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Messages - goozak [ switch to compact view ]

Pages: [1]
Here’s an interesting look into trying to fight the tax lobby:

Two years ago, there was a story on NPR’s Planet Money about people trying to simplify tax return filling with something called ReadyReturn: Episode 760: Tax Hero. (That episode was reported with Priceonomics. You can read a version of that story on their website.)

Spoiler alert:
Intuit is not a fan.

it's on the "Quick Bar and Post Cap" tab

Dang it !  I looked at those tabs for so long, trying to fin another "Post-Cap"...   :-\

It might be a good idea to implement a Preference Search — a search field above the 'tabs' tree that reduces the tabs listed to those that contain the searched text.   ;)
For example, typing "quickfield" would only show the "File Naming" & "Quick Bar and Post Cap" tabs (and any other that has it).

Anyway, thanks for the great software !    :)

[Feature] Added option to control whether an override filename specified in the post-capture pop-up dialog will always be used as the full filename (new default; see post-cap options tab)

I can't seem to find this option after updating to 4.20.1...  Looking in "Edit", "Preferences" ("Screenshot Captor Options"), "Basic Capturing", "Post-Capture Options" — is that the right place ?

Hello,  Just a small glitch I've noticed.

I just downloaded/installed version 4.16.1.  If I "Check for updates", it says as expected "ScreenshotCaptor is up to date (v4.16.1)."

However, the About dialog and the file properties 'Details' tab both still show 4.15.2.

Great software, by the way!

Pages: [1]