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Living Room / TouchPad for PC w/Windows 7 vs. carpal tunnel ?
« on: July 29, 2015, 07:40 PM »
Carpal tunnel syndrome is getting to me.
Each morning I start out with no pain.
Within a short time it feels like a thick rubber band around my right wrist.
I suspect my inexpensive, durable Microsoft mouse with difficult to click finger buttons.
I tried a right angle mouse, but the squeeze action with thumb made it worse.
I see they make an add-on TouchPad you just finger-swipe, and watched one vid on how to use it.
Seems a bit complicated, 1-finger for this, 2-fingers for this, 3-fingers, 4-fingers.
Some articles say 'TouchPad for Windows 8' (I've got Windows 7).
Not sure if this is a good remedial approach, or what prices for wired gear, and best brands?

My best 'cures' include;
1-hot & cold water dip alternated; tingly hot dip for 10-20 seconds, then cold water 10-20 seconds, hot...cold...(repeat as needed). I do this in a pair of 2-quart plastic food containers in the kitchen sink; works like magic.
2-herbal spray liniment;
recipe - 1 qt. 70% rubbing alcohol, 2 tsp. myrrh gum powder, 1 tsp. goldenseal powder, 1.5 tbl. cayenne powder (red pepper), 1 tsp. scullcap powder, 1 tsp. hops powder: mix ingredients, shake once a day for 10 days, settle out for one day, then fill a sore throat pump top spray bottle with clear amber liquid and spray on skin; works pretty good in combination with hot & cold water dip (i.e. do 'hot & cold' first; dry off, then spray liniment on and let it dry on).
3-Zostrix cayenne pepper skin cream; this stuff is potent, but don't get it anywhere you don't want it.
i.e. don't rub it on your carpal tunnel and then (even after washing your fingertip) rub your eye or taste your fingertip, or you'll feel a burning in your eye or mouth. :P
Whenever I put it on my wrist (i.e. at bedtime), I take a tube sock, cut off the lower part, and slip the top part over the affected area, to keep the Zostrix from accidentally transferring anywhere I don't want it to go.
In the morning, I remove the tube sock, and scrub the Zostrix off with a wash cloth and warm water.
Then the wash cloth goes into the laundry bin.
I mark a black 'X' on the white tube sock, to show which side went to the inner part of my wrist.
IOW, I practice strict application monitoring & control; prevents Zostrix ending up on the keyboard, door knobs, chair backs, pillows, etc. and transferring back to fingertips, then to mouth, eyes, and so on.
You have to be this strict, because Zostrix works, but it will get you in ways you won't believe if you get sloppy. (:

Unfortunately, the carpal tunnel is slowly getting worse in spite of all remedial efforts, short of quitting my PC.
I'm open to any and all suggestions, not just the ones mentioned here.

All posts in this thread are for educational or entertainment purposes only and not intended as actual health advice.

General Software Discussion / Google Earth through proxie?
« on: July 27, 2015, 01:10 PM »
Is there any way to set up Google Earth to connect through TOR Vidalia or any other proxie?

Also, is there an app to change sea levels globally?

Living Room / reverse smilie (:
« on: July 03, 2015, 12:47 AM »
I saw somewhere where someone was using reverse smilies, like this:  (:
-instead of this:  :)
Later on, someone told me yes it's a real smilie emoticon but only Unix users use it.

General Software Discussion / 'create Restore Point' question
« on: April 04, 2015, 07:27 PM »
In Windows 7 Pro, b/c my machine is older, and I occasionally get a BSOD.
So long as I have at least one Restore Point created, my pc reboots and recovers just fine.
But each time it does this, it uses up and cancels out the RP.
So my SOP is to let it reboot to Desktop, then run a registry scan, then create a new RP for the next BSOD.
Better yet, to have several RPs.
It looks to me as if, every 1st of the month, the OS dumps all old RPs.
So it keeps me on my toes making sure I have at least one valid RP.
Is there a way to set up the OS to automatically create a new RP every so often, once a day or whatever?
Or what other advice does anyone have (besides getting a newer machine)?

Living Room / Robert A. Heinlein - atmospheric processor question
« on: March 19, 2015, 06:04 PM »
In 'Aliens 2', they use atmospheric processors to convert the alien moon's noxious atmosphere to make it breathable, "Takes decades," Van Leuwen tells Ripley. "We call it a 'shake and bake' colony."

S-F writer Robert A. Heinlein was -among other things- a mathematician.
I vaguely recall that he once calculated that with X number of giant Aliens-type 'atmospheric processors' (written a couple or three decades before 'Aliens'), seems to me he 'crunched the numbers' and figured it would take -X number of years- (he gave a specific number which I forget) to make the atmosphere of Mars breathable.
Does anyone have the direct Heinlein quote and actual info on this please?
If he put it in a story, what book?

Mars with water - eso1509b.jpg
'When Mars had water' (courtesy of & Dees); my only comment on the picture is that if it had water it must have had water vapor clouds, which -at least on Earth- are white.

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