Messages - fenixproductions [ switch to compact view ]

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Do not like, too clay-ish.

In my opinion: it doesn't make sense if an icon looks as real life object so much… or a photo.
Hyperrealism and Futurama? Not for me.

Living Room / Re: Recommend some music videos to me!
« on: February 02, 2013, 06:11 PM »
Not recommendation but question for:
what is the song in background?

I am getting pulling my hairs out at this moment :(
bald moment: checked dozen of links, online humming tools, virtual pianos recognition and all I know is that I was looking for it long time before. I found it back then but can't now :(

Edited: f0dder got it:

When you look long into an abyss, the abyss looks into you
I know few other things you shouldn't look into :)

Don't look into the eyes of another man…
eating banana.

Don't look into the eyes of another man…
licking the spoon.

Don't look into the eyes of woman…
cutting the sausage.

Don't look into the eyes of the nun…
buying cucumber.

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