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Messages - justice [ switch to compact view ]

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The best solution I can come up with is to add a small modal message when visiting your website, only displaying it when the referer is craigslist or google (perhaps certain keywords)?
You can't control craigslist (although I heard that the founder still answers all support email so you might be in luck) and even if you can find out the spammer there's little chance to take them to court or otherwise stop them so your best bet is using the platforms you control, either a modal message on your website or an email autoresponder explaining the issue.

Yes there are a variety of programs described at http://wiki.dropbox....easePrivacyAndSafety but the descriptions were very unclear and the platforms were mixed up. In case you are looking for an alternative you could start there.

Thanks seems very simple and transparent to operate. The free version encrypts up to 2GB which is perfect for my personal documents.

General Software Discussion / Re: Google+
« on: June 29, 2011, 03:53 AM »
Nothing is stopping people from being on both, just like some people use multiple browsers.

What's the very easiest way to encrypt certain folders on dropbox? Something that is more userfriendly then having to unmount a truecrypt volume in order for it to be synced. On Mac OS X you can also create an encrypted Disk Image (.dmg) using Disk Utility (normally found in /Applications/Utilities).

What about us windows users?

just PM me if you need help with Folder RSS it's not perfect but should do what you want.

The image you posted does not inspire much confidence  :-[ does anyone have experience with these typefaces?

i hope you plan to make a pad file for this.. i can see it being quite useful to people who need it.. trick it spreading the word about it.
Any tips on what program is useful and what sites to submit it to?

I've added quite a few features now, and I'm building on a website to release the program that I'm proud of now - with a few suprises.

Living Room / Re: Where have all the trackballs gone!
« on: June 18, 2011, 08:24 AM »
Except if you're lefthanded  :down:

Also you don't need acrobat reader to read the pdf files, just have them open in Google Chrome.

General Software Discussion / Re: DOS Batch Functions Tutorial
« on: June 18, 2011, 05:30 AM »
What's the point of making them exe files.
Code: Autohotkey [Select]
  1. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  
  2. BatchFile = test.bat
  3. FieInstall, %BatchFile%,%A_Temp%
  4. RunWait, %A_Temp%\%BatchFile%,%A_WorkingDir%
  5. FileDelete, %A_Temp%\%BatchFile%

no he's talking to server administrators

General Software Discussion / Re: DOS Batch Functions Tutorial
« on: June 17, 2011, 04:08 AM »
I was looking to discuss the very same topic ewemoa.

This software is no longer available, does anyone have a mirror?
Instead you can try PowerGUI

General Software Discussion / DOS Batch Functions Tutorial
« on: June 16, 2011, 09:44 AM »
As part of the development of an app, I'm doing the build process using the batch file. I might write a bit more about this at a later date. As the batch file grew I was wondering if it could do functions, to avoid using the same code multiple times. This page is a really good resource (http://www.dostips.c.../DtTutoFunctions.php):


Have you contacted the authors?

As you say you are busy, I offer the following advice:
1) no
2-4) don't defragment an SSD drive - this does decrease its lifespan and because of the fast random read/write times even a very fragmented drive will not cost you performance.

SSD's nowadays have a lifespan long enough, they will break down for other reasons. (http://www.codinghor...ate-drive-scale.html)

Do you know fences?
Double click on the desktop to hide/show icons

What it does:
Replace all files in a folder with identical filename AND SHA1 hash as original.file with new.file.

Use Cases
Say I have updated the contents of a php file that is used multiple times throughout my project, and now I want all other copies of that file to be updated as well.
In most cases the following code would work:
Code: Text [Select]
  1. replace some_file.php c:\projects\example_project
However if the file is readme.txt or config.php for example, then you'd have overwritten many wrong copies. Using HashReplace only files with the same name and same contents will be overwritten with the new contents.

Source, Executable and Test files

Some misconceptions rectified here:
* Os versions get faster not slower on OSX in general. That said you won't be to run versions requiring intel.
* apple doesn't use any product key system. you are limited by the license but software wise there is no technical limitation that stops you from installing the 'OSX upgrade' as a full new install, or on as many systems as you can find. But family packs (5 license) are relatively cheap.
* get  a flash blocker to only run flash when you want in the browser.
* for questions to your answers.
* you could listen to good quality podcasts such as to keep up to date.

Small update.

I tried It indexes your bookmarks, it is free - however I am now using Pinboard.

Why? It turns out being able to search the actual pages is cool (so I can find a keyword even when it is not in the title and description and tags), however from my 1900 bookmarks now about 100 have been removed, including valuable resources. Had I used Pinboard, I would have had a copy of the page. BTW, it also indexes all bookmarks.

The fact that it cost $25 a year for an archival account (this includes the $10 to join) is now worth the fact to keep all my bookmarks since 1994 available, for a long time. I spend more than $2 a month on iPhone apps, so the price is not really a big deal.

The problem in a graphic:

As a bonus, I now only use my day-to-day bookmarks in the browser. Everything else lives on Pinboard.

Developer's Corner / Re: Backpager, an online web editor
« on: June 08, 2011, 03:15 AM »
Thanks for the feedback all!  :Thmbsup:
Quick question for Justice: Why did you set it up as an online rather than desktop hosted app?
Interesting question, I have been thinking about it and it really comes down to 3 things. 1) The editor framework and interface framework were already available as javascript libraries - where as with a desktop app the development process would become more complicated. 2) I can't program desktop apps, except in AutoHotkey which becomes unwieldy (imho) as soon as you want to do something nonstandard. 3) I wouldn't have made it if I couldn't get some sort of prototype up running quickly.

a couple of very minor things struck me as odd (if I've completely misunderstood things there's no need to explain it all !):
Either the syntax page is for a different markdown library (with added features) or the library I use to 'convert' the code has a few issues. I don't think they're common so the easiest solution is to remove them from the syntax page  :P You're right in your expectations tomos.

Nice ones Bookmark Sentry and Session Buddy seem useful. BTW you should definately try out smooth scroll, it makes all the difference in how much better the experience is getting.

Developer's Corner / Backpager, an online web editor
« on: June 07, 2011, 07:13 AM »
Over the last day I put together Backpager. Backpager is an online Markdown editor. You can use Backpager as an WYSIWYG Markdown editor (obviously) because the syntax is converted on the fly. You can also use it when you quickly need to write some HTML. This makes it very suitable for uses like:

* web content editing
* writing technical documentation

It might not do too much yet but I'd like to hear your ideas and comments on how to improve it. It's put together with WMD-new, Jquery-ui and Minify URI Builder and a little sprinkle of css/jss/php/htaccess. Over the last few weeks I have been writing installation documentation and combining shell commands, textfile content and instructions just gets confused/messy very quick. This should make it easier. Note: If you use Internet Explorer the experience will be less than ideal.

Site: Backpager


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