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T-Clock / Re: T-Clock 2010 (download)
« on: August 28, 2013, 05:36 PM »
I guess you miss understood me...
The problem lies indeed within the focus-loose-ability of the Windows clock calendar... And since it's the standard calendar, I can't detect it's focus loss without some kind of injection... Otherwise it would be easy to just assume it's still open and then just close it....

I'm stuck here... unable to think of anyway around it :P (I still wonder how the original clock does it... since most of the task is done by the taskbar itself (mouse movement, clicks etc.) and they communicate only by messages. Thus the same way we/I do... Maybe the clock just sends a message to the taskbar :P To lazy to check that^^ It won't really help anyway.

T-Clock / Re: T-Clock 2010 (download)
« on: August 28, 2013, 03:34 PM »
here you go.. (hope the 64bit build does work...)
I've also removed the T-Clock tooltip stuff... so this will only show the original tooltip and calendar.

So there's still stuff to do... add options to choose which calendar to use (or maybe not :P) or to use T-Clock's custom tooltip instead of windows default one... etc.
Also... I couldn't find a way to get the same behavior as the default clock... so clicking T-Clock once will open the calendar, clicking it again while the calendar was open will just reopen it and not just close it as the default clock does...

Anyway.. the build should be stable and hopefully enough for you ;) (it's enough for me :P)

P.S. sry about the delay... I just saw your post today^^
P.P.S. I didn't upload the source right now as it's not clear how it should be implemented and my current source is quite ugly :P Otherwise I would have created a Git folk to make it easy to implement it on the master (and I would have run astyle on the source, besides other cleanup stuff)

removed attachments (32bit downloaded 5 times, 64bit 7 times)
new downloads:

T-Clock / Re: T-Clock 2010 (download)
« on: May 30, 2013, 09:39 PM »
In case you guys still want to know how to display the windoze calendar, its possible ;)
  • Find the tray window with class: "Shell_TrayWnd"
  • find control with class: "TrayClockWClass"
  • PostMessage: WM_USER+102,1,0
IIRC you already got that handle.. or at least a system to find such windows/controls. I just can't implement it myself as I'm a gcc developer and I don't want to convert your source :P

P.S. wParam=0 or WM_USER+103 will show the original tooltip... (which I prefer... not only because it will show different time zones)

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