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Screenshot Captor / Endpoint Text getting cut off
« on: September 15, 2006, 08:25 AM »
Bug report:

I noticed that the endpoint text attached to an arrow object can end up positioned outside the bounds of the current image. As long as the object definitions are saved you can't see it in the SSC editor, but if you copy the image to clipboard, or resize the canvas larger, or save it to a file without object definitions, it gets unceremoniously chopped off.

Whenever you get a chance to fix this, I have a related request -- if the arrow is exactly vertical or horizontal (not slanted at all), can the endpoint text be centered on the endpoint, rather than off to one side or the other? I imagine you'll probably also change the existing algorithm to position the text on the "inside" of the endpoint any time the endpoint is too close to the edge of the image?

Actually, if you can swing it, it might look really nice to continue allowing the text to go "outside" the image's bounds, if you can optionally expand the bounds of the image (resize the canvas) to make room for the endpoint text. Then we could have endpoint text "floating" outside the image on a transparent background.

I *love* the new post-capture popup dialog. Well, almost.  I would like it a little bit better if I had an option to copy to clipboard, dismiss the dialog, and discard the image all with one click.

- Kevin

PopUp Wisdom / Re: Copy to clipboard option?
« on: September 15, 2006, 06:40 AM »
this is posted in wrong section
Believe it or not, this forum is the target of the "Discuss Now" link on the MiniCap page...

but yes i will add this to minicap.

you might want to check out the new quick popup capture in screenshot captor, it has it already.
After I realized MiniCap didn't have that option, I grabbed the latest beta of ScreenshotCaptor and was very pleasantly surprised to see the new post-capture dialog. I have a comment on that too, but I'll post it in the right forum, OK?  ;)

- Kevin

PopUp Wisdom / Copy to clipboard option?
« on: September 14, 2006, 09:19 PM »
Any chance MiniCap could gain an option to copy the resulting image to the clipboard?

Regarding window minimization, just as an FYI for any readers who don't already know:

Alt+SpaceBar, followed by the letter N, minimizes the current window.
WinKey+M minimizes all (non-modal) windows.
WinKey+D shows/hides the desktop, so pressing it once minimizes all windows, and pressing it again restores all windows to their prior position.

- Kevin

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