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Messages - jash [ switch to compact view ]

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N.A.N.Y. 2012 / Re: NANY 2012 Release: Ethervane Echo
« on: January 28, 2012, 09:11 AM »
1.  As requested earlier in this forum, I too would like an "always-on-top" feature. 

Done in the latest release (out now). Please let mew know if there are any problems.

Thank you tranglos for adding this feature.  It's working fine for me on my Win7 (64bit) machine -- only the "Help" submenu windows appear behind the main window when the feature is on.  Not to be ungrateful, but is there also a setting to keep the main window open/maximized after pasting clips?  A similar setting already exists for copying clips, but I couldn't find one for pasting clips.  Keep up the great work!

N.A.N.Y. 2012 / Re: NANY 2012 Release: Ethervane Echo
« on: January 15, 2012, 08:04 AM »
Hi Tranglos,

Your Jan 12th suggestion to look at "Tools -> Available Clipboard Formats" seems to have fixed my problem, so that selecting "sfPlainText" now works for me as intended.  The steps I took were:

1.  When I pulled up the Available Clipboard Formats list, it contained various custom formats as shown in the screenshot below.


2.  I removed all the custom formats from the list.  I also deleted all the related clips that were then stored in Echo.  As a precaution, I closed Echo and rebooted my computer.

3.  After rebooting, I copied and pasted some text clips in Word, Excel, Thunderbird and Evernote, and they are all are now being pasted by Echo in plain text -- rather than in original formatting.  I pulled up the Available Clipboard Formats list again.  It shows only the default formats in the screenshot below.  None of the custom formats has returned.


I think the custom formats may have gotten corrupted in, or were interfering with, my version of Echo.  Deleting them (and their related clips) did the trick for me.  Thanks for all your help!

N.A.N.Y. 2012 / Re: NANY 2012 Release: Ethervane Echo
« on: January 11, 2012, 08:54 PM »
2.  Is there a way to change the settings so that clips are pasted in plain text by default when I single-click on a clip?

Single-click? Then you could not navigate the tree (at least not with the mouse). You **can** have Echo paste as plain text by default (on Enter or double-click):

Preferences -> Pasting clips -> Priority formats -> select sfPlainText

Thank you tranglos for your quick reply.  I stand corrected.  I had meant "double-click" in my original post.  In any event, your recommendation to select "sfPlainText" does not seem to work for me:  clips are still being pasted with original formatting rather than in plain text.  Unless you are aware of a bug with "sfPlainText", I suppose the problem may well be on my end.  I'm running Ethervane Echo in portable mode on a Win7 64bit machine.

N.A.N.Y. 2012 / Re: NANY 2012 Release: Ethervane Echo
« on: January 11, 2012, 10:46 AM »
Ethervane Echo works great!  I really like it and have a comment and a question.

1.  As requested earlier in this forum, I too would like an "always-on-top" feature.  I like to keep the clipboard open on top of other applications while I work.  Setting the MinimizeOnDeactivate to "False" works to some degree, but requires me to lose some screen real estate.

2.  Is there a way to change the settings so that clips are pasted in plain text by default when I single-click on a clip?

Many thanks.

Pages: [1]