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Messages - Attronarch [ switch to compact view ]

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Clipboard Help+Spell / Re: CHS suddenly stopped working
« on: October 26, 2015, 05:36 AM »
Got following:

CHS 004.png

BTW, I'm on Win10 (64 bit).

Clipboard Help+Spell / CHS suddenly stopped working
« on: October 26, 2015, 03:33 AM »
CHS suddenly stopped working, with weird errors (can't access index table). This is how main windows looks like:

CHS 001.png

When I try to verify, optimize, etc, I get following:

CHS 002.png

When I try to restore from backup, I get following:

CHS 003.png

Tried re-installing, didn't help.

General Software Discussion / Re: microsoft flowchart advice
« on: July 19, 2015, 09:51 AM »
For canvas in Visio -- Design - Size - More page options - Custom size. You cannot really make it unlimited, but you can make it as long as you wish.

Regarding small text and numbering - you can format every element, either one by one, or by editing the theme applied to it.

Don't know what confuses you, since it is quite straightforward. Take a look at following instructions:

For insertion of captions it doesn't matter if you've already inserted the images.

In Word 2010 you can find that option under "References" - "Insert caption".

I use Microsoft Expression Web 4 (Free Version) - link. So far I've built several web pages with it and was fairly satisfied.

Living Room / Re: DuckDuckGo as viable Open Source builder
« on: March 11, 2015, 12:53 PM »
Why not use IxQuick/Startpage? I find it to be satisfying trade-off between privacy and search results. Although a lot has been done to improve DDG, I still get better search results from Startpage.

Bump for this great alias! Convenience of FARR and privacy of Ixquick / Startpage make it easy to search for anything without too much hassle!

Non-Windows Software / Re: LINUX: #! CrunchBang Linux is no more. RIP
« on: February 09, 2015, 10:47 AM »
Wow, didn't expect that. I have #! installed on my EEE 701 PC, since it was the only one that with my level of knowledge I could install on it. And it runs quite smoothly.

Help needed - I just noticed that I cannot buy game in my region! If someone from USA could help me, please let me know via PM!

Great game on sale. For those who haven't played it - it is challenging, you die a lot, it is completely non-linear, you are free to develop your character as you wish, and great combat system. It also has good replayability.



Living Room / Re: Interesting "stuff"
« on: November 19, 2014, 10:35 AM »
Seals are mysteriously sexually assaulting penguins — and eating them (warning: graphical and NSFW). Interesting read.

N.A.N.Y. 2015 / Re: NANY 2015 RELEASE: Discounter
« on: October 26, 2014, 05:46 PM »
I notice your numbers use commas instead of periods.  Is this something that is REQUIRED or could we use the standard decimalization such as 46.60?

Standard depends on the country.

Living Room / Re: latex
« on: October 22, 2014, 04:03 PM »
It has GUI for mathematical symbols. Activate «Structure», and scroll through the symbols in the vertical toolbar.

But it will not display examples. That is what LaTeX books are for.

Living Room / Re: latex
« on: October 22, 2014, 05:50 AM »
My preferred LaTeX editor is TexMaker. Kalos, it has what you are looking for, in the drop-down menus «LaTeX» and «Math», as well as left side panel symbols.

General Software Discussion / Re: Beyond Compare v4 Open Beta
« on: October 04, 2014, 08:02 AM »
Loved the ramble.

Tixati is great.

Living Room / Re: Need help finding eBooks!
« on: August 20, 2014, 01:00 PM »
Not really ebooks (although there are some links to them as well), but she might find following useful:

Living Room / Re: Favorite Sci-fi movies?
« on: June 10, 2014, 08:55 AM »

Skwire Empire / Re: (Pre) Release: sChecklist
« on: June 08, 2014, 10:29 AM »
Wonderful minimalism.

Two ideas:

1) "Export to txt" (although user can manually open the .checklist file in notepad) and "Export to pdf"
2) Indented / grouped tasks, e.g.:

  • item 1
  • item 2
    • item 2.1
    • item 2.2
    • item 2.3
  • item 3

Don't know if they fit your vision, but I often break larger tasks into sub-tasks, hence the need for indentation.

Unfortunately, my adventure with AVG 2014 was of short life. After 2 weeks of everything functioning correctly, I suddenly started getting BSODs (Win 8.1 x64). Culprit was AVG 2014, and everything has been normal since I removed it. Pity, I liked the AV and firewall.

Deming was way too conceptual, compared to other quality philosophers of that time, especially Juran and populist Crosby. ...
Yes, well, like Deming said, "...what he was telling us about was actually very simple, but that it seemed hard to understand as a lot of it seemed to go against conventional wisdom - what we had been taught or indoctrinated with - and so was difficult to accept/internalise."

They all were ahead of their time - Juran with his managing for quality, spirals, "cost of poor quality", stating that management is root cause of 80% of the problems (Pareto rule); and Crosby with his "quality is free" - but Deming was the most conceptual one. Or, it might be better to say that his proposed system was too scientific and complex. Even today, parts of his system go against current conventional wisdom.

If one wanted to learn more about Deming and his approach to process improvement, a good place to start could well be The Deming Institute, because they seem to be focussed on Deming and are "just the facts m'am" and no BS.

I advise care while investigating institutes like Deming's and Juran's. They are in it to make money through consulting, and usually water down original ideas, e.g. what DeFeo did with Juran's books.

If you wanted to know what the Japanese thought (and still think) of Deming's contribution to their country and its huge economic development and success, look up the history of JUSE and The Deming Prize, and do some research on what that flower-shaped thingy is that Deming has on a sash he wears over his dinner jacket in one of the photos in that small collage in The Man.

Fun trivia: "Deming's Award" was first offered [from JUSE] to Juran, but he refused since he thought that no Quality award should be tied to a person (organisational effort, and all). When he refused, they went to Deming. Source - article on Juran's life

Hello Attronarch,

Is your thesis available for private perusal? I would like a copy of it if possible.


Unfortunately no, since I had scholarship and it was tied to specific company. But, I can give you table of contents, and take out chapters that have no reference to the sponsor company.

Deming was way too conceptual, compared to other quality philosophers of that time, especially Juran and populist Crosby.

Tomos, here is summary of Mr. Deming, taken from my specialisation project and master thesis, condensed for forum:

William Edwards Deming is considered to be the pioneer and the founder of the quality movement. After Second World War he was involved in planning of the Japanese Census. At that time Japanese engineers were studying Shewart's methods and techniques. Since Deming was a student of Walter Andrew Shewhart, they decided to invite him help them rebuild the Japanese economy. Deming's work in Japan resulted in Japanese factories dominating the manufacturing sector with high quality and low cost. Ironically, his methods gained recognition in United States after his death. His major contributions to the quality management field are:

  • The Fourteen Points
  • The Deadly Diseases
  • The System of Profound Knowledge
  • Deming Wheel (PDCA is its offshot)

Now, the real value is in understanding his "System of Profound Knowledge", which is the basis for application of The Fourteen Points of transformation. With its four points it advocates holistic approach: appreciation of a system, knowledge of variation, theory of knowledge and knowledge of psychology. It was way ahead of its time, since scientific management was dominant managerial approach at that time.

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