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Hello. I was trying to acomplish the following idea with autohotkey but I'm stuck on the remote aproach.

I'm a teacher and some of my students have strong atention issues (special needs, autism...).

Sometimes I have to get atention and my idea is to block the mouse and mute their computer on the ones that they are not listening me.

This helps me to stop any music/audio on their headphones and block their primary input, this should be enough.

I get some code from Skrommel, but I'm still thinking how to send the shortcut to their computer. No idea about the best way.

This is the starting code:

#m::                    ;win + m hotkey
if (x != 1)
    BlockInput, MouseMove
    x := 1
    Hotkey, LButton, DoNothing
    Hotkey, RButton, DoNothing
    Hotkey, XButton1, DoNothing
    Hotkey, XButton2, DoNothing
    SoundSet, +1, , Mute
if (x = 1)
 SoundSet, +1, , mute


Any feedback is appreciated.


General Software Discussion / Mydraw on BDJ
« on: April 01, 2018, 09:30 AM »
Hello guys, today MyDraw is on bitsdujour. Any user here to share some feedback?

I bought edraw some days ago, but I'm curious about MyDraw.

Me too  :Thmbsup:

End of 2014, but I prefer to rescue this thread.

syncovery: backup your stuff
the bat: my email client
xplorer2: I tryed almost all, but feel confortable with this one
sandboxie: a must have (period)
emeditor: fast text editor
cintanotes / swift to-do

happy holidays!

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