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Living Room / Re: The Movie and Book Writing Thread
« on: July 10, 2015, 10:48 PM »
^Awesome! Keep writing your apps & great literature!  :Thmbsup:

Living Room / Re: reverse smilie (:
« on: July 09, 2015, 06:14 PM »
smilie reverse 2.jpg
Okay, this is someone using a reverse smilie. (:

Living Room / Re: Interesting "stuff"
« on: July 09, 2015, 12:14 AM »
Incidentally, speaking of AI, if you don't want your child's RI (real intelligence) and intellectual growth stunted, here are some vid exposees on sources of mercury and how it is toxic to brain cells;
smoking teeth poison gas
Mercury-silver amalgam dental fillings should be replaced with white resin or tooth caps.

What's In A Flu Shot
I'm not against vaccines, just the toxic and totally unnecessary mercury (thimerosol) additive and a few other toxins, which could easily be replaced with safer preservatives for a slight cost increase.

Living Room / Re: Interesting "stuff"
« on: July 08, 2015, 11:46 PM »
^Contrariwise if you try the endlessly repeated "...but why?" trick on a sufficiently young child, say age 6 or 7, they (he or she) will realize instinctively you have caught them in a trap (similar to Star Trek's Spock instructing the renegade computer to calculate pi to the infinite decimal place), but be unable to intellectually conceptualize and encapsulate how to crack it and argue their way out.
This will be seen in the child becoming increasingly frustrated at your "...but why?" gambit and resorting to more and more emotional demonstrations of frustration combined with shared amusement at the 'joke', while failing to 'think outside of the box' and put a stop to your silly nonsense.
"Because..." (child)
"...but why?" (you)
"...but why?"
"...but why?"
"...but why?"
They know you're pulling a fast one over on them, but cannot find sufficient justification to shed the unspoken obligation to give a meaningful answer to each new "...but why?" from you.

OTOH, try this on, say, a slightly more intellectually mature child of age 8, 9, or especially 10 on up, and they'll crack the intellectual trap and nail you for it.

Living Room / Re: Interesting "stuff"
« on: July 08, 2015, 10:14 PM »
Google Made a Chatbot That Debates the Meaning of Life

This is more important of a discovery/result than you might think. It's a huge new step in "artificial intelligence" because unlike the typical need in early-generation scientific studies to keep muddying factors out of study parameters, there's nothing stopping a mix of iterative machine-learn/hand-code/machine-learn/hand-code.

You can build an "AI" out of modules. You might catch it twice-per-module-shift but then you would with real people too. Then once it knows "what it is talking about", that local expertise module comes into use.

And the "meaning of life" module is important because that's one of the famous categories in "Loebner 1.0" style contests to bust up the machine. But if it can almost sound like a burnt out college student, then when the questioner gets bored of his/her/(its?) "little joke", the convo goes back to the "meaty topic" and the comp just keeps right on going shifting modules again.

To me this is one of the raw fundamental fears we expressed in early scifi about machines/robots, because you just keep loading these convo engines aka "brains" at high speed en masse, and suddenly humans feel threatened because it takes us exhaustively long to gain our own experience and the comp just gets pushed a new module in minutes.

Notice how anti-AI folks keep using versions of "No True Scotsman" to hold back recognition that AI is coming. Once you have a comp mind engine that can do seventy things moderately well, what is left for a person of personhood?

Actually, little kids already have a time-honored AI response to everything they wish to mock (or truly lack adult understanding of).
"...but why?" (repeated 1,000,000X in response to increasingly detailed and exasperated adult-level explanations).

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