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What language(s) do you need the phrases/terms to be pronounced? English, Japanese, Polish, other, all available languages?
The only phrase I need is mentioned A-U-chan in Japanese anime style. And I even have an idea how exactly should it sound but I'd like to get it from female mouths (and maybe more ”native” - anime fan perversions ;) ).

I took a look on various Google provided links and many of them seem sufficient but prizes are too high for me. I am not sure should I truly spent 100$ (at least) for such a whim of mine (me?). To be honest: I am not even sure how much is it worth the trouble.

General Software Discussion / Looking for voice acting service
« on: May 04, 2013, 02:28 AM »
Hi all

Is anyone aware of some software or online service where I could request creation of an audio file with specific phrase made in specific voice?

The main idea / reason:

I've create my own blog recently with general complaining, stupid things and funny stuff - all with self made content and all in Polish.

What I would like to add is a post about improper usage of foreign brand names and one of such was a point of joke for me. Being anime fan I have noticed that Auchanw could be spelled in Japanese style like A–U–chan (あーうーちゃん) - with emphasis on A and U letters. So now I'd like to have some voice acting done for that one particular phrase to use it on my website… and not to pay an arm & leg for it.

P.S. I know Google provides a lot of links for solution but I'd like to hear DC recommendations.

Where's the Double Facepalm one for the Picard jokes?

Take this one instead:


Living Room / Re: Great Messages in Software
« on: April 30, 2013, 07:11 AM »
This is a great message:

In certain point of the game your virtual game studio goes bankrupt due to piracy.
BUT this only happens if you have an illegal copy of this game :)

Some info:

General Software Discussion / Re: Word to html
« on: April 22, 2013, 08:23 AM »
What type of Word files? DOC or DOCX?

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