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Post New Requests Here / Re: IDEA: Drag Drop renamer
« on: November 03, 2018, 03:04 AM »
Once I know how it works, it shouldn't be a problem.

Examples are good especially if regex is involved :)

I use a number of Skwire's utils that use regex and can normally muddle my way through. :)

If it uses regex and has a result preview option, even better. :)

I do have Bulk Rename Utility installed if that helps. :)

Post New Requests Here / Re: IDEA: Drag Drop renamer
« on: November 03, 2018, 02:56 AM »
Restatement of requirements

A user resizeable interface window which contains a variable number of tiles approximately 150px square.

Each tile should have the ability to allow an image thumbnail in place or overlayed on the tile

When one, or many files are dragged from Windows and "dropped" onto the appropriate tile. A predefined rename function should auto-magically be performed on the file(s)

Ideally this rename function is immediate, or in a running queue, so the original file is updated as soon as resources are available. ( This is to accommodate the possible effect of a renaming large group of files)

Does that make it easier?

Post New Requests Here / Re: IDEA: Drag Drop renamer
« on: November 03, 2018, 02:48 AM »
To intrude once more lightly into this thread.. A long while ago I wrote a program called Drag and Drop Robot:
That program let you drop files into a window and ran a batch commandline on each.

*IF* you could separate your needs into a gui drag and drop tool, and a commandline renamer, it wouldn't be too hard to take the Drag and Drop Robot Code and make it so there was a grid of drop targets with associated images, and a separate commandline specified for each target.  Dropping files onto a target cell would simply queue that commandline up in the batch queue.

Having said all that, it's still an interesting idea of kodezwerg or someone else wants to make a more dedicated renamer tool..
Interesting. Second coffee has arrived. :)

I will restate the requirement, which might make for an easier to split the functions, and your idea may then work.

Post New Requests Here / Re: IDEA: Drag Drop renamer
« on: November 03, 2018, 02:27 AM »
After first coffee

I will add the original source location should be from outside the utility, so once I catch up, I can wildcard the originating windows folders and work across a few.. We see about 150 species, but there is no real upper limit.

Just yesterday a little over 1000 images were added to the stack. :)

Post New Requests Here / Re: IDEA: Drag Drop renamer
« on: November 03, 2018, 02:21 AM »
If i may stick to my written text and your reply....

you mean the steps where i told about fileoperations and what boxes are doing... you want in fact virtual folders?

i mean....
the "boxes" thing what i mentioned and on screenshot displayed as large icons on right side

those should have some kind of "playlist" (stored locations of added files, just names, no actual files)
and my "execute" button will just rename original files in original folders and add them to selectex box.
opening a box will open something that look, feel and smell like explorer with whatever files you added.

that right?
Sorry, As mentioned in my reply to mouser, I am still digesting what you wrote. :)
It was a bit late last night for thinking too much. :) And I have read through a couple of times, slowly building in my mind a picture of what you propose.

Give ma a chance to down a few coffee, and I will have another read through this morning.

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