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I don't translate it at the word level but at the meaning level :

Regulary check for upgrade at in the "Pure Basic" part.

At the launch of the program, you only need to plug your USB key or another removable USB / firewire (IEE1394) peripheral with an "Autorun.inf" file at the root (if you want that file be launch).

The "Autorun.inf" file need to contain only the name of the program or the file to launch. You can specify the relative path.

For example : your removable peripheral contain the program "Program.exe" and you want to execute it, you need to specify in the "Autorun.inf" the line : Program.exe
But if you want to launch the "File.txt" who is in "My_folder" folder then you need to write : My_folder\File.txt

This example is implemented in the "Autorun.inf" contain in the Zip archive.

The "Lancer au démarrage" option (ndt: "Launch at the start" in english  ;)) work at the registry level, so you don't need to care about a program warm who said it as be modified BUT you need to uncheck this option if you delete the program or if you move it in an other folder.

Oliv, adresse email : [email protected]

Hope it's help !

 ;D Thanks to Ampa and to all !
In real life I never win hasard game  ;)

I'm very happy with a new great piece of software now. :-*

Backup Guide / Re: Don't forget Syncback !!!!
« on: August 24, 2006, 12:52 PM »
I agree Armando,
I use SyncBack and True Image like you.
SB need to be more present in the DC forums  because it's a wonderful piece of program with lot of possibilities.

I'm usinf GTD since many years, but try to consolidate my system with PC's PDA's Papers Places ... So I'm in too ... to share and read all experiences and softwares testing   :)

PS: I'll buy MLO, when I read the wonderful post of GTD softwares by m_s  :Thmbsup:

Hi everybody,

I don't search a total / ultimate / uninstaller / watcher software but don't like the "Add and Remove Programs" cause  it's too slow and very basic.

I have used Safarp with a cool search function but now I use Uninstall Tool.



   * Great speed and small size, great quality
   * Multilingual, cool and simple interface
   * Portable - you can even run it from a usb flash drive
   * Allows you to display hidden installed programs
   * Display of a program's occupied size
   * Allows you to find fast the desired program while typing known letters
   * Enables to delete programs if their uninstaller fails
   * Navigate to selected program's registry entry, installation folder and it's web site
   * Saving (exporting to HTML) current installed software list
   * Running "Windows Components" applet

You can display hidden entry but ...   :tellme:
Do you know a how-to or a software to hide a program from the official list of "Add and Remove Programs" and see in Uninstall Tool list ?

Thx you !

PS: You see Carol, I try to post  ;).

Living Room / Re: I'm impressed with DonationCoder... Are you?
« on: August 05, 2006, 08:51 AM »
I read DC forum from a while but don't post (due to my bad english speaking).

I want to say that DC was one of my favorite place. The specs and design of the site rock's

I discover a lot of tips, great softwares in the forum; download lot of best shareware I use every days (thx Mouser).

The top of the top -> the spirit, the kindness and the bienvaillance of this community.

THX to ALL  :Thmbsup:

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