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Tyee I've updated the project so you can run it the way you want to.

Finished Programs / - work logging
« on: April 26, 2016, 04:15 AM »
Wrote this little script and thought it might be useful here. It allows you to keep track of what you are working on by writing a timestamped message to a CSV file.


Latest version: https://gist.github....2deaab6f3aea57ca9684
Code: Python [Select]
  1. #v1.0.2
  2. from random import choice
  3. from datetime import datetime
  5. phases = [
  6.     'Ok, noted.', 'Right, back to work then!', 'Looking good bud.', 'Cheers, mate.'
  7. ]
  9. now =
  10. answer = ''
  11. with open("worklog.csv", "a") as f:
  12.     while answer.strip() != 'exit':
  13.         f.write('"{}","{}"\n'.format(now,answer.strip()))
  14.         answer = input("What're you working on? ")
  15.         now =
  16.         print("[{}]".format(now),choice(phases), "\n")

Requires Python 3.5. Then just run the file.

Find And Run Robot / Re: FARR as bookmark manager?
« on: April 09, 2015, 03:06 AM »
I was looking at the possibilities of writing a plugin but I'm not familiar enough with Visual Studio to update the Csharp SDK to supported VS versions. :(

General Software Discussion / Bookmarking client
« on: April 03, 2015, 03:55 AM »
Xmarks keeps corrupting my browser bookmarks, and as I couldn't find an alternative that supported the browsers I use, I have opted for online bookmarking to have access to them from all my machines.
Currently I'm using Pinboard, which I like. But I cannot find a Windows client for it. Is there one? What's everybody else using?

I'm not a power user, I just want to search through my collected bookmarks to find the one I need and launch it. I'm happy to organise them using the website.

Reviewing this - I'm now just running with:
Privacy Badger
Xmarks Bookmark Sync

I think the best feature mouser can add to any of his programs is a settings filter / free text search.

Holy cow, of course I forgot the limitless power of Mouser's settings pages. thanks Ath. You can even watermark all the images automatically.

Could I ask for a feature to somehow not show the "what do you want to do with this screenshot" and instead copy the image to clipboard or alternatively have one of the actions set as a default to streamline the process? thank you great.

Thinking about an entry...

In ScreenshotCaptor v4.8.5 the issue is resolved. I removed the root folder and it's no longer recreated.

No SC can't access the folder even after moving it.

I'm using Screenshot Captor on a PC where the user's home directory, desktop and documents folders are stored on a network drive (stupid idea) and this is causing startup issues with the following message:

Error moving files: could not create directory OLDER

This is followed by:
Screenshot Captor - Disabling the auto-moving of old screenshots from now on. If you wish to re-enable it, see the 'Saving and Loading Files' tab in options.

Then a folder is created in the root of the harddisk with the name and path of the networkshare ie C:\SERVER\path\to\homedrive\DonationCoder\ScreenshotCaptor because SC does not understand UNC paths (\\SERVER\share).

SC then proceeds to startup correctly.

N.A.N.Y. 2012 / Re: NANY 2012 Release: NoteMe
« on: July 29, 2014, 02:57 AM »
Hello, the creator here (of NoteMe and Bard) :) A couple of things are happening here that give an altogether shoddy impression:

1) I was in the middle of collating all my projects in a central place online and then halfway through went on to do other things. Also bard is retired as a project, the links in my profile here are not working which I'll fix now.
2) NoteMe is made with AutoHotkey. AutoHotkey is sometimes used to automate system actions by people that write trojans etc (just like any programming language really) and this results in virusscanners mistakenly classifying all autohotkey scritps as viruses. For more info see: http://cranialsoup.b...-worm-or-trojan.html
3) It turns out that Firefox download security is now as stupid as the virusscanners and is blocking the download, because it thinks you're downloading an installer harbouring a trojan.  :Thmbsup:
4) Internet explorer saves the file with a 0 extension because of the version number (feel free to remove it before downloading, it's purely there for my statistics that I don't look at anymore).  :-*

I've uploaded the download to virustotal, you can compare the hashes to verify the file being analyzed is identical to the file you downloaded and then trust the results @ https://www.virustot...analysis/1406620470/

If you are still not happy but would like to try the software I can dig up the source and let you convert it to an exe if that's any better.

Found Deals and Discounts / Re: VMware Valentine's Day Sale
« on: February 14, 2014, 04:09 AM »

Living Room / Re: Project Christine - Modular PC from Razer
« on: February 11, 2014, 05:42 AM »
Innovative solutions are always appreciated, I hope they have thought it through further than let's make it modular and it better look good. So does ubuntu.

General Software Discussion / Re: Rambooster. Junk?
« on: February 06, 2014, 03:24 AM »
Yes if it's more RAM you need you best just go and buy extra. Windows 7 and higher are built to manage your memory, swap out things and cache where appropriate. What you do by using a ram booster or any program that tries to manage memory is to compete with Windows built in systems which results in degraded perfomance such as extra swapping and suboptimal caches.

The reasons for a typical user to look into something like RAM booster (slow machine, stuttering, slow loading of programs or whatever) will almost always have other causes such as viruses / spyware, multiple anti virus scanners competing for resources, hardware problems, overheating etc.

General Software Discussion / Re: Rambooster. Junk?
« on: February 05, 2014, 05:31 AM » RamBooster junk, or what's a good RAM manager?
Yes; recent version of Windows.

Great work everyone.

I'm not sure how you scroll down on a tablet or switch youtube video's when you're walking? Treadmills are great and good exercise  :Thmbsup:

I might pick up development of this again as I am interested in improving it from a code perspective, it's a nice little pet project.

However I think that the main obstacle for people using it is the disconnect between writing the content locally and publishing the static site on the server.
Do you prefer writing blog posts and content locally (with carbon picking up changes and seamlessly publishing the webpages) or via the browser like WordPress does?

N.A.N.Y. 2012 / Re: NANY 2012 Release: NoteMe
« on: January 13, 2014, 04:36 AM »
The download link in the first post has been updated (see: https://www.donation...ex.php?topic=28912.0). Please let me know if you find any other links to software from myself that will need updating.
All files that were pointing to* should point to* instead.

Whilst it's one thing to write software to capture a particular style of working, there is no point if is this software is already available (Trello, which I was already using lol).

This all dances around the discussion of opinionated software (eg Apple stuff), which tries to work very well for a specific use case versus 'unopinionated' software, which supports any workflow even if it's ineffective or damaging to the software (eg Linux distributions).

My software tends to be opinionated and therefore appeals to a smaller group but this workflow management software would have to be so opinionated only I could use it therfore defeating the purpose of having a community discussion around it ;-)

Thanks for the great feedback and personal stories and advice!  I realised I just described a 4 stage kanban board (aka Trello).  ;D Trello as a desktop app would be nice but that's going to be far too bug for one person, plus I found out Trello has one:

(which after trying is inferior to the web interface in both easy of use and clarity)

As expressed in the NANY 2014 project I unfortunately had to time for, I expressed my unhappiness with traditional todo / task list software. After reviewing my process I have come to the conclusion that I might have to write software to accurately capture / manage my workload. This would be desktop software for Windows.

Initially it seems most work (I'm working in web development) is best captured into 4 stages. I'm looking for your feedback to see if this is just how I work or if there is demand for something like this.

Code: Text [Select]
  1. Stage 0: Inbox: capture informal requests, ideas and suggestions. Most important is quick input
  2. Stage 1: Todo: 'next-up' where work gets specified and planned. Most important is completness of process
  3. Stage 2: Active Work Items: communication and capture progress on work as we are actively advancing the task. Most important is measuring progress
  4. Stage 3: Work Review: after work completes we want to report / review on it. Most important is high level review of work
  6. S0: descriptions
  7. S1: project, title, files, communications, planned due date, priority ordering
  8. S2: Multiple progress updates, files, communications, actual due date
  9. S3: Export to zip, sort by date, filter by project

The software would be a combination of Evernote + a todo list + related file explorer where work advances through the stages.

Any feedback?

Yeah vagrant is the up and coming thing. This system administration video might help:  http://sysadmincasts...m/episodes/4-vagrant

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