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Finished Programs / Re: IDEA: Simple Duplicate Folder Finder
« on: May 03, 2012, 11:31 AM »
Many thanks as always for a simple, but sweet utility. Has saved me about 3 hours work every few days

Finished Programs / Re: IDEA: Simple Duplicate Folder Finder
« on: May 02, 2012, 12:25 PM »
Hi Jody, you got it. Its to find duplicate FOLDER names. I supply a number of locations across different drives, and ONLY those locatins need to be checked to see if they contain duplicate folders, no recursion needed. And the only action then is to add a + at the front which effectively gets the folders to the top of the list, which is in this case a Library view.

I then manually check contents, move from one folder to the other and delete whats unwanted, including the empty folder. I then manually remove the "+" from the folder

Finished Programs / Re: DONE: 1-action Unzip
« on: May 01, 2012, 01:57 PM »
Close, but I dunno if this is a quirk on just my machine or not, when it extracts it seems like the folder isn't created, so when it puts the archive into the folder, it looks like it's gone! However, Right Click - Refresh makes it appear.

Any advice?

(In a related note, another app that modifies show/don't show file extensions needs a refresh too.)

Windows 7 ? There is a known issue with explorer refresh in Win 7 32/64bit. I have not yet seen a solution for myself, but there are some suggestions out there that some seem to have had sucess with

Finished Programs / Re: IDEA: Simple Duplicate Folder Finder
« on: May 01, 2012, 11:30 AM »
Have to say, didn't like the Util, seemed to take ages installing. In fact it took longer to install/uninstall, than its actual life on the machine. Which sets the spider senses tingling :)

Unfortunately it doesn't seem to allow for multi drives, which is essential, but apparently can find duplicates if they are in different folders on the drive. Which as I know there are no duplicates on each drive, as all folders are in a single top level direcory, makes it pointless.

I have tried many duplicate finders over the years, though most look for exact dupes, and some patern matching. Unfortunately all those I have seen want you to process all the items in the list, rather than provide a simple tagging system so you can come back at a later time, or even share the load if networked.

The util I seek has no need to delete any folders or files, just rename them, (stick a "+" at the front)  I can do the deciding and deleting

Finished Programs / DONE: Simple Duplicate Folder Finder
« on: April 29, 2012, 06:07 AM »
There are many file finders out there, and many folder finders based on content, but I am looking for what should be something simple

I want to be able to automatically search defined locations,  for duplicate folder names, 1st level only, no recursion necessary.
Each duplicate is then prepended by a "+". There is no risk of collision as the searched folders can not have duplicates anyway.
There are currently over 12000 folders which are continually being added to

My concept
Define location by Windows library, or, Define location by Drive\Directory
If Windows library can be used, it already holds all the Drive\Directory locations, and if further locations are added to the library, they are effectively added automatically.

The locations can either be directly entered into a config file as they will in general, not change between sessions.

The minimum interface I can see is a start button and a finished notification

Where more than one instance of a filename exists , each gets prepended by a "+"

c:\My Search Folder1\Compare1
c:\My Search Folder1\Compare2
d:\My Search Folder2\Compare2
e:\My Search Folder3\Compare3

c:\My Search Folder1\Compare1
c:\My Search Folder1\+Compare2
d:\My Search Folder2\+Compare2
e:\My Search Folder3\Compare3

And that's it!

I am not looking for the major automation many utils provide, I am just looking for the folders the dupes may reside, so they can be physically checked. the "+" puts them at the top of the directory, and when physically checked, the duplicates not required are deleted, and the "+" removed from the remaining folder.

This follows the practice of employers asking what you earned in your last job.

The answer is NO, when they ask why, you say it was in the contract you had with your previous employer that you not disclose the information, and you assume they have similar terms. And if they still insist on knowing, point out that as they have no regard for legal contracts, they are implying they will accept without contention you telling any future employer what they paid.

It falls into the category of '"If I told you, I would have to kill you" :)

Sorry for not seeing this before, not been online much over the last few weeks. I am proof life can exist without computers ! :)

A question on the second use of the utility, would it default to the previously used save location? If so it could work.
One of the issue I have found when opening multiple internet explorers is that sometimes you get offered different default locations depending on which session or child from a session is uin use

Could the default location be defined in a config file ? Would that then allow for auto save?

Does the filename auto increment if a duplicate is found?

Again another thing I seem to keep doing repetitively, which might find advantage in reduced steps.

Provide a window where a save destination can be defined
Window should have options for always on top or normal

Allow the user to past or preferably drag drop from a URL link and save the target for the link in 'Full HTML' format (Webpage complete - The one with the folder) or 'MHT'
Include auto rename to increment duplicate filenames.

Existing process
Right Click
Save target as
Select destination, which dependant on which window you come from may not provide the last used destination.
Change Filename if required
Though this does not provide Full HTML

To get Full HTML
Open link
Save as
Select Destination
Select Full HTML

New process
left click
drag link to application window

It may only seem a small saving but after hundreds of links it can make a big difference

Does something already do this , and I have yet to find it?

Post New Requests Here / IDEA: Batch Folder>Customize>Folder Picture
« on: February 24, 2012, 03:48 PM »
This may already exist somewhere on the net, but as usual, knowing what terms to use in the search to find it, is the hardest part.

Select a Windows Folder right click->Properties->Customize->Folder Pictures

This allows us to use an image for the folder.

I know the Link is stored in the desktop.ini that is created

Sample .ini

The idea I have is to allow this creation for multiple folders at one time, as in reality one by one will just never happen when there are more than only a small number.

In my case the folder will only contain one  .jpg but to give greater flexibility and appeal, maybe it should use the first image encountered.

If its possible to use relative paths, that would be even better as you could then move the folder without losing the image
OK it looks as though if we use
The image is looked for in the current folder

Its possible that an earlier idea may provide a basis for this one https://www.donation...ex.php?topic=28447.0

I have a few renamers already, that perform similar to the one you mention For complex bulk changes I use Bulk Rename Utility

The scenario I am working with is one my one basis, rather than bulk.
Mainly where folders are concerned, the paste buffer would likely be some content from inside the folder

That would be brilliant, but you forgot the bit where it charges it to Santa's account, and not mine :)

I have been using a neat utility CopyFilenames for some time, and find it very useful. It allows for easy filename replacement with the clipboard content without having to put the filename/foldername field into edit mode, (which can sometimes be detected as a double click if your too quick)

This idea is along similar lines

Highlight Filename
Right Click
"Paste Prefix Filename" (This would prefix the existing filename with the contents of the clipboard)
"Paste Suffix Filename" (This would suffix the existing filename with the contents of the clipboard)

secondary options that may be of less use to others
"Paste Prefix - Filename" (This would prefix the existing filename with the contents of the clipboard seperated by " -")
"Paste Suffix - Filename" (This would suffix the existing filename with the contents of the clipboard seperated by " -")

Another set of options that might be of use
"Paste Prefix Date - Filename" (This would prefix the existing filename with the current date seperated by " -")
"Paste Suffix Date - Filename" (This would suffix the existing filename with the current date seperated by " -")

All these might best live in a sub menu of "Paste Append" to avoid putting too much in the main right click menu

I can also see the possibility of a configuration file being needed to allow for changing the seperator and the Date Format  for those needing a slight variation


Now using your telepathy, what is the next idea I have in mind for a simple utility? :)

Not really necessary, as each usage would likely use a different data set.

Although resizing might be good for very large lists, its only really important to cases where the output is larger, and even then its not of major importance

The original concept was the results numbered sequentially, but as they appear on screen in order they are selected, its not necessary.

This meets the design requirement very well, many thanks.

I installed CHS and LAB, give me a month and I might have figured them out :)

Simple idea, I think. :) Pulling names from a digital Hat

Provide a scrollable text area for the user to type of paste a list, each line being a new choice

Provide a means to define how many items to randomly select

Provide a second scrollable text area to display the results from the randomised selection, with a numerical identifier (for reference) and in their order of selection

Although I have found facilities on the net to, randomly select an item from a list. They seem only to pull 1 item, and there is a security risk of passing the list across the net

DC Website Help and Extras / SPAM email
« on: December 10, 2011, 07:36 AM »
Just a Heads Up -

I am guessing someone has gained access to the email addresses used on the board, either through being a member or hacking

The address I use on the forum is only used here, and the emails are purportedly from [email protected].,

Its scoring 12.6 as SPAM

Now all i have to do to claim the 12,500,000.....

May be worth looking at, as you are probably aware, getting blocked by servers can be a real PITA

Post New Requests Here / IDEA: Hide Unused Network Locations
« on: December 08, 2011, 05:33 PM »
Dear Santa

I am using Win7-64

Scenario- in Explorer (Computer), when you plug in a USB divice with a drive letter, an icon appears  with name and drive letter, when you unplug, it disappears. Effectively you see what is available.

Now to the issue - Network Locations. There are two ways of adding Network Locations
A/Mapping a Network drive (This provides a drive letter)
B/Add a Network Location (No drive letter)

In A, when a location is unavailable we get a red cross against the icon
In B, from what I have seen so far the icon, a folder connected to the network, does not change

Ideally they should act in the same way as External drives and dis sapear when not available (though retaining their mapping so they appear on connection)

Why do i use my system this way? Having multiple external drives, can be a drain on available drive letters, in fact you can run out :) , so by mounting them in folders and don't allocate drive letters, and am therefore not limited by the alphabet. Secondary advantage is i can share these mappings on the network so other computers see them as I do, which means when certain cataloguing programs are run from any machine, they will update without issue. If drive letters are used, each machine can end up with different mappings dependant on what else they have installed.

Solution a util that automatically hides unused locations, and makes visible when available. Though I have a feeling it may not be possible ?

I believe that the removal of redundant folders is already included in WinRAR from version 3.90, so if the OP is using WinRAR

Options > Settings >Compression - Remove redundant folders from extraction path

I have done a little further research and found a utility, that may have some of the code needed, or at least give ideas
on how what I have suggested may be done.
Send Folder to Dialog Window - from Explorer or Context Menu

OK I have been using this great util for some time now and can see a possible improvement in the original idea
The icons would be user defined, though I have created 5 icons set, 1 for each percentage. Each set has several size icons. They are based on the MS icons of Windows 7, though I am not sure if copyright apples as they are modifed from the original. Basically they are a standard yellow folder, that fills with red from the bottom. The greater teh content of the folder the more red is shown

Empty folder -      Green
<100MB               Yellow (default)
100MB-<1GB         25% Red
1GB-<10GB           50% Red
10GB-<50GB          60% Red
50GB-<100GB        80% Red
>100GB               100% Red

There are two parts to the idea

First and probably the simplest (Delete)

Select and right click a file. Select from the context menu "Delete Parent Folder", this would delete the file selected, all other files in the Parent Folder and the Parent Folder itself.

Second (Move)

Select and right click a file. Select from the context menu "Move Parent Folder", this would then expand to another level and offer a selection of (user) pre-defined destinations*, selection of which would move the file, all other files in the Parent Folder and the Parent Folder itself to the selected destination.

(user) pre-defined destinations* - This may have a field where an new entry may be added to the options, and a delete option like in IE 9's address pull-down.

There may be a need for a confirmation dialogue for delete move

This might also fit as "Move Parent to" in the context menu next to Send to
With the sub-menu being
Recycle Bin           Delete
New Location        Enter New Location
Location 1
Location 2

Others may also find a third option of "Copy Parent to" useful, though personally I have no use

With the fact you can drag - drop the directory you want to process, it is very quick. multi-locations are not really necessary, unless your working with lots, then a multi-line field where each line contains a folder to be processed, may be useful

I have now used the util almost every day, and it has saved quite a bit of time.

The only improvements I can see other than above

1- Nested folders ( as mentioned before by Jody)

I have also played with Jody's source code, as I am still trying to get my head around how ahk works (maybe in another 20 years, I will achieve from scratch what Jody's has done here)
But i did succede in getting it to change the icon if it didnt contain a .jpg

Which leads me onto the possibility of multiple rules e.g.

Emtpy folder - red icon
Missing .jpg  - blue icon
Has      .txt  - orange icon


each line would have a selector at the end, and only 1 line selectable

The only other option would be a combined rule where multiple criteria match give a specific colour icon

In all cases the standard yellow folder is displayed as being not needing attention

However thir developes in the future I am sure it will be good

Lol, your thinking ahead. I didn't even think of trying it :)

Finished Programs / Re: SOLVED: Log off & Standby in 1-Click
« on: October 28, 2011, 11:14 AM »
Have you looked at Boot Snooze by our estemed moderator ? Boot Snooze Its a slightly different approach

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