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Messages - WhiteTigX [ switch to compact view ]

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T-Clock / Re: T-Clock 2010 (download)
« on: May 01, 2015, 03:20 PM »
well.. 2.3.2 is still the current / old version ;)
Though I'll actually release a new version near the end of this month :P

With these fixed: (I still need help with the "time update" one.. as it works on my Win 7 VM as it always did..)
Colorizable calendar, new "Wu" week format (should be in sync with U.S. Windows' week numbering) and some Coverity scan fixes :P

Might want to consider running Streams.exe -s -d *.* on the release to eliminate [application blocked] security warning hassles. [...]
-Stoic Joker (May 01, 2015, 07:18 AM)
uhm.. that must be done on each user installation^^ If you're talking about "untrusted app, do you want to run?" thingy.. that's added because it was downloaded from the internet and you've extracted it with Windows' build in extractor...
Those hidden streams are only added after a download and/or extraction... (using 7zip for extraction for example is pretty safe)

T-Clock / Re: T-Clock 2010 (download)
« on: February 25, 2015, 09:02 PM »
@IainB: I didn't yet fully look into it.. from what I've seen is that it's possible to change the background and font (style,color), but it might be "impossible" to set different fonts for week numbers, heading, etc...
Well maybe through hacks... but those are likely version dependent...

You basically just want similar colors as you've shown on the screen shot? May I ask why?

@cyrilh: well... there have been requests to be able to use the calendar for more stuff then just showing the current date... like adding an appointment or deadline, etc. But I'm not that interested into enhancing the in-build calendar that much... it's almost an entirely differently program and a lot of work to begin with... I might make it easier to replace T-Clock's calendar with a 3rd party one.. (like allowing once again to run custom programs on mouse clicks which is on my to-do anyway)

People are still welcome to contribute their own code :P

P.S. I really should change my name / grab another one.. everyone spells it differently xD Or some did even ask how to pronounce my current one right here.. Too bad White-Tiger / WhiteTiger wasn't available the time I registered^^ Or that I didn't use ShiroTora instead...
Though my name is meant to refer a white tiger, I'll never use a space between those words :P It's either White-Tiger or WhiteTiger

T-Clock / Re: T-Clock 2010 (download)
« on: February 25, 2015, 07:36 AM »
in theory it probably could (almost)... though one problem would be the settings dialog to configure it :P There's not enough space right now.. might require a specific "Calendar" tab just for that...

T-Clock / Re: T-Clock 2010 (download)
« on: January 30, 2015, 08:40 AM »
I actually meant a real cleanup utility such as: https://support.nort...EndUserProfile_en_us
You shouldn't uninstall stuff like an AV using 3rd party tools that aren't made for this task anyway... AV's and some other software interact deeply with the system. That's why they can damage or corrupt it if something goes wrong. Such a 3rd party uninstaller can cause such issues. And a lot AV vendors have cleanup utilities or a community created one (in case of Comodo)

Uninstallers like Revo are fake in some ways anyway... they can only know what a software installed / created if they watched the install process... (which btw. interacts deeply with the system and can yet again cause trouble) And I'm not sure if you installed an AV with Revo^^ Wouldn't be the best idea anyway.

T-Clock / Re: T-Clock 2010 (download)
« on: January 29, 2015, 06:31 PM »
Hope you have uninstalled Norton first and maybe even used a cleanup utility.. (and of course restarted at least once)
You should configure your Comodo though, instead of using a "workaround"... You'll loose some T-Clock functionality with Win7 compatibility mode besides not really fixing your problem that Comodo blocked T-Clock^^

edit: fixed spelling.. I've wrote "clienup" instead of "cleanup" xD Don't ask me how that happened...

T-Clock / Re: T-Clock 2010 (download)
« on: January 26, 2015, 07:09 PM »
just out of curiosity, which program is it :P?

T-Clock / Re: T-Clock 2010 (download)
« on: January 26, 2015, 05:43 PM »
[...] but lacks information, such as CPU usage,RAM format %. [...]
These are on my todo for quite some time. So I'm not sure if I really want to add them just now. Because I originally planned to add this and more once I've rewrote the entire format "system". There's a lot to improve

[...] "Windows-ish" [...]
Like in Windows XP / 95 ? In that case, yep it's a bug.. well at least my local build looks that way :P (didn't check release build)
But regarding horizontal vs vertical.. well my build is showing those 3 months for quite some time horizontally... I don't even remember them being vertically^^ And adding an option isn't that trivial.. nor is there an easy way how to express the option for that^^

T-Clock / Re: T-Clock 2010 (download)
« on: January 15, 2015, 11:26 AM »
because such a format doesn't exist.
As of now, you can only use "w+05" to output current hour +5

T-Clock / Re: T-Clock 2010 (download)
« on: November 25, 2014, 03:23 PM »
I totally missed that... I only noticed that Time Format tab has not checkbox for that option... :-[
Not your fault ;) Next releases will have a note on that^^

T-Clock / Re: T-Clock 2010 (download)
« on: November 25, 2014, 12:26 PM »
mixza-81, what's your problem with it?
Hope you've read the T-Clock Help.rtf :P

edit: fixed spelling mistake^^

T-Clock / Re: T-Clock 2010 (download)
« on: November 14, 2014, 06:52 PM »
ok.... will exec ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}\1\::{C555438B-3C23-4769-A71F-B6D3D9B6053A} I guess

T-Clock / Re: T-Clock 2010 (download)
« on: November 14, 2014, 10:21 AM »
[...] Your last update fixed my request from August 15th. [...]
This same "request" was already fixed before you've even requested it^^ No update had to do with it^^

side note: just noticed I've actually posted the 666th post, evil me :P (my previous post)

T-Clock / Re: T-Clock 2010 (download)
« on: November 14, 2014, 07:31 AM »
It really is "misc" :P Couldn't call it libs because there are other files as well. (and later will take files like "Options.exe", "Sync.exe" and what else)
More like "system".. but those aren't system files.. nor for Windows, nor really for T-Clock because the Calendar isn't required in every case.

It's miscellaneous, some required DLL's, some non required files and what else comes in the future^^ Would even put the readme there, but then it's never going to be read xD
But ye, "system" was my first name I got for it... just didn't sound nice and kind of bad.. (or "sys")
"system" sound to me like it's messing with Windows or something like that :P "files" or "bin" is also a bad name... so I liked "misc" xD

But anyway, folder won't be renamed as it would just cause too much trouble not worth the "benefits", if there where any anyway^^

About "Control Panel -> Display" well.. isn't really "Display Properties" either... "Personalize" would be the closed to the old "Display Properties" on XP... not only is it what people tried to reach, it's also the exact same page :P IIRC on XP "Display Properties" was also a menu entry if clicked on the desktop like it is for Win8 with "Personalize"

T-Clock / Re: T-Clock 2010 (download)
« on: November 13, 2014, 01:33 PM »
I agree, since Vista, there is no single Display Properties as there was in Xp.
what do you suggest? Remove it on Vista+, Rename it to "Personalize" on Vista+ and open that one?
Not sure what to do with it right now :P

Why are the DLLs and the XpCalendar in a sub-folder called MISC? [...]
To simplify things^^ So you'll see a clean folder structure with just 2 exes to run. And any of them is ok. Before that, people had trouble to find the right exe to run^^
I generally prefer apps with just one exe at all. But that wouldn't work with T-Clock, in fact I'll add more later.
And generally: all files are required, and of course the folder structure must stay intact. (not sure why you even tried to mess with it, won't work in 99% anyway)

For the same reason (simplicity) I didn't put "Digital-7" into misc, it's not really a part of T-Clock, nor required. And it's in the root folder for people to acknowledge and maybe even install because they like it. In "misc" no one will ever see it exists^^ And since it's not an executable, it doesn't confuse people when it stays in the root folder

T-Clock / Re: T-Clock 2010 (download)
« on: November 12, 2014, 08:22 PM »
Anyone else see this behavior?
me, the current developer :P
Will investigate if it's a regression or Vista+ compatibility issue^^ (by means, also opens "Screen Saver" on my Win8)

Though "Display Properties" is flawed by design since Vista+ I guess^^ There's no such thing anymore (at least hard to reach on Win8)

T-Clock / Re: T-Clock 2010 (download)
« on: November 09, 2014, 09:57 AM »
Hi Mark56,
sry currently there's no way... 12h setting is "global"^^
I'm not even sure if I will implement a feature like this before the major formatting revamp :P Though I have no schedule for that one as well. (not that I have one generally)

Also, even if there where a way, "ddd" will still show the weekday based on your local time^^ There's no format yet to change the timezone or offset yet.

T-Clock / Re: T-Clock 2010 (download)
« on: November 05, 2014, 06:27 PM »
New version released :
It's a bug fix release for the v2.3 series but also adds some alarm related improvements and more

I still wonder why so few people reported problems... or most of you simply reboot Windows often as well as having a non-crashing explorer and never using T-Clock's alarm feature...

T-Clock / Re: T-Clock 2010 (download)
« on: October 27, 2014, 06:21 PM »
[...] In this version, I think the behaviour of mouse-over tooltip is different somehow:
if not enabled: always shows on main display (I think this is the Windows tooltip)
if enabled: for the second display clock, it shows the tooltip on top side of main display.
I've found no way to control the default tooltip.. so for "full" multimon support, a custom tooltip must be used. Though that one had a design flaw xD Will be fixed...

Q: What is the difference between static and non static ones? Both distributions have dll files ...
Well the static version doesn't require external dependencies... so no need to install Visual C++ Runtimes.
Was basically a test to see what happens...

A question: Would it be easy for you to allow two instances of the program to run simultaneously?
Sry not possible I suppose. Though, I don't really get your reason for that... from what you've described, left and right "clock" will display the same font, use the same size and both are single line... so where's your problem exactly?

I don't know if there are plans to use the "GetTickCount64" function instead of the "GetTickCount" function in getting the uptime but it would be nice.[...]
Will be used in next version. Though 32bit users or pre-Vista might not like it xD A bit slower in that case... (from a CPU cycle perspective, probably not very noticeable)

Are there plans to use Environment variables for the display?
Not really... Environment variables are mostly static.. so there's not much use for such a feature. Besides your rare use case of course...

Also, how do you say your username? I say White Tiggex, like Tigger but with ex at the end. But I could also see it being like tiger, hence White Tie-gex.
Well... your first guess is ok I guess.. though "WhiteTigX" is only a workaround for not being able to use "White-Tiger". Just ignore the name here :P Still need to figure out a unique name... And of course I did receive your mails.. though I've got reasons not to answer them (apart from the fact that I named my point already, but still, nothing is fix)

T-Clock / Re: T-Clock 2010 (download)
« on: October 13, 2014, 10:43 PM »
Here you go, the "bugfix" release...

I'm also experimenting with self-signing and testing out what happens with it xD I hope the SmartScreen won't get worse because of it... though I'm not really sure that it will get better..

T-Clock / Re: T-Clock 2010 (download)
« on: October 12, 2014, 07:51 PM »
no :P

T-Clock / Re: T-Clock 2010 (download)
« on: October 11, 2014, 07:26 AM »
weird... the context menu was never an issue for me... at least not when I've tested it :P

Is it possible that your 2nd monitor (or at least the one you've tested it with) is on the left of your primary? In this case, I could reproduce it... damn Windows API functions xD

edit: now fixed in trunk:
Though I'll wait a few hours before releasing it because of other possible issues, such as Clock doesn't even start on movrshakr's Win8.1

T-Clock / Re: T-Clock 2010 (download)
« on: October 10, 2014, 10:20 PM »
try the latest version :P

P.S. it's really a new version ;)

T-Clock / Re: T-Clock 2010 (download)
« on: September 30, 2014, 06:02 PM »
No need to try to reproduce it ;) It's ok... more or less... I might recheck one or two things and maybe I'll find something. If not, someone else might find it as time passes.

T-Clock / Re: T-Clock 2010 (download)
« on: September 30, 2014, 04:37 PM »
Stoic Joker, how dare you to not send me an export if your settings xD ... could have been a major problem...
Though none of the changes were related or should be related to the clock format...

Anyway.. what kind of test build are you talking about? Your own or mine? I though you were using my version before...

P.S. by "blank" you really mean it? Please go to options and change font color to transparent, did it look exactly like that?

T-Clock / Re: T-Clock 2010 (download)
« on: September 30, 2014, 02:49 PM »
the "update" itself doesn't harm.. you could have allowed that... it wasn't even a major change xD
None of them should harm.. as long as you don't want to use an old version later...

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