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T-Clock / Re: T-Clock 2010 (download)
« on: August 23, 2018, 08:14 AM »
[...] font [...] is half as large as it should be. I guess the reason is that I set a large interface fonts in my Windows 7 (150%).
you're right about your "guess", it's a known problem. See: #65 and #72 (Pull request)
It's not that easy to fix... though I might consider adding an "high-DPI" check to simply remove that mono-spaced font for the time being. It'll probably take forever for the UI rewrite

T-Clock / Re: T-Clock's uptime format
« on: August 16, 2018, 01:28 AM »
Well, I don't think there's anything you could do right now, other than disabling fast-boot if you want Windows to always do a full boot without caching.

I'll have to figure out some other way to calculate the uptime, I guess Task Manager is able to do it. Though it might use an undocumented Windows API like NtQuerySystemInformation()

T-Clock / Re: T-Clock's uptime format
« on: August 15, 2018, 06:40 AM »
what does your customized advanced clock format look like?

It's quite possible that Windows 10's fast-boot messes things up a bit.. so if you open an cmd.exe window and run ' systeminfo ' it might show a different "System Boot Time" than expected.

T-Clock / Re: T-Clock's uptime format
« on: August 04, 2018, 01:24 AM »
hmm... I guess it's 64bit, right?
What's the exact format string you're using?

T-Clock / Re: Uninstalling T-clock
« on: August 03, 2018, 02:22 AM »
I downloaded T-Clock from CNet, Unzipped into a new folder, and clicked on TClock.exe. Nothing happened. I mean Nothing. T-Clock did not show up anywhere let alone setting it up.
Seems like you've got an old version there... that one doesn't distinguish 32bit and 64bit OSes so that you'll need to be careful which one to run. It also meant you've got the 32bit process stuck... if you'd just killed that, you'd be free to go.

Anyway, it also seems like you've downloaded the source code of 'my' version, so that wouldn't work either ;) You'll have to download the binaries. Though you're then free to start either Clock.exe or Clock64.exe (Clock.exe is the safest bet as it'll just start Clock64 if needed)

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