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Messages - fenixproductions [ switch to compact view ]

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Living Room / Re: Post Your Funny Videos Here [NSFW]
« on: February 05, 2011, 03:51 PM »
Not video but equally awesome:

N.A.N.Y. 2011 / Re: NANY 2011 Release: Color Warlock
« on: February 03, 2011, 01:45 PM »
It is getting better and better :)

Any thoughts about sorting?

Hard decision, hard decision.
Not for me. It was one of the happiest days for me to ditch Delphi.

On the other hand: does Delphi have this?


Living Room / Re: Why does the Mayan calendar end on....?
« on: February 02, 2011, 11:04 AM »
I think it's OK to be put here: CollegeHumor - End of the World Parody


Living Room / Re: *URGENT* Patch IE security flaw (31 January 2011)
« on: February 01, 2011, 07:04 AM »
Published: January 28, 2011
It is always amazing for me to see how some news are picked up as "super new" when actually being few days old.

Or maybe other people just have life and not keep reading Internet all of their time ;)

Living Room / Re: Why does the Mayan calendar end on....?
« on: January 31, 2011, 03:30 PM »
I completely know what you mean in your spoilers!

The sad thing is: after the years you may start believing that all of that was in your head :(

"So in my head..."

When first versions of particular Browser reached the market there was "Crash IE" project around to make this Browser more popular.

It worked simply:
1. put malicious code on your website which will change IE homepage and crash it,
2. new homepage will show big "Get Browser" button.

Some Big Company got an idea to pay 1$ for each hijacked IE which could have homepage address composed as: owner could get nice amount of money thanks to that.

It made some media to roar, Big Company abandoned this approach and after the month... any info couldn't be found about.

The ending, of course, is as sad as being called a liar (the best) or crazy f&*k (the worst).

Living Room / Re: Why does the Mayan calendar end on....?
« on: January 31, 2011, 11:27 AM »
Hm. I can only say that calendar in my kitchen ends on 31st of December, 2011. And that's before Mayan :(

Although I am TC fan, I was using FileZilla for a long time. It ended up when I had discovered that FZ does not store passwords in secure way.

AFAIR Christian Ghisler had temporary FTP account on DC for TC testing purposes.

N.A.N.Y. 2011 / Re: NANY 2011 Release: Color Warlock
« on: January 28, 2011, 03:53 PM »
Screen picker is not intuitive. Maybe you could add small info how to use it in ToolTip?

I wonder what all that "drop UIs users are used to" stuff is about. There are several good reasons that the current UI has been consistent for so long...
Sometimes I am just thinking the answer is "We can't make it good so will make it looking nice" but it may be too unfair.

General Software Discussion / Re: Structurer for Windows?
« on: January 18, 2011, 02:01 PM »
Wow. I've never thought there may be special utilities for that.
I am always using Notepad++ for such task: typing structure down, adding Batch commands and saving as BAT. Double click after that and it's done.

Something definitely is wrong. Today I had logged on to see my footer was missing Cyrillic letters. All of them went ???. I've fixed this issue and it last for few minutes, but reverted to be wrong again (you can see the correct version here: http://forum.wincmd....ic.php?p=58705#58705).

Edited: Wow! I can't even use Cyrillic in this post :(

The real question which came to my mind is: will they ever do anything to Draw or focus on Writer only?

Seriously, remembering many OO versions I can see applications prioritized as: Wrter, Calc, Impress and Draw. For me "they" are reinventing the wheel over and over again. Same discussions from time to time and empty slogans about "MS Office replacement".

My idea for Libre is: no GUI changes yet but keep it stable instead, integrate Thunderbird somehow, finish Draw (or support Inkscape) and give true OneNote replacement. If it works it will be first real step for throwing MS away.

Every time I am looking on new interface proposals I think about this:

I know that wide screen LCDs are now trendy but do we really want to go back to:


BTW Microsoft has already tried "side panel approach":


BTW 2 I am always mad to see f*g font ComboBox being so narrow. Every office suite in the world has this issue. Wouldn't it be better to have it wider (allow to resize)? With font preview, perhaps?

Announce Your Software/Service/Product / Re: BBCeditor 1.0.30
« on: January 15, 2011, 04:07 AM »
Here you are.

I will also add instructions how to build one to first post, as soon as I find more free time.

It would be interesting to see this chart updated.

Official Announcements / Re: January 2011 Giveaway is open for entry
« on: January 13, 2011, 06:37 PM »
OK. I agree that this is good product but so far I haven't found anything I couldn't do with free tools (IcoFX, GreenFish Icon Editor + Inkscape, Paint.NET + XnView). If you are just starting playing with icons it is not bad choice at all. But if you have some experience with other graphic tools - it is not worth your time.

Few things were teasing me enough to buy it without trial tests:
- very good reviews - especially on DC,
- Image Objects - which are not good enough due to the lack of layers support. If you use layers in other editors and have good folders structure for your resources, you can achieve the same functionality.
- Librarian - I thought there will be something more than Explorer + Favourites substitute. I was hoping for tagging system, at least.

Also GUI appeared to be troublesome. It is year 2011 and still no mouse wheel support (zoom)? Even in Notepad++ has it (Ctrl+WheelUp to zoom something in). Not to mention about easy horizontal scrolling.

I must say that I had spent a lot of time looking for good icons management application and found none. Sure, there are a lot of photo organisers on the market but many of them don't support ICO files at all. The rest offer only the basic treatment. ICO files are handled like normal images which means: they may have one page only. Since we all know that single icon can contain multiple versions of itself, it makes this approach useless. There should be a choice for icons viewing - choice between standard mode (the best resolution view) and "snapshot mode" (all formats presented on single paper sheet) for both: folder's thumbnails and direct viewing.

Official Announcements / Re: January 2011 Giveaway is open for entry
« on: January 13, 2011, 04:38 PM »
I can only advise not to go for Axiallis. I had got Pro licence not so long ago and felt regret quickly.

I think some of us can share same situations:
- dozen applications written for some strange purposes* - used once and forgotten,
- few projects to illustrate ideas for other applications - because using Photoshop is too lame ;)
- good projects which got old after stable versions,
- projects started but never truly finished due to the lack of faith or time,
- projects started, abandoned and rewritten** only to be forgotten after all.

*) Like "one page only" comic viewer or grep wannabe.
**) Made in rush for which going back is not possible because of being afraid of spaghetti code.

Living Room / Re: WTH - software awards?
« on: January 09, 2011, 05:27 AM »
Since the only page I can see some downloads s Softpedia, I don't care about others.

I was just wondering about the way Internet is going to follow.

Activation/License/Language Help / Re: Translators Wanted
« on: January 08, 2011, 10:23 AM »
I can go for Polish but XML or INI files would be better for translations IMHO.

And ResHacker does no longer work for me.

They added Extensions (crappy ones) and broke mouse gestures :(

Living Room / Re: WTH - software awards?
« on: January 07, 2011, 07:42 PM »
Thanks app. I was thinking something along those lines.

Living Room / WTH - software awards?
« on: January 07, 2011, 06:24 PM »
Hi all.

Few times ago I have found some free time and spent it on fixing BBCeditor bug reported by user via email.

Since then I've received many (~40) messages from various software download sites about some kind of awards (always the best something).

And now I wonder: what the heck is going on?

What the heck is going on with all these relatively new pages saying I have the most downloadable content (right with all zeros) or "super poll" winner application? Is this is a new kind of "let's share our links"* or what?

*) I was getting a lot of these since I became DC member and my page went up in Google thanks to that.

N.A.N.Y. 2011 / Re: NANY 2011 Release: Color Warlock
« on: January 04, 2011, 07:14 PM »
Everything seems to be fine now.

Although I am thinking about other converters so new palettes could come and there is always a chance for new bugs ;)

BTW Few feature requests.

1. Would it be possible to add menu items grouping possibility? It would be nice feature for large lists scenario.

What I mean:
  • get Custom menu items count,
  • calculate height for all of them,
  • if its larger than screen height then create groups for letters (i.e. A-D, E-H, etc.).

2. Create custom palettes thumbnails and store them in cache file. Next time user clicks on palettes menu, he/she will be able to choose them more easily.

Something like:


3. Please add "unique colours only" option for Chart Builder.

4. Please add Color Warlock icon for its executable. It is nicer something else than the one provided by system by default.

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