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General Software Discussion / Re: Fastest note taking tool?
« on: August 12, 2014, 08:56 PM »
Notation might fit the bill.

I just started testing it myself, and I like it so far. Just hit WINKEY+N and start typing your note, then ESC to hide again. In the next release, according to a comment on lifehacker, the developer plans to add a Markdown preview as well (for now, it processes markdown to html when exporting). I'm also hoping for some form of Dropbox sync feature..

How about Faststone Capture? It ticks most of those boxes, and is both easy to use, and have been updated regularly over several years. Do note that it's not free though, so if that's a requirement then you'd have to look elsewhere.

Directory Opus (no other file manager even comes close, and I've got licenses for several others I've tried over the years).
Sublime Text (best text editor on *any* platform! Easily worth the asking price).
JRiver Media Center (I've got this running pretty much 24/7 on a secondary monitor. Deals with large media libraries better than most).
Firefox (my go-to browser used to be Opera, but then they went and made that Chrome-shell-thing, so yeah..).
Mailbird (pretty email programs doesn't not live exclusively on OSX any longer).
Steam (what use are my twin Titans without something to do 8)).
PuTTY (manage servers).

What you need to do is remove annotations. You don't need any extensions to do this, just head into youtube settings and find the following option:

General Software Discussion / Re: Directory Opus 11 Released!
« on: March 06, 2014, 09:09 AM »
I purchased an upgrade license the day it was released (was very pleasantly surprised that those of us that tested the beta version got an additional discount :Thmbsup:), and I don't really see how the pricing is cause for concern, if you're like me and spend *many* hours a week using it. I suppose it depends on where in the world you live, but what I think of when considering the price of ~ $40 USD I paid for the upgrade is that...:

- Over here that's just north of the price of a 6-pack of beer, if purchased in a store.
- Any given night down at the pub with friends will cost me twice that amount, at least (just a pint of beer frequently cost >= $15 USD).
- Most new games released on consoles retail for (converted from NOK to USD) ~ $84-100 USD.
- New bluray movies usually retail for (converted from NOK to USD) $30 USD and up.

Yeah...considering how ridiculously many hours I've spent in DO I find the price perfectly acceptable.

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