Messages - shmuel1 [ switch to compact view ]

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OK, I have to work on those 2 items.

Active scripting is probably why you can't save some webpages. See this article:
I might be able to make a script to quickly disable/enable active scripting. Let me know if you are interested.

The other option is just to make a PDF file out of the page.
Here's a free program to print almost anything to PDF format:

When you get tabs.htm as the file name, it means it's saving the page before it finished loading the desired webpage. I had that also, so I added some sleep time before saving the page. Since you are avoiding the dialog box, you need even more sleep time to let the page load before saving it.

Try adding Sleep(3000) before Line 46 Send("^s"). Adjust the sleep value to the amount of time that you need to load an average page.

Now if only there was a utility to say what combinations were in use already

Here's a free program for finding all your keyboard shortcuts:

Post New Requests Here / Re: [IDEA] Opening List of Links
« on: June 03, 2012, 06:15 AM »
If you hold down the CTRL key while you click each link, each one opens in a new tab. I don't know if a dedicated app would be any easier than that.

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