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Messages - Attronarch [ switch to compact view ]

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Is anyone in the US willing to help me get this? Since all games have steam codes, and that is all I need.

probably this deal is US-only..

It seems that other have to pay for your discount. :D

Living Room / Re: What books are you reading?
« on: August 29, 2012, 05:39 PM »
The Machine That Changed The World

But if you find yourself too readily buying into her Objectivist Philosophy, do yourself a favor and read this and this afterwards.

Now, that was quite interesting and fun read.

Living Room / Re: The Unraveling of OnLive
« on: August 29, 2012, 01:01 PM »
That's most unfortunate, especially taking into consideration that it would have been on Ouya that seems like a big hit. It could've been a great combination.

DC Gamer Club / Re: Humble Bundle 3 for Android Live
« on: August 18, 2012, 09:58 AM »
I have a spare key for the PC steam version of these games in this bundle (I used the android key). First come, first served. Come and get it!!

Could you send me SpaceChem key?

Skwire Empire / Re: Release: sWeather (tray-based weather app)
« on: August 16, 2012, 03:53 PM »
Haven't checked for any updates for a long time, and now I come and see all those new wonderful features!

Addition of five day forecast is great, now it is a truly irreplaceable tool with its sheer minimalism and simplicity.

Thank you for notification, grabbed it!

Haven't made any research about the security of Box, should I encrypt it with TrueCrypt?

Great find Mouser, thank you for help. For the time being, I'll go with Win+Letter.

Ctrl+Alt+Win+Letter would be too much for me, I'm not a spider. :D

I encountered weird bug (if it is a bug). When Clipboard Help+Spell is running I cannot use AltGr+V, AltGr+Q and AltGr+W. Actually, I can use them, but they invoke CHS menus instead of @ \ |.

Default hotkeys are in use (Ctrl+Alt+Letter) and I haven't changed them. Os is Win7 64 bit.

Looks interesting. Can it create output which can be easily implemented in .doc / .rtf files?

General Software Discussion / Re: Delayed Cuts
« on: June 04, 2012, 06:01 AM »
Wonderful app, love the minimalism. I've used various start-up managers, but they are all bloated, with unnecessary options, graphic heavy interfaces, etc. No such problems with Delayed Cuts! Thank you for sharing.

So, if I understand correctly, I should replace SectionAte with ShapeShift + MoveIt?

Would you be interested in adding the possibility to change the grid layout (from A to F) with hot-keys? For example Ctrl+Shift+L A = layout A, etc.

Yeah, I know. That's the reason the programs that provide it charge like $29.95. It takes way too much work to accommodate a variable number of sections each with a variable percentage of screen space. To be honest I don't use grid myself much. I thought I'd take a shot at doing an easy version of it since I saw some mentioned on some forums.

I did not want to sound rude or demanding, I was merely stating my observations. What you did here is great.

But I can add the side by side grid. That's pretty easy. It's just every one added I have to modify the other 5 or 6 or 7 that come before it. But I can see side by side is useful. I should post it before the weekend is out. Thanks for the interest. :)

Thank you for adding it, works like a charm.

I've been following this small app of yours for some time now, and it never really clicked with me due to high number of required clicks. But with new hot-key integration it is just great, a real time saver...

Grid E is just a top/bottom 50 50 work area split. Win7 snap already does the side by side.

Could you add "side by side" anyway? I'm on XP, and I don't know how to add that. What'd be even better, is the option that'd enable the user to create grid elements and save them as custom template.

Living Room / Re: Donation gamer: Games to give
« on: May 24, 2012, 05:52 PM »
Skwire, I wouldn't mind picking up up those Zombie shooters!

I sent you the keys in a PM.  Enjoy.  =]

Thank you very much.

Living Room / Re: Donation gamer: Games to give
« on: May 19, 2012, 01:28 PM »
I have extra Iron Grip: Warlord on Steam, so if somebody is up to some CO-OP tower defense / RTS hybrid let me know.

Skwire, I wouldn't mind picking up up those Zombie shooters!

Steam name is same as here - Attronarch.

N.A.N.Y. 2009 / Re: NANY 2009 Release: Trout (audio player)
« on: April 28, 2012, 12:25 AM »
Since I'm using Trout as my main audio player, and I'd like to setup file associations. Is there an fast and easy way (like for example in Foobar2000) or I have to do it manually?

Yeah, manually.  Apologies.   :-[

And would you be interested in implementing such a feature in the future? :)

Also, I noticed a possible bug. When I deactivate some columns and press Ctrl + it will expand ALL columns, both active and inactive ones.

N.A.N.Y. 2009 / Re: NANY 2009 Release: Trout (audio player)
« on: April 27, 2012, 09:00 AM »
Great player, minimalistic to the bone. Although you do mention that Foobar2000 is your main player, but since I do not need most of its functions Trout is great replacement!

Since I'm using Trout as my main audio player, and I'd like to setup file associations is there an fast and easy way (like for example in Foobar2000) or I have to do it manually?

Also, could you please document new update (build 62)?

On the topic of low tech encryption - something like this might be useful.

I'm using Palemoon.

Also, it is worth noting that both searches WILL open in one browser window if browser was launched before searches. If searches are launched while browser isn't, two browser windows will open.

I can provide screenshots if needed.

Startpage includes google searches while "plain" Ixquick doesn't.


Wonderful, thank you.

Would it be possible that when both are used for search (Ctrl+Alt+Enter) only one browser window opens with two tabs? Currently two browser windows open.

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