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I've made some early spring cleaning recently and gained few enlightenments from it:
  • men do not lose hair with age - something hidden behind bed is hardly called "lost"
  • dozen tissues under bed does not equal vigorous sex life - this is simply cleaning & wiping,
  • you can write on dust multiple times
  • few years old bills on desk are not a mess - it is budget archive,
  • hairs are perfect for cable shielding,
  • dust in places hard to reach is called "natural perversity of inanimate objects"
  • you can RAR trash bags,
  • three keyboards on the shelf do not mean any of them works…
  • …same for mice
  • you dont need to sand a parquet floor - just buy small carpet.

Living Room / Re: Movies or films you've seen lately
« on: March 29, 2013, 06:43 PM »
"Overtime" - stupid as hell but good enough to waste time on it:

I have tried your DLL: numbers went to 8 and everything worked fine.
I 've got previous DLL back, retest and now everything is OK- very, very strange.

I have uploaded new AppData folder here:

Maybe you can find what's in it.

They may be couple of applications which affects other application (like antivirus or Listary) but I doubt they are the cause.

The question is:
how vector workspace differs from raster one?

For raster all is here, for vector (layers or whole) - middle part is missing (the part you actually see the results).
It is strange because if I work with complex image I can create many layers: raster,vector,raster,vector BUT if I click through to see their content, I can observe hide & seek game with middle part of RWPaint.

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