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Messages - Jabberwock [ switch to compact view ]

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General Software Discussion / Re: MIDI data and screensaver
« on: March 27, 2009, 04:02 AM »
You could also try GlovePIE, I suppose that key emulation should get rid of the screensaver...

FARR Plugins and Aliases / Daphne plugin?
« on: December 20, 2008, 11:42 AM »
I would like to kindly request considering a plugin for Daphne, an interesting process management tool:

As it is already possible to use many of its features from the command line, it would be a perfect addition to FARR tools...

Find And Run Robot / Feature request: context sensitive key shortcuts
« on: October 23, 2008, 07:37 PM »
I think it would be useful to be able to define key shortcuts which are sensitive to the context... In particular, two types of shortcuts could be used - one if FARR is visible, another one when it is not. Of course, other options (i.e. whether the active element is the typing field or the results list, etc.) would be nice, too.

For example: I have Alt-Tab defined as FARRAltTab shortcut key. It would be great if subsequent presses of Alt-Tab would allow me to move through the list of results (so it would combine the traditional alt-tabbing with FARR functionality).

FARR Plugins and Aliases / Updater for alias packages
« on: October 21, 2008, 02:54 PM »
I have just realized that I've gotten so lazy because of the plugin updater that I do not browse the forum that often... Which is bad, as I only learn of new plugins, while I have no idea of those great aliases...

There are two options: either I can return to browsing the forum (but it is three pages long! it makes me read other interesting topics in the forum! worst of all, it's social!!!) or one poor programmer will spend a sleepless night (or two) adding support for the aliases in the Farr updater.

So, which one will it be?

FARR Plugins and Aliases / Re: New C# FARR Plugin: FARRAltTab
« on: October 17, 2008, 03:19 PM »
Unfortunately, my coding skills are very limited... And C# is definitely not my cup of tea...

General Software Discussion / Re: Streaming video as screensaver...
« on: October 17, 2008, 01:18 PM »
Well, it does not work for me, as I wrote before.

General Software Discussion / Re: Streaming video as screensaver...
« on: October 17, 2008, 01:09 PM »
Unfortunately, this does not work... It crashes when I put URL or a playlist with the URL in the specified directory. Regular movies work just fine.

General Software Discussion / Re: Streaming video as screensaver...
« on: October 17, 2008, 12:53 PM »
I have no problem actually running it with Media Player (even in fullscreen, with the proper command line option). I am using this with one of the screensaver "fakers", which launch Media Player after specific idle time. However, this has all the disadvantages of not running proper screesaver, i.e. I have to close the window manually when I get back to work, some events from other applications get on top, etc.

Therefore, I hoped there might be an actual screensaver that would display streaming video. That is, there is one I mentioned at the top, but it is not working...

General Software Discussion / Re: Streaming video as screensaver...
« on: October 17, 2008, 11:56 AM »
Yeah, got that, too.

You can get there from:

It's Windows Movie 9, I think.

Find And Run Robot / Re: Moving from Launchy
« on: October 15, 2008, 03:01 PM »
Launcher? Application? What are you talking about?

FARR is my favorite operating system... although I have some reservations toward one of its plugins... what was its name... oh, yeah, Microsoft Windows!

It's the same suggestion I made for AltTab plugin:


but maybe it would be more viable as a standalone plugin. Basically, double clicking (or clicking) tray icons by typing respective program names (window captions?) in FARR... This would make mouseless system management much more complete!

FARR Plugins and Aliases / Re: New C# FARR Plugin: FARRAltTab
« on: October 15, 2008, 02:49 PM »
One more feature request, in addtion to what I wrote above...

Would it be possible to add management of hidden/tray apps? I imagine it could work in two steps: when you first type „tab”, you see the taskbar window names, just as it is now. But when you start typing and any hidden/tray app contain the string, they show up as well...

As for tray applications, I suppose selecting them in FARR would work the same as double clicking (or clicking? oops, needs to be configured, I guess...) on their tray icon - I am not sure it is possible at all... But it would make FARR experience much more complete - truly mouseless experience!

FARR Plugins and Aliases / Re: New C# FARR Plugin: FARRAltTab
« on: October 15, 2008, 02:18 PM »

I've downloaded your plugin (it was a logical next step, as I use FARR for so many purposes) and like it very much. I've even taken the plunge and bound it to standard Alt-Tab combination... Still taking some time to get used to, but I think it's worth it.

I have a small suggestion, though... Would it be possible to have the last active window (i.e. not the one that is seen now, but the previous one) to be the first on the list? Having the currently active window in the first place does not make much such sense, as you lose the Enter (i.e. select the first item) functionality... and in FARR Entering the best search becomes quite a habit.

This would make sense when you switch just between two applications - in that case typing in is slower than just alt-tabbing...

General Software Discussion / Streaming video as screensaver...
« on: October 13, 2008, 02:35 PM »

I wanted to please my kid and show the streaming video of the panda cub from the Atlanta Zoo, found here:

as a screensaver... However, much to my surprise, there is no working software that could do that?

I've found one program, Active Player Screensaver, but it refuses to play that video link (complaining about a decompressor). What's funny, it does not play even the sample feed it has configured...

Microsoft has a plugin for Windows Media Player, but this one only plays files, not Internet streaming video (beats me why, as it uses the same WMP functionality).

I know I can fake it by starting WMP after scheduled idle time, but I hoped for a more elegant solution...

One bug report and one feature request:

I cannot use "kk `" combination at all... Maybe it has something to do with non-English version of Windows (I've got Polish one...).

The request is a possibility to "lock" certain clips, so they never get replaced even if the queue size is exceeded. In other words, an option to mark some clips as persistent.

Check GlovePIE - it is a controller programming software that will allow you usethe other mouse in many different ways - do window actions, simulate presses, control second pointer (although that function is somewhat limited due to system restrictions). Of course, switch buttons is there, too, it is trivial in fact. The things you can do with the second mouse, though, can be much cooler - use it as a superfine or superrough mouse (i.e. with different resolution than the right-hand mouse), as a joystick, etc.

What is important is that you "swallow" the mouse input and "emulate" the system mouse with your right-hand mouse (I think it is presented in the script examples).

Thanks for the tip - looks like what I needed!

I do not know if anyone (especially the author :) ) reads this thread anymore?

I would like to request a feature (or a minor modification, really)... In order to measure my average productivity when actually working I have come up with an Excel sheet that nicely calculates my output and gives results. Unfortunately, if there are any distractions (and with a small kid in the house there are many!), I have to „mark” the beginning and the end of the idle period, so that only the time I am really working is counted. This is quite inconvenient, that is why WorkCoach would come in so handy. However, at this time I have to put in the WorkCoach value manually, which is not that convenient.

It would be much better if the Excel sheet could access a file with WC data. As they are saved anyway, all it would take would be to save the logs every minute (or every five minutes, if the overhead is too large)...

I have grown dependent on FARR and I try to do more and more with it... One of the things which I still have to do manually (clickety click) is to use options in the menus accessed with right-clicking on the icons in the system tray (also known as the notification area).

Hence the idea for a plugin: type in "tray" and you get a list of all programs visible in the tray. Selecting one item would display the tray right-click menu for this application. Alternately, typing e.g. "tray volume" would directly display the right click menu of the volume control application.

FARR Plugins and Aliases / Re: Locate32 Plugin for FARR by Okke
« on: February 08, 2008, 06:21 AM »
I have now... But it is still the same...

FARR Plugins and Aliases / Re: Locate32 Plugin for FARR by Okke
« on: February 08, 2008, 02:35 AM »
I am not sure if it is a bug or I am not using this properly (due to my ignorance of some FARR options)...

If I type in "loc gen", then everything is OK, the list in FARR and in locate32 is the same. However, if I add one more letter "loc gene", then the results are different - I get only one result in FARR, although in Locate there are many more. What is going on?

General Software Discussion / Re: Autoreplace in clipboard
« on: October 08, 2007, 08:51 AM »
Thanks for the tips...

For now I am trying out Clippy, which work fine except two minor details (no regexp and you have to hit a shortcut to change, which is sometimes bad, but sometimes good...).

When I have more time I'll try the AHK script I have described.

General Software Discussion / Re: Autoreplace in clipboard
« on: October 07, 2007, 04:27 PM »
Hmm... I missed the fact that AHK has the ClipWait function...

In that case it should be pretty simple: read up the values with IniRead to an array, wait for the clip and loop the array with the RegExReplace... I will have to try that out.

General Software Discussion / Re: Autoreplace in clipboard
« on: October 07, 2007, 03:19 PM »

An example:

I copy text "this is rather uncorrect" to the clipboard. The app is watching the clipboard, checks it against its configured list of replacements, finds out that I want every occurence of "uncorrect" to be "incorrect" and makes the substitution. The clipboard now holds the text "this is rather incorrect". You might compare it with Word's AutoCorrect, but done on clipboard, not on typed text.

General Software Discussion / Autoreplace in clipboard
« on: October 07, 2007, 02:50 PM »
I have read some "clipboard tool" forums, but have not found an answer to my question...

That is: is there a freeware app that would replace the text in the clipboard with something else? It would be nice if it did just that, I am not in need of a bloated clipboard manager. Ease of adding of new entries and flexibility (regexp?) would be an added benefit...

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