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BTW Parsing is not needed but nice tags stripping is.
-fenixproductions (February 27, 2012, 07:18 PM)
I assumed that something like that would be useful. I did not check the tags, but assumed that they would contain information that should not be found by the search.
It is rather the case of stripping too much.

<tag1>this is</tag1><tag2>test</tag2> may be shown in Word as this is test but wrongly stripped will become this istest.

I am using Total Commander with plugins for such task :)
But... since I wrote plugin for Office files once I may be able to think about something.

BTW Parsing is not needed but nice tags stripping is.

Finished Programs / Re: SOLVED: GDF File Reader
« on: February 27, 2012, 07:03 PM »
This one may be hard to implement because there seems to be is no easy way to be 100% sure where the GDF file is embedded in (i.e. Batman has BmGDFBinary.dll, Damnation - DamnGame.exe and Fallout 3 - GDFFallout3.dll).
The only possible solution would be to get some resource editor code and iterate through all exe/dll files looking for DATA\__GDF_XML and DATA\__GDF_THUMBNAIL binary resources but it is not efficient by any means.

Maybe the best would be to check Registry for just HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\GameUX\Game entries?
Or try to contact with guys behind these projects:

Living Room / Re: Anyone playing Mass Effect 2 game yet?
« on: February 15, 2012, 01:34 PM »
Mass Effect 3 is coming out soon and it will be one of the few games I play this year.
Pre-ordered already :)

ME was great, ME2 too, I hope third part will be equally good (in contrary do Dragon Age falling down).

BTW Mass Effect was one of the reasons for buying Fraps for me (2nd was Witcher 2) few months ago. And I've made 1016+4566 screenshots for ME story so far (~700 shared on Facebook).

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