General Software Discussion / Re: Looking for voice acting service
« on: May 04, 2013, 07:03 AM »What language(s) do you need the phrases/terms to be pronounced? English, Japanese, Polish, other, all available languages?The only phrase I need is mentioned A-U-chan in Japanese anime style. And I even have an idea how exactly should it sound but I'd like to get it from female mouths (and maybe more ”native” - anime fan perversions ;) ).-Ath (May 04, 2013, 05:42 AM)
I took a look on various Google provided links and many of them seem sufficient but prizes are too high for me. I am not sure should I truly spent 100$ (at least) for such a whim of mine (me?). To be honest: I am not even sure how much is it worth the trouble.