« on: December 02, 2014, 05:32 PM »
I have an interior pdf document which contains indented paragraphs and some words italicized, with some text centered and some justified (straight right and left borders).
The original pdf is 1.18MB, and about 90K words.
I would like very much to convert it to MS Word 2003, saving the layout with all attributes as a pure text file.
Also if possible to drop out the 278 page numbers, but I could do that manually I suppose.
If I can get that far somehow, I know what to do with MS Word 2003 to turn it from that into an etext with dynamic clickable TOC (Table of Contents).
I found a different DC thread where someone suggested 'Free PDF to Word Online Converter'; it says it can handle up to a 10MB file, but when I used it, it only gave me a 1.4kb file and had only converted 4 pages.
Is there any freeware or free on-line way to do this?