« on: February 28, 2012, 06:09 PM »
finally i bite and bought reimage (with the 20% discount code.. yum!)
today i was playing with some system dlls trying to install an excel add on.
i got an ugly error with msvcrt.dll library. i googled, tryed to check dependencies, tryed to expand/register some dlls from the (original) windows xp cdrom, and so on.
i had a 2 month old complete backup, but i was lazy to restore and remembered about this thread.
downloaded the reimage software, and launched the test. I went to their website and opened their chat. I said about my dll problem and the support guy (sorry, i forgot his name) said me about my problem should be fixed.
i bought the 3 years plan, around 60 euro.. and i went to read the cnet reviews. to be honest, many 1 star ratings, talking about scam, about the product not works, about they not refund...
my first impresion... is very positive. My error was solved. The software replaced around 8150 files on my system (ok, tomorrow maybe i will see about my single error solved and i introduced 8149 in the system)
im not related with reimage company... and i will give you some detailed feedback in this thread.
sorry, i want to take some extra time to test, but i have good feeling with this tool.
PD: im the same guy who said that reimage was too much pricey :-[