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Living Room / Re: Lost my father
« on: June 06, 2012, 02:55 PM »
My condolences, too.

I've lost my older brother 12 years and my father 11 years ago (and I was 26 at that time) and even I don't know what to say to somebody
to support him in his grief. It's a german saying "Die Zeit heilt alle Wunden" (time heals all wounds) but unfortunately this is completely untrue ;(

When time goes by it's only getting a tiny bit better.

I wish you all the best.


Post New Requests Here / Re: Little modification to menuak.ahk
« on: June 05, 2012, 07:02 PM »
Try to replace all launcher.ini occurrences with:

Mh, there is Evernote. Free (with a paid plan if you're a heavy user).
Why should I spend money for a note taking client that isn't even able to store pictures in a note? Hey, it's 2012, not 1990...

Thanks for the review. Would you mind clarifying what are the features of the program that the donation unlocks, so I can use it at its full potential?

Registered Users Features
√ Learning Mode which provides notifications for blocked outgoing connections.
√ Lock the current state of the program and Windows Firewall with password.
√ Reset a forgotten password used to lock the current state of the program.


Your "regex" is wrong.


is what you need. It'll find findandsetup and all other combinations of findand <everything> setup.

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