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Find And Run Robot / Very slow program execution
« on: September 12, 2010, 03:05 PM »
I have fought off a virus/trojan infection - one of the symptoms were serious performance problems...

I was pretty sure that I have succeeded, but one thing was not right - all programs were very slow to start. I have tried many malware detection programs, but nothing was showing up. Then I had an idea... start a program from menu! (I run all programs from FARR normally.) Surprise, surprise - it worked normally!

So, now I have FARR which takes about 15-20 seconds to run ANY program (including calculator, Paint, etc.). I do not know how does it relate to the infection, if at all. Anything I could do or check?

As the unit converter alias was quite handy, I have decided to look into time zone reporting utility.

Unfortunately, there was no command line utility which I could use for that purpose, although there were quite a few sites with that info... Then I got the idea: how about a general scraper that would get that info?

I've found this utility:

With this getting an alias was trivial:

1000>>>time>->showmemo Time in $$1:;;;appcapappendmemo C:\Program Files\Internet\PageScrape\pscrape.exe -u$$u1 -e"Current Time.*big>(.*)<">+>time in (.*)

(BTW, how to display the result in a nice format while typing? For now I see the url, which is rather ugly looking...)

However, the potential for this is much greater. Considering that the utility does multiple matching, you can get custom searches, various lookups etc. The page itself lists weather, exchange rates, spelling and thesaurus...

EDIT: Changed the parameter to be URL friendly...

FARR Plugins and Aliases / Alias: convert units (with Units)
« on: July 15, 2010, 03:14 PM »
Someone asked for this so nicely:  :P

that I have patched up a simple unit converter alias with the use of GNU units program

(wiki lists the windows binary link - you need to install it and/or GNU-WIN).

Here it is:

1000>>>units>->showmemo Result:;;;appcapappendmemo C:\Program Files\Editing\GnuWin32\bin\units.exe "$$1" "$$2">+>units (.*) to (.*)

Naturally, you may need/want to modify the path and the expression.


units 100 miles/hour to km/hour

* 160.9344
/ 0.0062137119

I sometimes have a bunch of, erm, obtained media files. The files in themselves are fine, but the filenames are often a mess (especially when Polish characters are involved). On the other hand, for most of them I can obtain a clean nice list of correct filenames. How to get the two together automatically? I guess a perl script that would look for most similar string might do, but it is not exactly trivial...

Is there a software that would rename a file to a name that is most similar from a list?

Disclaimer: I have no idea how much such a project might take - if from the start you think it exceeds several hours, please disregard this...

I was looking for an image viewer that would work like this for some time on the Internet and still have not found it... Is it possible that nobody copied it just for fun?

If you don't know what I'm talking about, here is the famous scene:

Blade Runner Esper scene

I think the biggest challenge would be to implement voice recognition (i.e. use e.g. Windows SAPI, I don't expect anyone to code voice recognition in a few hours!) and to use it practically (grid overlay has to be applied, defining sectors etc.).

Naturally, this is pure eye-candy - no advantage over existing viewers whatsoever. Still, the wow factor for geek friends might be pretty big (especially when used with big TV or a projector!).

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