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Finished Programs / Re: Another small clipboard monitor
« on: July 13, 2013, 03:50 AM »
right click on the toolbar, you have some "hidden" options there.

Finished Programs / Re: Another small clipboard monitor
« on: July 12, 2013, 07:14 AM »
lets see.. please check the translation :)

feel free to comment about better shortcuts if you feel unconfortable with preset ones.

Finished Programs / Re: Another small clipboard monitor
« on: July 02, 2013, 07:26 AM »
this is the current version that i'm using now.

i translated it to spanish... (sorry, i can set it back to english if any interested).

now has extra features.

F2 - set date time
F12 - hide toolbar

right click on the toobar area, show extra functions like:

insert from top/bottom
adjust text
order text
remove blank lines
remove dupes
some caps functions
open/save clips to disk


is this being updated? looks like one year license, but.. 2008?  :-\

look sublime :P.

what do you mean? is a sublimenal message?

ok.. no jokes about sublime text editor.

EmEditor is a must have.  :-*

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