding begin marker and clicking the "-" sign to collapse the section, we TextPad users love very fast-action ;)

Reversely, when we expand a collapsed section, TextPad deletes the "c" char in the end marker, in order to store the information that "the user wants this section not collapsed when re-opening the file".

So, the code above will be rendered as:
1. echo "text-folding";
 3+ [Three echoes of the same string here]
 9. # Two echoes of the same string
10. echo "text-folding";
11. echo "text-folding";

Indenting folding comments could be interpreted by TextPad as inner levels of folding. E.g.:

# @@@ My favourite movies:
  # @@@ movie 1:
    # @@@ author: name1 surname1
    # @@@ actors: ...
  # @@@
  # @@@ movie 2:
    # @@@ author: name2 surname2
    # @@@ actors: ...
  # @@@
# @@@
# @@@ My favourite OAVs:
  # @@@ movie 1:
    # @@@ author: name1 surname1
    # @@@ animators: ...
  # @@@
  # @@@ movie 2:
    # @@@ author: name2 surname2
    # @@@ animators: ...
  # @@@
# @@@

Ok, hope the TextPad author takes inspiration from this request, I dream of it from my early days of using a text editor :)

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