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General Software Discussion / Re: Is WinZip still worth updating?
« on: February 07, 2012, 07:43 AM »
im another winrar user... just surprised about many of you still use it as main compressor.

im confortable with the license policy of usb safely remove :)

ill not upgrade to zentimo.  :Thmbsup:

no need to improve the graphics to look like a pro.

many students can draw the player like a "ball", and the enemy like a "strawberry". (just joking a little.. there are many sprite resources with gamemaker, or 3rd party websites).

i think environments like gamemaker are atractive to students, because they can achieve fast results at first.. and they can add more complex code later.

in another side, i think many users will think they can have a game "like a pro" and they will be dissapointed, trying many software of this type. IMHO its great to start with this.. but you will not get the next call of duty :)


take a look to this... im teaching this one to my younger students, maybe it works for your task too.

Found Deals and Discounts / Re: One click backup 50%
« on: January 20, 2012, 12:58 PM »
im not sure.. still with xp  8)

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