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Are you aware that your Adblock extension is not from the same folks who made the wonderful Adblock Plus for Firefox?

For that one you need to go here: Adblock Plus for Google Chrome (Beta)
Thanks didn't know :)

By the way technically you don't need flash block anymore, if you go to Options > Under the hood > Privacy Content Settings > Plugins Block All. Then you can enable instances by clicking on them or whitelist plugins/sites.

Practicing my link-bait marketing headlines ;) On a more serious note, over the months I have curated a nice list of very useful Google Chrome Extensions so I thought some of these might be useful for you, they can be very handy in specific situations.

Form Security Anti Spam Techniques:
* a salted hash (hash1) that is unique to each session, and is unique everyday is generated and added to the form
* a differently salted hash (hash2) of the above is added to the session on the server
* when submitted we generate hash 2 from hash1
* if it is not the same then session or date is different, no submit
* on sending the form the session var is deleted, so resubmitting the same form is not possible'
* emails can only have a max of 3 urls
* emails cannot contain certain spamwords
* a  anti-spamid is added to each email that is only known to angus college so email filters can be adjusted for this if necessary
* when the page is opened and submitted, the time is recorded and compared. If the page is submitted within X seconds, the form will not be emailed to combat auto form filling software where humans are quickly manually filling in forms.

That's what I built on the website I maintained at work (not in php). And you can get the spamwords list from the wordpress codex.

N.A.N.Y. 2011 / Looking for beta testers
« on: May 30, 2011, 08:34 AM »
I'm now looking for a few more beta testers to help break my app. You don't have to be a musician! If you enjoy trying to break programs and providing feedback try out the version below and reply with any new issues.

Download latest version

This release is more polished overall and should work properly on more configurations.

Updated to
* Clarified prompts and help files
* On failing to play files, try fallback option and log any errors
* Added known issue to readme
* Installation / Uninstallation Wizards
* Option to add icon to desktop
* Store created files in Application Data/Roaming so that writing rights to program files is not needed.
* allow /resetsettings to reset the settings ;)
* Fixed interface issues when using custom themes under Windows XP
* Feedback Option added

Known Issues
* Playback of certain 24bit files may fail under Windows XP.
  I'm looking for a solution. More info:

DcUpdater / Re: Make_versioninfo.ahk - Generate versioninfo.xml
« on: May 30, 2011, 06:19 AM »
I would have thought that everyone who needs this is happy to install AHK, but I'm happy to add the compiled exe to the zipfile if anyone is interested.

DcUpdater / Make_versioninfo.ahk - Generate versioninfo.xml
« on: May 30, 2011, 05:10 AM »
Made a very simple script that you can use as part of the build process of your app, if it uses DcUpdater.

Purpose: Generate the DcUpdater's versioninfo.xml ready for uploading. You probably already store the product version somewhere, so just pass the product version to the app:

Call it as follows (example if your product version is
Code: Text [Select]
  1. make_versioninfo.ahk

this will generate a _versioninfo.xml with today's date:
Code: Text [Select]
  1. <?xml version="1.0"?>
  2. <root>
  3.         <Program_Version></Program_Version>
  4.         <Program_Release_Month>05</Program_Release_Month>
  5.         <Program_Release_Day>30</Program_Release_Day>
  6.         <Program_Release_Year>2011</Program_Release_Year>
  7. </root>

Save the following text as versioninfo.xml:
Code: Text [Select]
  1. <?xml version="1.0"?>
  2. <root>
  3.         <Program_Version>$ProgramVersion$</Program_Version>
  4.         <Program_Release_Month>$ProgramReleaseMonth$</Program_Release_Month>
  5.         <Program_Release_Day>$ProgramReleaseDay$</Program_Release_Day>
  6.         <Program_Release_Year>$ProgramReleaseYear$</Program_Release_Year>
  7. </root>

Save the following code as make_versioninfo.ahk:
Code: Autohotkey [Select]
  1. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
  2. if 0 < 1
  3. {
  4.     MsgBox This script requires at least 1 incoming parameter(s) but it only received %0%.
  5.     ExitApp
  6. }
  7. FileRead, vf, versioninfo.xml
  8. FormatTime, ProgramReleaseMonth,, MM
  9. FormatTime, ProgramReleaseDay,, dd
  10. FormatTime, ProgramReleaseYear,, yyyy
  12. StringReplace, vf, vf, $ProgramVersion$, %1%
  13. StringReplace, vf, vf, $ProgramReleaseMonth$, %ProgramReleaseMonth%
  14. StringReplace, vf, vf, $ProgramReleaseDay$, %ProgramReleaseDay%
  15. StringReplace, vf, vf, $ProgramReleaseYear$, %ProgramReleaseYear%
  16. FileDelete, _versioninfo.xml
  17. FileAppend,%vf%,_versioninfo.xml

DcUpdater / Run program after update?
« on: May 26, 2011, 07:00 AM »
a) Is it possible to run a program after downloading an 'unzip' type update? The zip file would contain a program that I want to start after unzipping.
b) If instead I use the Run updatemethod, how do i pass parameters to my setup file so that I can run it silently?

DcUpdater / Re: DcUpdater v2 Preliminary Flirtations
« on: May 25, 2011, 02:55 AM »
There are a few things that I think DcUpdater could do that I have stumbled upon whilst developing an app. I'm experimenting with downloading patches and applying these to the main program.  From the perspective that dcupdater does not download the whole program, and also the related situation that you want to update from a specific version x to specific version y:

* You can currently append the current version number to the querystring of VersionFileRemote and serverside parse this and return a Version File suitable for the right upgrade path. Alternatively perhaps DcUpdater could support this better?
* I'm hoping to have DcUpdater download a zip file composes of a .diff made with gnuwin32 diff utility and a bunch of .bsdiff's created with bsdiff (binary diffs), together with a patcher app. Perhaps DcUpdater could in the future support this better? This helps in my situation where I don't want people to download the whole app using just dcupdater and a .dcupdate definition.
* Because of the patches scenario I have to check the base version and get the right patch archive - perhaps I want to run a checksum on a group of files and compare that with a checksum in versioninfo instead of using manual version numbers which are prone to errors (for example I might reissue a version because of a bug). Perhaps DcUpdater could in the future support this better?

Hope that's useful :)

As usual posting to donationcoder seems to trigger the internets into giving good results: seems like a good start.

I'm aware of various ecommerce solutions for starting a store, however what I haven't seen much of is solutions for selling a software product. ie 1 product store.

I'm no stranger in creating websites but the whole payment/ordering thing I'm sure is better taken care of by a third party solution. Can anyone point me to a good place to start?

Updated again (version - fixed all known bugs.

Changes since

* instructions updated
* Fixed problems remembering what directory we're working on.
* Fix: now lists samples with mixed case or uppercase extensions
* Removed tray icon
* Menu item to AudioLibraryFolders now works correctly
* Resizing now works as expected
* Remember windows position and size between sessions

Hi again! Good news:
New beta available, version 0.3

*  Added Prefix option to prefix selected files with name of a samplepack for example.
*  misc fixes
*  Enable .aiff samples
*  rewrote buttonmatching code - fixes bug where folders starting with spaces are no longer created
*  Better error checking on files that have been removed, deleted or renamed outwith the program.
*  Fixed hotkeys which got broken
*  Shift click a destination button to open the location in explorer!
*  Updated readme.txt and added tips.txt which are shown randomly in the statusbar
*  Right click rename file(s)

Feedback welcome good or bad

Living Room / Re: Save Stargate Universe
« on: May 06, 2011, 03:43 AM »
One of my favourite series of all time (and I like fringe, supernatural, heroes, battlestar galactica, true blood, the walking dead). However things just can't go on forever, although I would certainly watch more seasons! Perhaps a good short 2 seasons will make it more likely it will return in the future, rather than withering slowly.

But yeah with such a legacy and context to explore, it's just asking for more episodes isn't it?

Living Room / Re: Anyone here familiar with Synology products?
« on: May 06, 2011, 03:38 AM »
I have used a Synology DS207+ that I won on donationcoder ever since I got it a few years back! Thanks Perry ;) Agree with the pros phitsc mentioned, no cons at all it's on all the time and used by all our pcs as nas storage (and backing up onto it using CrashPlan).

* Stopped using the download manager back in the day because it would slow my connection to a crawl, this might have changed now.
* Started playing about with it with shell access and installing all kinds of crap, it uses dpkg as a package manager, there's good hacking documentation on the net.
* When things went wrong, just apply the latest firmware or do a reset from the admin menu and it will restore to a working condition which was a bonus
* It works as a UPNP server and masquarades as itunes so if you have an xbox /ps3 or internet radio you can stream all your media from it.

I'm not sure what the price was/is but can't fault it personally, I've not had a similar product before though so it's hard to compare. Haven't used it for printing. Haven't used any other Synology products.

General Software Discussion / Re: Amazon Watcher - Freeware
« on: May 06, 2011, 03:30 AM »
I've used this one in the past:

Not sure if Amazon still refunds the difference if their price goes down within a certain time period after you bought a product, but it did so a few years back so I put all purchases in here and it would email me if I could claim a refund.

edit: doesn't have a price protection policy anymore.

Obviously there is a market for a solution Renegade ;)

Developer's Corner / Re: The Yii PHP Framework
« on: April 22, 2011, 11:53 AM »
Btw if you want something minimal Lemonade looks interesting:
require_once 'vendors/limonade.php';
dispatch('/', 'hello');
  function hello()
      return 'Hello world!';
But its a micro framework, CodeIgniter looks like Zend Framework in comparison.

I really should revisit this project sooner rather than later - thanks all for your feedback I will consider it all in my development.

Living Room / Re: Do universities have a claim on students' IP?
« on: January 24, 2011, 05:34 PM »
I had to sign a contract with my uni that all the work i produced as part of the course exclusively belonged to the uni (or to that effect) for the duration of my course + a certain period thereafter, after which the ownership transferred back. Something like that anyway (so it can be shown at exhibitions etc) . I'm suprised it's not similar everywhere.

Living Room / Re: XBox racing; mad at Microsoft
« on: January 19, 2011, 05:45 PM »
If you look at the supported steering wheels for F1 you will find this:
Xbox 360:

•   Microsoft Xbox 360 Controller
•   Microsoft Xbox 360 Wireless Racing Wheel
•   Logitech Drive FX Wheel
•   Fanatec Porsche 911 Turbo S

You can still buy Microsoft Xbox 360 Wireless Racing Wheel in some Argos stores if you're in the UK, by checking for stores near your postcode even though it says out of stock on the online shop. Apparently that is a good wheel to get  (although personally I didn't like it), the Logitech Drive is cheaper and the Porsche one more expensive and better quality. Hope that helps.

Some papers have the policy that the first X articles are free after which you will have to pay. Maybe you have experienced this on the WSJ website.

Living Room / Re: Spokeo - new stalking social networking site?
« on: January 10, 2011, 09:12 AM »
The site is different now from when I remember it. It was a beta site and there were no payment options - it's worse to think that if we hadn't visited this site back then you'd never check your details with the site now. Thanks for the reply Deozaan.

General Software Discussion / Minimizing Windows XP harddrive access
« on: January 10, 2011, 06:48 AM »
Wrote up this article after spending a few days trying to get a netbook performing. Thought some of you on here might find it useful either for yourself or for a relative. Feedback is welcome.
Recently I had to prepare a Windows XP installation on a netbook with a very slow SSD so I went looking for tips on how to speed up Windows by minimizing the amount of data it writes to the harddrive. Linux OSes like Ubuntu Netbook Edition or Jolicloud are much speedier but they're not always an option.
There are many sites with tips but as always it's important to seperate the chaff from the corn as tips are usually posted without any verification if they make the system faster or just add issues. So, the following quick tips helped me make the system more bearable.

Not looked throughu the whole thread, but I just quickly tried it out and found a bug: disabled the splash screen in the options - however it still shows when launching.

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