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General Software Discussion / Seamonkey password problem
« on: January 18, 2015, 02:16 PM »
My Seamonkey Portable stores and remembers passwords for various websites -including DC- with no problem.
It used to also do so for a fav website, but has stopped doing so, and never even asks me anymore if I want to store the password for the particular website.
I have to type in my email address and password every time now.
How can I fix this?

General Software Discussion / youtube ad blocker for seamonkey?
« on: January 16, 2015, 01:58 PM »
Does anyone know a good ad blocker of flash video ads on youtube, for seamonkey?
And a good safe source to download it from?
It's these video ads in a square box to the right of the actual videos.
How can I block them in seamonkey?

General Software Discussion / how undo Norton 'safe search' in FF?
« on: January 14, 2015, 12:05 AM »
1) This is for when you highlight a word, right-click on it for the drop-down menu, and choose a search engine to open results in a new page in Firefox.
2) I used to have it set to duckduckgo.
3) Then I decided to try adding Norton toolbar at the top of the FF browser.
4) Changed my mind, unchecked Norton toolbar.
5) Discovered Norton hijacked ^1) above in this post. >.<
6) I even went into FF Add-ons and disabled Norton Toolbar, but still can't get duckduckgo back as my preferred search engine.

General Software Discussion / patchpae
« on: January 03, 2015, 09:10 PM »
PatchPae is a Windows patch to enable Windows 7 32-bit to run up to 128GB of ram.
You can only run it with an N-Vidia card, which I have.
I tried installing the patch in cmd prompt with admin rights, and failed.
I wonder if there is any chance of someone creating an auto-loader/installer/patcher, or if one exists?

General Software Discussion / moon phase app?
« on: December 18, 2014, 03:02 PM »
I would like to find a moon phase app for Win 7 Desktop (or time-date area of systray), or Firefox (or Seamonkey), that is as minimal as possible and just shows the phase without a ton of auxiliary stuff?
Can't seem to find anything.

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