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I'm still using Powermarks, BrainWave Generator, Jaangle (portable), WinChime, HotBasic, JauntePE, Space Empires III (v 1.17, november 1998), Jasc Image Robot, MangaMeeya, Jasc Paint Shop Pro 7, Bekky Mail, Bit Che, Acid View, BiromSoft Calc, NotPad, PolyEdit, TextPad 4, 3D Color Changer, CatFood Fortune Cookies, AXE 3.4, Jazz UPX, Naevius Directory Watcher and WinSpy 1.7.
Oh!  I see several here I loved!  WinChime and Paint Shop Pro 7.

I'll add another plug for WordStar.  I used it on my dad's Kaypro II in the mid 80's.

A newer one (early 90's) that I liked was 386Max!  A DOS program, it allowed the user to load memory-resident programs and drivers in the unused memory space between the 640k and 1meg area, so that more of the 640k space was available to regular DOS programs.  It also allowed easy configuration of the memory above the 1meg mark to allow programs to use Extended and/or Expanded memory.

Post New Requests Here / Re: IDEA: See if a user is logged in
« on: April 21, 2009, 03:15 PM »
Looks like its VERY easy as an AHK script, sorry to insult everyone's intelligence by asking for so simple an app  8)

#SingleInstance ignore
#MaxMem 1

; This script reports this computer as logged out

UrlDownloadToFile, http://univeristy.ed...A_MyDocuments%status

Something like the above.

Ok, it was pretty simple and fun.  Here is the completed app.  Maybe it will be useful to someone.

Here's the background for the code below:
Our library has 3 sets of patron computers named:

The AHK script below pings the 6 closest stations and reports their status to a PHP program I wrote.  Compiled into an exe file and put into the domain login script.
I took the data reported and created a PHP page that displays the current status of all our patron stations.

#SingleInstance ignore
#MaxMem 1

; Written in AutoHotKey by Ron Miller, Apr. 21, 2009

; This script reports this computer as logged in
; it also checks the 6 computers immediately around it and reports if they are up or down.

; %A_ComputerName% contains computer name in all caps
station := A_ComputerName

IfInString, A_UserName, lpac
        ; guest user, no password
user := "lpac"
else {
user := "university_user"

SubPat := ""
if (RegExMatch(station,"LIB-PATRON-(\d+)", SubPat))
Max := 16

; The Goto's you see in the following several IF statements prevent clobbering of SubPat1
Goto, Here

if (RegExMatch(station,"LIB-PATRON-(P\d+)", SubPat))
Max := 10
Goto, Here

if (RegExMatch(station,"LIB-PATRON-(U\d+)", SubPat))
Max := 24
Goto, Here



Down_S := ""
if (d_count > 0)
Loop, %d_count%
Down_S .= Down_A%A_Index% . ":"
; MsgBox All stations are responding

if (u_count > 0)
Loop, %u_count%
Up_S .= Up_A%A_Index% . ":"

UrlDownloadToFile, http://libraryurl/patronstation/report.php?station=%station%&status=yes&user=%user%&down=%Down_S%&up=%Up_S%&pw=reportpassword,%A_MyDocuments%status

; MsgBox Pinging %NWA%
RunWait %ComSpec% /C ping -n 1 -w 250 %NWA%,,Hide
If (ErrorLevel)
Return 0

Return 1

; Have to set the following global so they can be read outside this function
global Down_A, Down_A1, Down_A2, Down_A3, Down_A4, Down_A5, Down_A6, d_count, Up_A,Up_A1,Up_A2,Up_A3,Up_A4,Up_A5,Up_A6,u_count

extra := "", temp := SubPat

; handle the U series of patron stations
if (InStr(SubPat,"U"))
extra := "U"
Goto, Here1
; handle the P series of patron names
if (InStr(SubPat,"P"))
extra := "P"


; Ping 6 stations total, 3 below the current one, and 3 above
Sub := 3, Add := 3

if (extra != "")
temp := part1

part := temp

; Constrain loop to the number of stations we want to ping
Loop, 6
if (part - Sub < 1)
Sub--, Add++

if (part + Add > Max)
Add--, Sub++

if ((part - Sub >= 1) && (part + Add <= Max))

d_count :=0, u_count :=0

; loop through station names below current one
Loop, %Sub%
NWA := "LIB-PATRON-" . extra . (part - Sub)
if (Ping(NWA))
Up_A%u_count% := NWA
else {
Down_A%d_count% := NWA

; loop through station names above current one
Loop, %Add%
NWA := "LIB-PATRON-" . extra . (part + Add)
if (Ping(NWA))
Up_A%u_count% := NWA
Down_A%d_count% := NWA


Post New Requests Here / Re: IDEA: See if a user is logged in
« on: April 14, 2009, 02:32 PM »
Looks like its VERY easy as an AHK script, sorry to insult everyone's intelligence by asking for so simple an app  8)

#SingleInstance ignore
#MaxMem 1

; This script reports this computer as logged out

UrlDownloadToFile, http://univeristy.ed...A_MyDocuments%status

Something like the above.

Post New Requests Here / Re: IDEA: See if a user is logged in
« on: April 14, 2009, 11:27 AM »
Ouch!  Sorry, just slapped myself in the head for not seeing that one when I wrote the post.

You're absolutely right, that would be an easier way to do it -- have the app report its own status to a webpage.

Post New Requests Here / Re: IDEA: See if a user is logged in
« on: April 14, 2009, 11:18 AM »
Yes, using the built-in windows login system.

Post New Requests Here / Re: IDEA: See if a user is logged in
« on: April 14, 2009, 11:15 AM »
We're using a logout screensaver that auto logs out the user after 15 minutes of inactivity to help free up stations when users forget to logout.

Yes, all users have to login with their university acct and password.   The only local user on the stations is a local admin user that I occasionally have to use.

Post New Requests Here / IDEA: See if a user is logged in
« on: April 14, 2009, 10:35 AM »
We have 50 Windows XP patron stations in our university library.  I'd like to create an onscreen map showing which stations are available for use -- no one currently logged into them.  All users log in by a domain username.

I found PSTOOLS: psloggedon.exe  which I can use if I were to create this page on a Windows webserver, but I'd rather use a Linux solution.

IDEA:  I envision a very small app (very small memory footprint) on the patron station that would run when the user logs in (either by the START group, or AD user login script).  This app would respond with a simple string like 'yes' when contacted over the network on a certain port.  When the user logs out, the app would naturally stop running.

Example using port 5432:  http://lib-patron-2:5432

This way, I could easily use wget in PHP in Linux and then parse the results and display a nice floor layout showing which stations were available.

I suppose an alternative is for the app to always run, and return 'no' when a user is not logged in, and 'yes' when one is.

If you know of an already existing app that can do this, which I can call from Linux, please let me know.  Otherwise,  I'd love to have an app like described above.

If you think there is a better way to do it, let's talk about it.

DC Member Programs and Projects / Re: CluGrid Discussion
« on: February 27, 2008, 10:37 PM »
I'll be happy to create you a custom version for your colleagues - the program loads the text from an encrypted XML file at startup so it's a piece of cake. I must have been prescient when I set that up  :Thmbsup:

... although don't ask me why I encrypted it!

Anyway, all I need from you is the list of names, and any amusing / embarrassing / sarcastic / in-joke type situations you'd like to see them in. Or if you're feeling all XML-ey you can do it yourself, the format is very simple, and I can tell you how to encrypt.

In fact that's a general offer for all you marvellous DC members out there - get me the text and I'll do anyone a Kustom Speshul CluGrid.

Strange, I actually did download version at one point, but when I went back to the site later, all I can find is

Thank you for your kind offer!  If there cannot be an interface for players to enter in data they want to be in the puzzle, then I'd rather do it myself in XML rather than bother you about it.

Since you said not to ask why you encrypted it, I won't :)  I do know the internal filenames and their container type, so all that I'm missing is the password for encryption and the format of the XML file.

Thank you.

DC Member Programs and Projects / Re: CluGrid Discussion
« on: February 27, 2008, 11:10 AM »
That's really odd... I just downloaded to a virgin PC and it's definitely Would you like me to email the file to you?


Thank you!  I love the program!

On   when I mouse over the CluGrid download link, it says http://timns.dcmembe.../CluGrid_1_0_0_9.EXE

When I looked in the PAD xml file, it says http://timns.dcmembe.../

I tried replacing the '9' with a '10', but got 'not found' errors, so it looks like the version is not available.

One issue I saw was that if you have the timer turned off, the bottom % completed bar is always 100%, while the top % completed bar is always 0%.

Also, when solving the puzzle, in the lower part of the window, you display what is known about the current puzzle.  When all values in that window are known, isn't the puzzle technically 100% completed?  Currently, you can only reach 100% if ALL boxes in the puzzle are filled in.  I don't mind that, but was confused when I first noticed it.  Perhaps a little mention of it in the help file would help some people.

I'd love to be able to make a custom puzzle for people/items/events for my co-workers.  Naturally, I could take a screenshot of a puzzle in GluGrid, then use a graphic editor program to put in the names etc I wanted to use.  It would be nice, though, if there was a way for players to enter custom data for the current puzzle and have that data used in the onscreen display of the puzzle and in the clues.

Thanks again for a great game!

Living Room / Re: Need a small, closed (!) forum
« on: September 28, 2007, 08:41 AM »

Yes, deleted files, etc will be copied also.

No need to reinstall everything!  I just moved my WinXP Pro from C: to L:, removed C:, then renamed L: to C:  Since the new partition was larger than the old one, I now have more space available for my (new) C:

I used http://www.softpedia...ry/DrvClonerXP.shtml but could have used http://www.softpedia...ry/DrvImagerXP.shtml

Both free, although the author's website has been down for a long time.

Also, to search for all C:\ and replace with L:\ in my registry, I used (click all 3 check boxes on right side when you use it.

The helpfile for DrvCloner gives the exact things you need to do.  I did have to make the new partition 'active' in Drive Manager in WinXP, don't think that was mentioned in the helpfile.  I did have a scary time, but since I had made my boot.ini file able to handle booting from a Windows partition on any of my hard drives (in case removing a drive affected which drive # Windows would be on), I was able to continue ok.  Part of the issue I had to get around was that my original C: drive was IDE, while the new one was SATA.  I had to play with my motherboards CMOS/BIOS settings that affect which hard drive is bootable.

Anyway, just wanted to try and save you the time/trouble of a re-install and the mess of having to re-install all your software, then set it up the way you had it before.

Hope this reaches you before you re-install.

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